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Heavy Rain


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*BUMP* Spoilers.



I'm not all that far into it at the moment, I'm just arriving at the garage to start the first 'puzzle' part of the story so to speak, but I'm really loving it. The music and the emotion is brilliant.


For all intents and purpose I'm making the 'good' choices at the moment...

I tucked my son in to bed, I turned back as the Detective and saved the 'prostitute', saved the shopkeeper, as the Agent I kept my cool when arguing, didn't take the drugs and also didn't shoot the suspect etc...


I tell you what though, this game is not good for my perfectionist nature!... If I make the slightest mistake in terms how my choices going wrong I want to restart the chapter! :p


For example I was sneaking up behind the mugger in the minimart and the 'shake controller down appeared' to hit the guy, but my action didn't register and he pointed the gun at me... I had to restart!

Also when it came to leaving the motel room, I thought the 'up' or 'down' on screen was indicating how I wanted to leave the hotel room, and not whether to put the shoebox on the table or under the bed. He put it on the table and I had to restart! :p


Also I could not for the life of me remember the colour of my son's clothing when being questioned by the police, I mean seriously that's some tough stuff, you don't expect to have to be paying such attention like that!


However, I'm now thinking maybe I should just go with it all.


I'm fascinated by some of the alternative choices, such as walking away from the 'prostitute' and not going back, Just going up to bed and not looking after the son properly etc.



Also... Hot chick got naked.


Glad to see that you're enjoying it. It's a cracking game/experience and worth at least 1 full play through.


I think it's best to just play the game as is and not worry about any choices you make or events you miss. That's where the replay value comes into play. :)

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For me the game has no replay value because the killer doesn't change from play-through to play-through. Obviously it would have been an impossible task to make that possible but durrr, that's life.


Definitely a fun experience though. One scenario had my adrenaline going more than anything else I've ever played in a videogame so it gets serious props for that.


The murderous doctor part.


Christ on a fucking bike. When it goes split-screen and you see him coming back from answering the door - genius, but cruel.


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I've actually been trying to get back into this in the last couple of days, too :eek: It's my brother's old PS3.. and his Heavy Rain.. but I had done a good few chapters a year or two ago and decided I wanted to carry on with the story. I can't really remember what happened at the start but I'm feeling my way back into it. Having said that, I can't quite recall how certain characters are linked :red:


I have to say, though, that I enjoyed what I played tonight with some intense moments thrown in :eek: In particular, I knew I was doing a really bad thing but I felt genuine guilt when..


..I shot the guy who had two young daughters



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I've actually been trying to get back into this in the last couple of days, too :eek: It's my brother's old PS3.. and his Heavy Rain.. but I had done a good few chapters a year or two ago and decided I wanted to carry on with the story. I can't really remember what happened at the start but I'm feeling my way back into it. Having said that, I can't quite recall how certain characters are linked :red:


I have to say, though, that I enjoyed what I played tonight with some intense moments thrown in :eek: In particular, I knew I was doing a really bad thing but I felt genuine guilt when..


..I shot the guy who had two young daughters



You monster! :D


Yeah, you probably should have started again if things were a little hazy. The game is very much story driven and requires you to know what's went on for you to get the most out of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Hero\-of\-Time Yeah I completed it yesterday, was gonna post in here.


Loved it, fantastic game!

I think I got the 'Good' Best possible ending...



I had all 4 main characters make it,


Ethan saved his Son and both of them walked out alive and went to choose a new apartment. (though is there a situation where Madison joins them?... maybe if you sleep with her?... but then can you still get the best ending?)


Madison drove her bike round outside the warehouse like a crazy person before going inside to see Ethan. She then went on TV and wrote a book about it (complete with new villain coming to see her!)


Jayden fought Scott on the conveyor belt and after saving him once, Scott got mangled.

Jayden then went on TV and got a proper office! :p

He also stayed off the ARI drugs, although ARI now seems to have somewhat taken him over/he can use it outside of the programme? I thought the tanks were kinda cool... his way of letting himself know that that's enough ARI for one session (as in the final ARI use in the game, if you stay in it too long your eyes start to bleed!), thought it was a nice twist that it was ARI actually hurting him and not that he was a druggie (though an addict in a sense)


Lauren ended up spitting on Scotts grave.




Have to say I wasn't sure what to make of the revelation that Scott was the killer...


It kind of makes certain things you were doing as him not make any sense?!


I get that instead of going round all these places investigating, you were actually going round collecting up some evidence... but why is he only doing that now.

