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There's a hidden Killer Bow in that map, use a thief to find it and have your archers use it if they can, high critical hit ratio should help.






Pegasus Knight's movement isn't restricted in the sand so they are better for rescuing with. Cavalier/Paladins aren't as useful in this case. Although I'm sure you know that :P

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There's a hidden Killer Bow in that map, use a thief to find it and have your archers use it if they can, high critical hit ratio should help.






Pegasus Knight's movement isn't restricted in the sand so they are better for rescuing with. Cavalier/Paladins aren't as useful in this case. Although I'm sure you know that :P


Caellach has something on him which makes him impervious to Critical Hits.


So, there's even more buried in the sand, interesting.


I've another question though, what does the member card do?

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Ah nuts. Shows how long it's been since I last played it. Edit: Wait, can't you steal it?


Member card gives you access to secret hidden shops. They usually have rare weapons and promotion items. Silver Card gives you a 50% discount in shops.

Edited by Ike
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Fused King, have you forgotten about my "Rennac can steal that shit" comment? If Colm's speed is on par with Rennac's, he can also do it.


Also, I hadn't noticed, but Sacred Stones' buried items are cruel. Silver Card only in that god-forsaken corner? And I don't think I ever got Metis' Tome!


By the way, the most valuable item you can have is the Swiftsole. +2 Move is a godsend to whoever's getting it.

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Fused King, have you forgotten about my "Rennac can steal that shit" comment? If Colm's speed is on par with Rennac's, he can also do it.

Also, I hadn't noticed, but Sacred Stones' buried items are cruel. Silver Card only in that god-forsaken corner? And I don't think I ever got Metis' Tome!


By the way, the most valuable item you can have is the Swiftsole. +2 Move is a godsend to whoever's getting it.


Didn't forget about that, but Colm isn't far along to do that yet and there's no chance in hell I'll be using Rennac, ever.



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Right, so I switched Franz with Seth, and apparently I used him a lot in the earlier parts of the game, because he is an level 8 Paladin and he has an S-ranking with swords.


So, on my first go with Seth I dropped the ball in the south because I got a bit too cocky with Knoll. . . :laughing:


Then, on my second try, I laid down the law on Caellach with an awesome sword one gets after the whole Jehanna Hall episode (Hadn't really made the connection between the Queen and Joshua, so that was a nice surprise:D).


So now I'm heading towards Valter, veeeeery carefully.


I used the Master Seal on Moulder by the way, that man has been in the group since he joined and his moustache is magnificent :hehe:

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The Joshua twist is great. One of the few times where someone who is apparently an unimportant unit turns out to be important somewhere down the line.


You've made Moulder a Bishop, I hope. He gets an advantage against monsters like that.

And it's not just his moustache that's magnificent. You see that "Con" stat? It's unusually high for a healer. This means that, while most mages and healers are wimpy, Moulder is an exceptionally manly and well-built priest.


I don't know if any of his supports explain this, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As long as the member doing the shopping has the Member's Card, I think you can still access the Secret Shop in Jehanna Hall (Orion's Bolt is 10000 Gold).

If you can't access it by returning to that place, you'll have to wait until Chapter 19.


Also, while checking item locations, I noticed there's only one free Orion's Bolt in the entire game: the one you get for saving all the civilians from the Giant Spider, back in Chapter 6. You'll really need to buy one.

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As long as the member doing the shopping has the Member's Card, I think you can still access the Secret Shop in Jehanna Hall (Orion's Bolt is 10000 Gold).

If you can't access it by returning to that place, you'll have to wait until Chapter 19.


Also, while checking item locations, I noticed there's only one free Orion's Bolt in the entire game: the one you get for saving all the civilians from the Giant Spider, back in Chapter 6. You'll really need to buy one.


Aaaah, I see.

I believe I left one girl to die back then:laughing:

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Nearly done with this now.


Chapter 19 was tough stuff, but I managed to upgrade Neimi (who was a level 20 archer) into a sniper and get a lot of level ups for the whole of my crew.

Also upgraded Knoll to a Summoner, he looks pretty slick.


So many forces kept coming our way via the main gate, but eventually I even managed to 'kill' that dark sorcerer dude, ...Viel or something. Apparently that wasn't supposed to happen for he fled to Darkling Woods.

