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Has Nintendo really lost it?

Chris the great

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To be honest, Ubisoft is one of the biggest 3rd parties out there, their most recent games have been ridiculous, but by showing support (I'm talking about Nintendo here, not costumers) to their (at least) decent games, the way Ubisoft conducts itself might change. They are a very important connection with the European development community.

And I liked RRR1, because it was fresh, with the BB, 3 can be fun and Shaun White doesn't look bad either, not to mention it's a very good opportunity to show off what can be made with the BB. Make no mistake, I'm not defending Ubisoft, but there's no need to be blind either. We're talking about the 3rd party that invested a whole lot into making the first FPS for the Wii, a console that could flop immensely with an unproven control scheme, they took a huge risk (and it payed off, the game sold very well).

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nintendo might be preparing to take over ubisoft as a long term strategy (e.g. ready for their next console)


Exclusive 'Z' series games. Joy.


If they did buy them, do you honestly think Ubisoft would even carry on making games like Prince of Persia and Assassin's Creed?

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Exclusive 'Z' series games. Joy.


If they did buy them, do you honestly think Ubisoft would even carry on making games like Prince of Persia and Assassin's Creed?


If they would buy Ubi, Ubi would have to develop whatever Nintendo say, and I hardly think that Nintendo would buy them for the sake of Carnival Games. It would be more likely that they would buy them especially so they would develop PoP, AC, Red Steel and so on. Plus that Nintendo would force them to make games of higher quality.

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Id personally rather Nintendo just make hardware that actually supports Ubisofts top-tier games.


Hmmm, let's see, a console with both the functionality of the Wii and the 360. That would make sense, in the same way that this does:

If the Wii had had both the Wiimote and 360 power, it wouldn't have been priced to compete with the 360 or even the PS3, but maybe the Saturn with it's shocking launch price of 700 dollars (back in a time when the dollar was worth about as much what the euro is worth today)!


The Wii has plenty of power left which noones ever tried to make good use of, as the developers of Conduit are trying to prove. I don't really know what publisher Nintendo should buy, but I'd love it if they'd buy Sega!

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Hmmm, let's see, a console with both the functionality of the Wii and the 360. That would make sense, in the same way that this does:

If the Wii had had both the Wiimote and 360 power, it wouldn't have been priced to compete with the 360 or even the PS3, but maybe the Saturn with it's shocking launch price of 700 dollars (back in a time when the dollar was worth about as much what the euro is worth today)!



Im no 'expert' but i dont think price has that much to do with the Wii's success. It success lies mostly in its brilliant all-inclusive marketing push and its simple, neutral image, which immediately appeals to the giant i-Pod generation of consumers


To compare, the Gamecube was always significantly cheaper than its rivals and it tanked (in relation to the PS2)


And no one is arguing the Wii's success. All im saying is the Wii would have been more successful with its owners (me, for instance) and 3rd parties if it werent so half-baked.

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Im no 'expert' but i dont think price has that much to do with the Wii's success. It success lies mostly in its brilliant all-inclusive marketing push and its simple, neutral image, which immediately appeals to the giant i-Pod generation of consumers


To compare, the Gamecube was always significantly cheaper than its rivals and it tanked (in relation to the PS2)


And no one is arguing the Wii's success. All im saying is the Wii would have been more successful with its owners (me, for instance) and 3rd parties if it werent so half-baked.


Core gamers, in other words the main audience of the GC are willing to pay more, however the casuals, are not. They don't think that games are worth putting out much money for. A 700 Euro console would scare virtually all casual gamers away, and some poorer core gamers as well.

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UbiSoft, I have mixed feelings about them. In perspective of the 360/PS3, they are an amazing publisher that generally brings out great games.


In perspective of the Wii, though, they can go straight to hell. EA has done more, in my eyes, for both core and casual markets than UbiSoft flooding the market with shit for both sides of the spectrum. Their casual titles are crap and their core titles are crap and I wouldn't be surprised if their games on the platform started to steadily slow down in sales.

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UbiSoft, I have mixed feelings about them. In perspective of the 360/PS3, they are an amazing publisher that generally brings out great games.


In perspective of the Wii, though, they can go straight to hell. EA has done more, in my eyes, for both core and casual markets than UbiSoft flooding the market with shit for both sides of the spectrum. Their casual titles are crap and their core titles are crap and I wouldn't be surprised if their games on the platform started to steadily slow down in sales.


But that's the problem, isn't it? Many of the casual gamers don't know the difference between good games and Ubisoft games, so they just lap it all up. There'll always be naïve people who buy crap titles.

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But that's the problem, isn't it? Many of the casual gamers don't know the difference between good games and Ubisoft games, so they just lap it all up. There'll always be naïve people who buy crap titles.


And you know why that is? Its because casual gamers don't shop in gaming stores they go to stores like Wal-Mar or Costco. In stores like Wal-Mart, Ubisoft have their own unique section, its called the bargain bin and its right out where everyone sees it as they walk into the game section. And when casual gamers see it, they usually don't go much further as they don't know understand what makes a good game and only want the cheapest thing they can find. Gone are the days where bargain bins used to be the awesome titles from the beginning of the generation for a cheaper price that you may have missed. And then there's Costco. Last time I went there, they had 1 copy of brawl that had a very abused looking box and one dusty copy of Mario Galaxy. And that was it in terms of decent games (Wii games anyway). They had about 30 copies (no exaggeration) of Brunswick pro bowling and then all the standard Ubisoft crap we've come to expect in stores like that. In terms of accessories, they had charging stations and "Wii sports kits" that was it. They didn't even have the Wii version of either Guitar hero. All they had were the PS3 and 360 versions. And this is where casual gamers are going to shop. They aren't going to buy the one abused copy of Brawl at $49.99 when they can get the latest creation of ubisoft for $29.99.

