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I was just wandering if the idea of temporary loans might kick off. Instead of buying games off other members, you can just loan them out for a month or so and then send them back after the loan period.


What do you think?


To make things clearer, for example, I would lend out my old copy of Mass Effect to someone in return for their copy of FEAR. And then after the loan period, you would send tha games back. In that way, someone is getting to play my copy of Mass Effect, whilst I get to play a new game!


Some basic tips when trading:


1) It's highly recommended you send games by recorded delivery - this allows you to claim (up to £36) in the event of a game going missing, and also verifies that the game has been received. When it comes to returning games you MUST use recorded delivery, as you're sending someone else's property.


2) It's highly recommended you send only the game disc in a jewel case/plastic cover (not the full boxed game with manual). This minimises the likelihood of someone stealing your game as it's much more difficult to sell on a disc on its own. It also reduces postage costs!


3) To avoid unnecessary clutter, exchanges should be discussed by PM.


Here is a list of members interested in this scheme and their games:




For trade


Mass Effect (360)

Gears of War (360)



Interested in


FEAR (360)

The Orange Box (360)




For Trade


GTA4 (360)

PGR4 (360)

Forza 2 (360)

Mario Kart Wii Wii

Mario Galaxy (Wii)


Interested in


Metroid Prime Corruption (Wii)

Zelda Twilight Princess (Wii)

Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles (Wii)

Boom Blox (Wii)

No More Heroes (Wii)


*Triforce Keeper*


For Trade


Viva Pinata (360)

GTA 4 (360

Eternal Sonata (360

Gran Turismo 5 - Prologue (PS3) Loaned to Strider

Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)

Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz (Wii)

Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)


Interested in


Heavenly Sword - PS3Loaned from Strider

Soul Calibre 4 - PS3

Overlord - PS3

Beautiful Katamari - 360

Bioshock - 360

Lost Odyssey - 360

Super Smash Bros Brawl - Wii

Mario Kart Wii - Wii

Harvest Moon Magical Melody - Wii

Kororinpa - Wii

Super Paper Mario - Wii




For Trade


Forza 2 (360)

Guitar Hero 2 (360)

The Orange Box (360)


Interested in:


Blue Dragon (360)

Mass Effect (360)

Enchanted Arms (360)

Oblivion (360)

Virtua Fighter V (360)




For Trade


Guitar Hero 2 (360)

Crackdown (360)




For Trade


Heavenly Sword (PS3) Loaned to triforce_keeper

Devil May Cry 4 (PS3)

Resistance (PS3)

Motorstorm (PS3)

Mario Galaxy (Wii)

Mario Strikers (Wii)

Super Paper Mario (Wii)

Resident Evil 4 (Wii)

Zelda Twilight Princess (Wii)

Metroid Prime (GC)

Wind Waker (GC)

Mario Sunshine (GC)

Animal Crossing Wild World (DS)

Advance Wars Dark Conflict (DS)


Interested in


GT Prologue (PS3)Loaned from triforce_keeper

Uncharted (PS3)

Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (PS3)

Lair (PS3)

Rainbow 6 Vegas 1 and 2 (PS3)

Mario Kart (Wii)

Lego Star Wars Complete Trilogy (Wii)

Zelda hourglass (DS)

New Super Mario Bros (DS)

MGS Twin Snakes (GC)




For Trade


Halo3 (360)

COD4 (360)

FOrza2 (360)

Gears (360)

Mass effect (360)

DMC4 (360)

Bioshock (360)

Prey (360)

Darkness (360)

Fear (360)

MEdal of Honor (360)

Army of 2 (360)

GTA4 (360)

CandC3 (360)

CandC kanes wrath (360)

Fifa07 (360)

GRAW2 (360)

Dead Rising (360)

Crackdown (360)

Phantasy Star (360)

Viva Pinata (360)

Viva Pinata party animals (360)

Lego Star Wars (360)

Lego Star Wars complete saga (360)

Blue Dragon (360)

Lost Odyssey (360)

Stranglehold (360)

Football manager 2006 (360)





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I would be incredibly wary about members and myself lending out items..whats to say you get them back?


There's always gonna be an element of risk but what could be done, is only send the disk itself in a dvd case to minimise people trying to keep/sell them on.

Maybe instead of a loaning thing, a 1:1 lend might be better...


i.e I lend you Mass Effect, you lend me Blue Dragon, something like that.


Thats what I was thinking of in the first place...maybe I didn't set it out clearly enough....:(


This is a fairly good idea, I'd do this for some of the shittier games I wouldn't be willing to spend money on.


Yeh exactly or for older games that people are a bit bored with and wouldn't mind trading with other members.


Post your name in this thread (in favour of the scheme) and I'll try to make a group of some sort on NE!


: peace: : peace:


Ah I see what you mean now, originally it just seemed that one person loans and gets nothing in return, at least with selling you have paypal etc.


It is a nice idea, somebody may have to keep track specially if it's a monthly basis, four weeks and you may tend to forget.

Yeah I like sounds of this, I haven't got many games though but yeah sure whatever.


Awesome! I'll make a list of interested members and maybe you could post a list of your games up? Then I'll add it to the first post.



I'd be up for this if it was a multiformat thing.


I guess there's no harm in that. As long as you clearly specify which format...obviously. :indeed::smile:


For those of you who are interested, post lists of games that you have to trade, and games that you would like in return. Then I'll update the original post. Look at my first post and see how I did it for guidance.


Great idea :D


Games for trade:


Xbox 360:


Viva Pinata




Eternal Sonata




Gran Turismo 5 - Prologue



Super Mario Galaxy


Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz


Zelda: Twilight Princess



Interested in? Can't think. Just ask XD


Games I have.


GTA4 (360)

PGR4 (360)

Forza 2 (360)

Mario Kart Wii (Wii)

Mario Galaxy (Wii)


Games I want


Metroid Prime Corruption (Wii)

Zelda Twilight Princess (Wii)

Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles (Wii)

Boom Blox (Wii)

No More Heroes (Wii)

Great idea :D


Interested in? Can't think. Just ask XD


I would be interested in this.


Games up for Trade




Forza 2

Guitar Hero 2

The Orange Box


Guys, you are much more likely to get a trade if you actually post a list of games you want in return. It will only elongate the process if members start asking if X would be ok to trade with. Basically it would be much easier as it will lead to posts such as this:


Hey rokhed, wanna trade Mario Kart Wii for zelda?


Don't mind how long for ^_^


P.S Updated original post showing complete list of potential trades as well as some tips when trading!


I would be interested in pretty much any RPG or as well as other games on the 360 so;


Blue Dragon

Mass Effect

Enchanted Arms


Virtura Fighter V

I would be interested in pretty much any RPG or as well as other games on the 360 so;


Blue Dragon

Mass Effect

Enchanted Arms


Virtura Fighter V


Cheers mate. :smile:


P.s check ur pm's


I've replied to your PM mate.


lol can't believe that. I meant to type Eternal Sonata but I put Enchanted Arms instead. I would be intrested in Enchanted Arms though even if it is pretty old (and a bit shit). Anyway its Eternal Sonata I'm really after especially after Rob's glowing review of it.


Ok urrrm lemme think...


Interested in...


Heavenly Sword - PS3


Soul Calibre 4 - PS3


Overlord - PS3



Beautiful Katamari - 360


Bioshock - 360


Lost Odyssey - 360



Super Smash Bros Brawl - Wii


Mario Kart Wii - Wii


Harvest Moon Magical Melody - Wii


Kororinpa - Wii


Super Paper Mario - Wii



That better? XD

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