I also got to open a couple o' treasure chests on the east side of the map, because I only had Rennac who could do that. Colm had no Lockpicks anymore. . . .


It's been great so far, but now that I'm nearing the end I started to dislike it a little because of the strength you've accumulated. Eventually the only challenging thing about a chapter was hunting down their leader, but Chapter 19 had me on the edge of my seat again and had my heart bump faster from time to time. The sheer number of strong forces had me looking really careful at where I put my units and who I attack.

Great stuff!


My strongest character would have to be Ross. He has all the top axes and as a berserker he's pretty lethal. Alongside him I have Gilliam, who's an impenetrable fortress.


Looking forward to seeing the epic conclusion.

Edited by Fused King
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So many forces kept coming our way via the main gate, but eventually I even managed to 'kill' that dark sorcerer dude, ...Viel or something. Apparently that wasn't supposed to happen for he fled to Darkling Woods.

I also got to open a couple o' treasure chests on the east side of the map, because I only had Rennac who could do that. Colm had no Lockpicks anymore. . . .


Killing Riev actually makes the chapter end early (some "Defend" chapters throughout the series have that option). Not that it's necessarily easy, the waves of enemies between him and you are unbelievable in harder difficulties.


It's been great so far, but now that I'm nearing the end I started to dislike it a little because of the strength you've accumulated. Eventually the only challenging thing about a chapter was hunting down their leader, but Chapter 19 had me on the edge of my seat again and had my heart bump faster from time to time. The sheer number of strong forces had me looking really careful at where I put my units and who I attack.

Great stuff!


My strongest character would have to be Ross. He has all the top axes and as a berserker he's pretty lethal. Alongside him I have Gilliam, who's an impenetrable fortress.


Looking to seeing the epic conclusion.


Some Fire Emblems are better than others, regarding this. Sacred Stones has very powerful characters, but certain chapters are actually well designed to not rely so much in brute force (Ephraim's path has two very tricky chapters of its own)


Also, I figure there's no harm in saying: the storyline actually has a few key differences in Ephraim's path, even if the chapters after the desert are the same.

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Darn it!


There's a second act to the final chapter :o


I lost Ross in the first one killing the Demon King in Lyon's form, but when I failed in the second act, I got him back again :D

Never again will I let that happen now that I know the beast is unleashed in the second act.

I need Ross there!

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I'm afraid we lost Garcia in the final conflict, and Seth more or less died as well, but he was needed for the epilogue so I guess they patched him up:laughing:


I loved that stuff after the credits in which you get to see what happened to all the characters.

That is one thing I truly love about games as well: awesome credits which shows you where you've been, who you've met, what happened with the characters etc. etc..

I especially liked Ross's second title:


"Ross, Son of his Father"



Great stuff!


The developers did a great job of conveying all these different personalities and the support messages has one really playing matchmaker.

All these different romances. I especially liked the one between Lute and Artur and the one between Joshua and Marisa, who didn't end up together, sadly :(


Now tell me, how does this serie fair on home consoles?

Is there much more personality, dialogue and, perhaps, different endings and true repercussions when somebody dies?

Edited by Fused King
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Glad to see you enjoyed it, Fused King :) Fire Emblem tends to handle the plot really well, I think, tons of replay value, thanks to supports.




I'm afraid we lost Garcia in the final conflict, and Seth more or less died as well, but he was needed for the epilogue so I guess they patched him up:laughing:


Certain characters are recurring, and need to be alive for cutscenes, so they simply "get severely injured". Which in this game are Seth, Innes, Myrrh and L'Arachel, I presume (I don't think Joshua counts as one of them, he can die for real, before he meets his mother)


Fire Emblem 7 has even more characters like this, since it's a prequel, and some characters need to survive (there's a character who needs to have a daughter by the next game. I let him "die" on my first time, which meant he had a cutscene where he left the army, and I can only assume he eventually died of a heart attack immediately after having sex :heh:)


Fire Emblem 10 outdoes them all, though, it has dozens of characters who participate in the main plot, so they don't die if they are killed (:heh:).


