Hero-of-Time Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 I've just read this over on Kotaku and GoNintendo. Quote Is Sega dipping into the well of Dreamcast franchises again? That's what we heard from friendlier folks at Comic-Con last week, specifically that the publisher was planning on bringing back one of its more beloved franchises, Jet Grind Radio. After outings on the Dreamcast and Xbox, we haven't seen anything of the futuristic inline-skater since 2003's Jet Set Radio for the Game Boy Advance. We were overly excited to hear a rumor that Sega was planning on reintroducing the series, this time on the Wii. Sure, that may conjure up less than appealing Wii Remote waggling during tagging and inline skate attachments, but we'd be thrilled to take whatever we can get. Just give us cel-shaded graphics, an awesome soundtrack and Wii MotionPlus support, Sega, and we'll love you forever. Sega's recently filed trademark, dated July 24, 2008 and separate from the original, Dreamcast era trademark, certainly has us thinking that a Jet Grind Radio update is more likely. Im sure this will make alot of people happy if true.
david.dakota Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 once bitten, twice shy. After the promise of a Nights, which turned out poor, i refuse to excite myself.
Guest Jordan Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 Considering the original developer Smilebit no longer exists, this is worrying. However, the JSR fanboy in me says: FUCK YES, BUT I'D PREFER A PS3 OR 360 VERSION FOR SUPER SHINEY GRAPHICS.... Still, i'd settle for a Wii version.
K-project Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 It won't happen. Anyone remember that Shenmue 1+2 double pack rumour a while ago. Yeah me too...
RedShell Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 I've not played that much of any Jet Set Radio game, so I'd be happy to see a version arrive on Wii. I'd be much happier with a Wii version of Space Channel 5 though.
Guest Jordan Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 K-project said: It won't happen. Anyone remember that Shenmue 1+2 double pack rumour a while ago. Yeah me too... I think its more likely we'de get a new JSR game than a Shenmue pack. I mean, firstly Shenmue never sold great, then again neither did JSR/F really. But manana (hehe) JSR kicks ass
K-project Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 Like you say, neither JSR or Shenmue sold in any great numbers. Honestly, forget you saw this. It's easier that way. I've been getting my hopes up about loads of different games rumours over the years (mostly Shenmue), and they always disappoint. Best to just say - lets see.
Guest Jordan Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 Well... apparently i was a little wrong. The Smilebit team is still around. Their last game was Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Waggle Games. But errr... Its interesting that they've annouced nothing since. Man, i know i shouldn't get excited, but i want a JSR soooooooooo badly its untrue. Also, K-Project that was the codename for Rez. I'm wearing a Rez t shirt today :p
K-project Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 Jordan said: Also, K-Project that was the codename for Rez. I'm wearing a Rez t shirt today :p :D Glad you spotted that one! One of my absolute all time favourite games. Incredible. Show us your T then! Where'd you get it from?
Guest Jordan Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 I love Rez and Rez HD. T shirt: http://rodent.tee-total.net/us/products/detail/?id=189
Columnar Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 Wii is fast becoming the new Dreamcast I tell you. Really, really don't want to get my hopes up but a new JSR would be amazing. As would the rumoured Shenmue pack, Skies of Arcadia 2 and Space Channel 5. Maybe if Samba de Amigo does well we'll hear more about these games? Oh and I'm the same - REZ is one of the best games ever. Still not got round to downloading REZ HD and I wouldn't mind a new version on Wii either. Aah Dreamcast:bowdown:
darkjak Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 K-project said: It won't happen. Anyone remember that Shenmue 1+2 double pack rumour a while ago. Yeah me too... Which isn't to be ruled out just yet. I'm hoping that Sega bring out more DC franchises for the Wii. Daytona USA, Sega GT, Propeller Arena, Virtua Tennis... Frankly any first party DC game would kick ass, except for maybe fighting vipers.
K-project Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 I'd love to believe Shenmue and JSR are on their way to Wii, but I just can't see it. Rez indeed would be cool on the Wii for sure. Control scheme suits it perfectly. Nice T by the way Jordan.