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And you know why that is? Its because casual gamers don't shop in gaming stores they go to stores like Wal-Mar or Costco. In stores like Wal-Mart, Ubisoft have their own unique section, its called the bargain bin and its right out where everyone sees it as they walk into the game section. And when casual gamers see it, they usually don't go much further as they don't know understand what makes a good game and only want the cheapest thing they can find. Gone are the days where bargain bins used to be the awesome titles from the beginning of the generation for a cheaper price that you may have missed. And then there's Costco. Last time I went there, they had 1 copy of brawl that had a very abused looking box and one dusty copy of Mario Galaxy. And that was it in terms of decent games (Wii games anyway). They had about 30 copies (no exaggeration) of Brunswick pro bowling and then all the standard Ubisoft crap we've come to expect in stores like that. In terms of accessories, they had charging stations and "Wii sports kits" that was it. They didn't even have the Wii version of either Guitar hero. All they had were the PS3 and 360 versions. And this is where casual gamers are going to shop. They aren't going to buy the one abused copy of Brawl at $49.99 when they can get the latest creation of ubisoft for $29.99.


And 'tis a damn shame all right.

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And you know why that is? Its because casual gamers don't shop in gaming stores they go to stores like Wal-Mar or Costco. In stores like Wal-Mart, Ubisoft have their own unique section, its called the bargain bin and its right out where everyone sees it as they walk into the game section. And when casual gamers see it, they usually don't go much further as they don't know understand what makes a good game and only want the cheapest thing they can find. Gone are the days where bargain bins used to be the awesome titles from the beginning of the generation for a cheaper price that you may have missed. And then there's Costco. Last time I went there, they had 1 copy of brawl that had a very abused looking box and one dusty copy of Mario Galaxy. And that was it in terms of decent games (Wii games anyway). They had about 30 copies (no exaggeration) of Brunswick pro bowling and then all the standard Ubisoft crap we've come to expect in stores like that. In terms of accessories, they had charging stations and "Wii sports kits" that was it. They didn't even have the Wii version of either Guitar hero. All they had were the PS3 and 360 versions. And this is where casual gamers are going to shop. They aren't going to buy the one abused copy of Brawl at $49.99 when they can get the latest creation of ubisoft for $29.99.


It's really a shame and saddening to read that.

It's a vicious cycle. They learn that what sells is the Ubisoft crap and they want more Ubisoft in the shop, or other half-assed games. Then that's what everyone will buy, as you said.


It's the same scenario we saw over here during the PS2 reign. GC was not even on sale most of the times nor the games.

Only this time is between games of the same console.

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And you know why that is? Its because casual gamers don't shop in gaming stores they go to stores like Wal-Mar or Costco. In stores like Wal-Mart, Ubisoft have their own unique section, its called the bargain bin and its right out where everyone sees it as they walk into the game section. And when casual gamers see it, they usually don't go much further as they don't know understand what makes a good game and only want the cheapest thing they can find. Gone are the days where bargain bins used to be the awesome titles from the beginning of the generation for a cheaper price that you may have missed. And then there's Costco. Last time I went there, they had 1 copy of brawl that had a very abused looking box and one dusty copy of Mario Galaxy. And that was it in terms of decent games (Wii games anyway). They had about 30 copies (no exaggeration) of Brunswick pro bowling and then all the standard Ubisoft crap we've come to expect in stores like that. In terms of accessories, they had charging stations and "Wii sports kits" that was it. They didn't even have the Wii version of either Guitar hero. All they had were the PS3 and 360 versions. And this is where casual gamers are going to shop. They aren't going to buy the one abused copy of Brawl at $49.99 when they can get the latest creation of ubisoft for $29.99.


Playing devils advocate here, but couldn't the reason there are only few copies of Galaxy & Brawl be that they have sold well. And the reason there are loads of Ubisoft crap in the bargain bins be because they haven't sold well at all?


That would be the impresion I would get from seeing the above, if a normal person (not a geek like me) saw that they might think differently. But some people must think there's a reason the Ubicrap is in the bargain bin.

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Is Ubisofts shit selling or are they just making profit because of low development cost?


It's rare to see a really terrible game charting high as far as I know.


Carnival Games, Beach Sports and Sports Party all seem to do well in the charts over here in the UK. There was a time when you couldnt get Carnival Games for love nor money.

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No biggie! I wasnt sure myself.


On the subject of tripe games, its not necessarily a bad thing for 3rd parties to have a low-risk alternative to help bolster finances but it is a shame that the majority go to the Wii

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No biggie! I wasnt sure myself.


On the subject of tripe games, its not necessarily a bad thing for 3rd parties to have a low-risk alternative to help bolster finances but it is a shame that the majority go to the Wii


There's no problem at all with carnival games and the like, but the problem is we get a shitload of them and many of them are low quality.

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