I loved that stuff after the credits in which you get to see what happened to all the characters.

That is one thing I truly love about games as well: awesome credits which shows you where you've been, who you've met, what happened with the characters etc. etc..

I especially liked Ross's second title:


"Ross, Son of his Father"



Great stuff!


The developers did a great job of conveying all these different personalities and the support messages has one really playing matchmaker.

All these different romances. I especially liked the one between Lute and Artur and the one between Joshua and Marisa, who didn't end up together, sadly :(


I remember Ross and Garcia had a joined ending, too. Sacred Stones is unique in that it includes several friendship-based endings, besides the romantic ones.


Now tell me, how does this serie fair on home consoles?

Is there much more personality, dialogue and, perhaps, different endings and true repercussions when somebody dies?


Usually, the main plots themselves don't change depending on who died, and neither do the endings (Jehanna's fate being a rare exception), because key characters can't die, or are not allowed to die.


Fire Emblem 11 tried to do something different, with some extra chapters only being available if you have casualties, but that was badly received by the fanbase.


The quality in writing and character interaction for minor characters vary from game to game.


-Blazing Sword has many more characters than Sacred Stones, and the number of available supports grows accordingly;

-Path of Radiance introduces "Base Conversations", which involve Ike talking with certain minor characters about recent developments that concern them. It has supports, but they're in smaller number;

-Radiant Dawn is unique in its structure, so it took out support conversations as we know them (Base conversations are still there, though, and the main plot is so extensive, it involves many more characters than usual);

-Shadow Dragon has none, unfortunately :( (like in the original);

-Awakening will have both base conversations and supports :yay:


(I'm only mentioning the ones that got/will get an western release)



I would advise either Blazing Sword or Path of Radiance for your next game (PoR is very hard to find these days, though). Radiant Dawn should be easy to find, but the problem is that its plot follows directly from PoR.

Shadow Dragon...sucks, according to general opinion (but if you find one for a decent price, tell me, because I want to check it off my list, too :heh:)

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  • 6 months later...

I propose moving the conversation here :heh:


I've done Chapter 5 and 5x now.


Are there any Fire Emblem games where you can train outside of chapters? It seems a bit odd that you can get stuck if you haven't levelled-up the right people. Whilst I don't want to derail this thread, there is an arena in Chapter 5, yet I wasn't strong enough to even win the first battle at the time. I'd like to go back, but I can't.


I do quite like it, but it's very complex.


Fire Emblem is all about limiting your resources. Characters, items, weapons, money, experience points... Everything is limited. No grinding, except for the arena (which has risks, like Falcon said). This is why I told you not to train everyone you get, only a group of ten or so (the number you usually send to battle) with variations here and there, you don't want to spread your Exp too thin.


Sacred Stones is different in that it has a world map and the option to go back to specific shops or grind. But even your gold and weapons aren't infinite.


And don't worry, you'll never get actually stuck by not leveling up the right people, there's always a way. Even if they're the main character and needed to hurt a specific boss, there's always a fail-safe for those cases.


Also, don't pay much attention to the RNG. RNG or arena abuse is not something a beginner should be learning about, it's like explaining EV training to someone starting Pokémon.

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Interesting to see @Fused King has played through this (Fire Emblem 8). I will have to read the whole thread.


Anyway, I have completed Chapter 9, so I am getting to grips with this. It's probably not as hard as I thought, it just has a very steep learning curve if you're not into strategy RPGs. In fact, it might not even have a steep learning curve, but there's a lot to learn.


Impatiently, I upgraded Franz into a Paladin and Vanessa into a Falcoknight as soon as I could. Franz is powerful, but Vanessa's defence is much weaker than I expected (I used the Dragonshield on her too).


I do like this game, but what I like even more than the gameplay is the tone. "Swords, knights & dragons" is just my thing and the character designs are fantastic. I particularly like the heavy-armoured Knights and Generals, the horse-riding Great Knights and Paladins, axe-wielding Warriors and Beserkers and the ones with the winged mounts, ie. Falcoknight, Wyvern Knight and Wyvern Lord.

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The thread is actually pretty old (like, 2005), being revived by Fused King back when he was playing Sacred Stones.