ShadowV7 Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 Jordan said: I think its more likely we'de get a new JSR game than a Shenmue pack. I mean, firstly Shenmue never sold great, then again neither did JSR/F really. But manana (hehe) JSR kicks ass Shenmue sold over 1.2 million copies on the DreamCast and barely any games broke a million, that's not a bad number, then there was the mess about the Xbox version. It was impossible for it to ever get a profit because of development costs. For a profit, every DC owner had to by more than one copy of the game. K-project said: It won't happen. Anyone remember that Shenmue 1+2 double pack rumour a while ago. Yeah me too... Yeah I remember it, it never got dismissed and it didn't say it would be at E3, just it apparently existed. Don't think anyone asked about, just Shenmue 3.
Hellfire Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 This is a game I honestly think would benefit much much more from the Wii controls or DS touch screen than HD graphics. The DC and XBox games already look freaking gorgeous and the graffiti sections (shamefully butchered in JSRF) fit perfectly. Screw HD and achievements.
Will Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 darkjak said: Which isn't to be ruled out just yet. We can definitely rule out a Shenmue Port/Pack/Remake/Sequel for the foreseeable future. Much as I'd love it to happen - It isn't going to.
ShadowV7 Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 Quote We can definitely rule out a Shenmue Port/Pack/Remake/Sequel for the foreseeable future. Much as I'd love it to happen - It isn't going to. We can't definently rule it out. We've had rumours it's in the works, even from the source that announced NiGHTs. A port will be easy and cheap to do and bring in a big profit. You shouldn't be so adament, keep some room for error here With each franchise having a return, it seems more likely. SEGA are only scared of Shenmue only because of development costs. It cost that much and burned a whole in their bank account their scared to go again incase it costs that much, and it won't because they had engine revamps, delays, you name it. If they had a timeframe and no overhauls the dev costs would be significantly cheaper.
Will Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 A port wouldn't necesarily be easy and cheap. The only DC updates thus far have been very short not too involved games. Shenmue is still a massive game and would take a considerable amount of time to port across to the Wii. While everyone seems to love Shenmue on the internet its just not that popular with the mass market. As far as I can see it would be a hell of a lot of work for very little profit (if any). I would be very confident making a pretty high bet we're not seeing anything from that series anytime soon. On topic - JSR is certainly one I'd like to see, not sure there's a market for it as it hasn't sold well in the past. Another one with the problem of being loved on the internet but practically unknown in real life.
ShadowV7 Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 It wouldn't be hard or pricey at all, same engine, no need for graphic updates, and it's not gonna be all that much harder than any other game. And would get a decent profit. Pretty much every Shenmue owner would rebuy it, especially in the hopes for a sequal, then there's talk off the mouth, people buying it on eBay, reselling and passing on, then there's the huge expanded market, the fact that the Wii had a much bigger user base than the DreamCast and all the new gamers. It would sell more than the original version.
K-project Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 Certainly not meaning to be rude to Shadow, but well, this is Sega, and frankly I'll believe it when I see it. I've had my hopes up loads of times over the years, and I don't see how this rumour should hold any more weight than the countless ones previous to it. I'd love to buy both Shenmue and JSR for Wii. Hope it'll happen, but not holding my breath, y'know?
Dante Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 Its rumour to be new or remake of Jet Grind Radio so why put Jet Set Radio as the topic?
ShadowV7 Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 K-project said: Certainly not meaning to be rude to Shadow, but well, this is Sega, and frankly I'll believe it when I see it. I've had my hopes up loads of times over the years, and I don't see how this rumour should hold any more weight than the countless ones previous to it. I'd love to buy both Shenmue and JSR for Wii. Hope it'll happen, but not holding my breath, y'know? When it comes to SEGA and Shenmue I never hold my breath or get hopes up. But this time the rumour actually came from a credible source instead of a random place. And with revivals of all of SEGA franchises, it seems to be getting more likely.
Tellyn Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 Dante said: Its rumour to be new or remake of Jet Grind Radio so why put Jet Set Radio as the topic? Jet Set Radio (European/Japanese name) - Jet Grind Radio (North American name) It means the same thing, but since this is N-Europe it's Jet Set Radio.
Dante Posted July 31, 2008 Posted July 31, 2008 Okay Tellyn. So its Jet Set Radio and Jet Set Radio Future? I never played Jet Set Radio but i heard that Jet Set Radio Future was made very easy and removed things from the last game. I hope it really a remake of Jet Set Radio with Wii MotionPlus support.
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