Also it's a bit of a trick having you play out the Clock shop scene different to how it actually took place!


But the most confusing this is the whole Kramer side story...


What was the point of it?... was it because he was trying to frame someone else for the murders?...


Actually more so was the scene where he went to find the grave with Lauren... why? Just to keep he busy?... and then the way he hid from the Kramer's with her and investigated.


But still, actually thinking back on it isn't too bad to try and understand, just a bit jarring.




In terms of decisions I made:


As Ethan I did all the challenges apart from the 4th one of shooting the father, which seems a lot of people don't do.


I also played the 'good cop' as Jayden.


and yeah, kept everyone in it until the end.


I thought the game was brilliant, and as soon as I'd finished I wanted more, wanted it to keep going!


Luckily I then found the Move Edition has the First Chronicles DLC pre-installed on it, so I got on that, but it's really quite short! I got Madison out alive. When was it supposed to be set? In an investigation she's doing after the game is over I guess?


Gonna leave it a while I think, but I'd definitely like to give it another playthrough! So many options, almost too many really!


Can Jayden die right at the beginning on the train tracks? If so... what happens to his side of the story?

In fact there seems to be plenty of instances throughout where a character might die.


Also wonder how it plays out if just turn down all the trials.


We Need A Sequel! :D (I know there's Beyond, but these characters were pretty great!)

Edited by Retro_Link
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There are actually very few instances throughout the game where the characters can die. Way fewer than you'd think. If they do die, the game plays out the same way but without that character's scenes, and obviously the finale plays out differently depending on which characters make it to the warehouse.


Not doing any of the trials means that Ethan can't find the right warehouse. Finishing all of them will give you the exact location, while finishing a certain number of them will give you several locations to choose from. If you don't finish enough trials, you won't get a chance to choose a location at all.


I think one of the more annoying things about the plot is how Ethan's amnesia and the origami cranes get dropped halfway through and are never mentioned again. Why did Ethan wake up in the middle of the street with an origami crane? Well, it's because


Madison joins Ethan and his son if you decide to romance her, yes. I'm not sure why you think sleeping with her would keep you from getting the best ending?


I don't think the game has that much replay value. Other than the finale and the endings, the entire game plays out almost exactly the same way no matter which choices you make. And, of course, some scenes are missing if a character dies. It's a lot of fun the first time, but once you realize just how little your choices actually matter, that kind of ruins it. :p


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Just wondered if that slippery slope you climb as Jayden could kill you if you fall from the top, as if you slip at the base he almost stumbles on to it, and trains do pass through there.


I thought sleeping with Madison might not get you the best ending, because you're sexing her, waking up several hours later, when really you should be off finding your son.


Yeah I think I had 3 locations to choose from for Ethan maybe, but I listened to the tape recording of the harbour sounds, and that just made it obvious.




Regarding Ethan's blackout's/waking up in the road with an origami figure... yeah it's not explained/is a bit strange, but I just made the guess that Scott's possible drugging him somehow or something... after all he needs to get Ethan out the way to take his Son, and then leave him the origami clue to set him on the scene. Having said that... it happens in the game twice, so why doesn't the son go missing after the first instance?

... perhaps the first instance (and any time it might happen before that) is just to make Ethan doubt himself.


(but yeah it could have done with an explanation, when you face off at the warehouse maybe.)


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Looking around, the earliest Jayden can die is when he's facing Mad Jack, while the earliest Madison can die is when she visits the doctor. The only way for Ethan to die before the finale is if he gets arrested twice. Scott is invincible until the finale, obviously.


Speaking of weird plot things, I thought the scene where Scott went all Max Payne and killed about a dozen bad guys felt really out of place. :p


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That shoot up did seem out of character, I mean OK you're pissed, but to just shoot everyone!

Made it seem even more strange when I gave the guy his heart attack pills afterwards. :p


Another thing was that throughout the story I hadn't been hitting on Lauren... you get a couple of chances to get a bit closer to her, but I always kept it professional. Yet when she gets on the train, the two of them full on kiss, which made me wonder if anything I'd done up to that had made any difference, or if a save had gone wrong somewhere.


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I think it's possible the game just assumes that Scott and Lauren develop feelings for each other no matter how you act towards her. You can be attracted to someone without showing it, after all! Plus, no one can resist this face:




Letting Lauren drown is actually the only way for Scott to get away with everything, so while she ends up being pretty unimportant in the good ending, she does end up affecting how bad the bad ending is.



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