Anyway, I have completed Chapter 9, so I am getting to grips with this. It's probably not as hard as I thought, it just has a very steep learning curve if you're not into strategy RPGs. In fact, it might not even have a steep learning curve, but there's a lot to learn.


I do like this game, but what I like even more than the gameplay is the tone. "Swords, knights & dragons" is just my thing and the character designs are fantastic. I particularly like the heavy-armoured Knights and Generals, the horse-riding Great Knights and Paladins, axe-wielding Warriors and Beserkers and the ones with the winged mounts, ie. Falcoknight, Wyvern Knight and Wyvern Lord.


I actually think Fire Emblem might be the most accessible SRPG series I've played. You can get by if you only know the basics, the menus and maps are intuitive and easy to navigate, the turns progress quickly and the games never really expect you to learn everything at once (not the recent ones, at least).


And what I like the most about the theme and flavour is how down to earth it still feels, despite the fantastic elements. Things like characters using perfectly normal, breakable weapons in battle (unlike most RPGs where each sword needs to somehow better the previous one), or the expendable nature of a lot of lives.

The designs are pretty sweet, too, especially with those lovely GBA sprites. I like the Heroes, Swordmasters, Druids and Snipers, myself.


Impatiently, I upgraded Franz into a Paladin and Vanessa into a Falcoknight as soon as I could. Franz is powerful, but Vanessa's defence is much weaker than I expected (I used the Dragonshield on her too).


Pegasus/Falco knights have low defence by definition (quick, agile, fliers, resistant to magic, but struggle a bit in direct combat). However, since Fire Emblem does random level-ups, it's always possible that Vanessa got unlucky.

One of my sources tells me that Vanessa's average defence at level 10 is 8 or so. With the Dragonshield and Falcoknight promotion, it bumps it to 12. Is your Vanessa lower than this?

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One of my sources tells me that Vanessa's average defence at level 10 is 8 or so. With the Dragonshield and Falcoknight promotion, it bumps it to 12. Is your Vanessa lower than this?


Just checked, and her defence is 13 (as a Lvl 1 Falcoknight). It's just that I was keeping her offshore during Chapter 9, throwing Javelins at the enemy, and it was still very risky.


Watch out for them spoilers now!


Thanks, but that's OK. I've read from Page 6 onwards. I don't mind spoilers if they help me understand this game as much as I can. I've already looked up all the classes and such.

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Just checked, and her defence is 13 (as a Lvl 1 Falcoknight). It's just that I was keeping her offshore during Chapter 9, throwing Javelins at the enemy, and it was still very risky.


Ah, you chose Eirika route, then? (Ephraim's Chapter 9 doesn't have water)


Well, just a small piece of advice, then. Heavier weapons weigh down your units, affecting their speed and dodge. The Javelin and Steel Lance are particularly heavy weapons, so she might get hit more often if she's holding one of those.

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Impatiently, I upgraded Franz into a Paladin and Vanessa into a Falcoknight as soon as I could. Franz is powerful, but Vanessa's defence is much weaker than I expected (I used the Dragonshield on her too).


Nooo, you shouldn't promote them until they are level 20!


Stick with Vanessa, Pegasus Knights max out their speed really quickly which maximises their evasion so it makes them really hard to hit later on. Just keep them away from Archers. ;)


I do like this game, but what I like even more than the gameplay is the tone. "Swords, knights & dragons" is just my thing and the character designs are fantastic.


Well met, sir. ;)


I don't think Fire Emblem is particularly hard to learn, I managed to play it Japanese just fine before I played an English version, the game tells you about bad weapon matches in the battle summary window. Fire Emblem/Blazing Sword/FE7 had a good tutorial, can't remember if Sacred Stones did, but Blazing Sword was the first game to include an in-game tutorial, probably because it was the first game due to get localised outside Japan.


Ephraim is pretty godly in this game, a lot better than Erika. He's also the first lance wielding lord in the series.


Well, just a small piece of advice, then. Heavier weapons weigh down your units, affecting their speed and dodge. The Javelin and Steel Lance are particularly heavy weapons, so she might get hit more often if she's holding one of those.


I don't think the Javelin is heavy, in fact I would recommend having in on a Pegasus Knight.

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