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I've always been intrigued about the possibility of intergrating both young Link and adult Link into a Zelda. Something about being both is truely great (though I'm not sure why). OOT used time to do so. Trancending back and forth through time would solve puzzles and allow access to areas that were once inaccessible.


Well, I was thinking about another way to incorperate both Link's into one game, however this time, without using time as an essential feature. Apart from there being two different Links (or one split into two), there really isn't much you can do besides time.


I have, however, found a clever way to use time to link (no pun intended) both together in a new way (so it will still feel fresh) and could possibly be a more profound and intuitive way to transcend time when compared to OOT.


Imagine if adult link and young link were connected through memories. For example, you start out in the small town where most Zelda's start. There is a twist though. Adult Link doesn't know who is or where he's from. In fact, a cutscene at the beginning shows him waking up to a family of strangers. They tell him that they found him on the shore, unconcious in a broken pattle boat (Water is important in this game; about 55% land 35% water and 10% air). They introduce themselves, then Link thanks them.


Now your in control.


After wandering around the town, Link finds the resident badass and starts talking to him. The badass asks link if he knows how to fight. This triggers some sort of transitional cutscene similar to Majora's Mask, where the words of the badass kinda echo, blur, and get deeper as many very small flashbacks of young link start to flash onscreen. The attacking sound of young link echo as a grey-tone scene comes into view and with one last echo-y attack sound the scene comes into life, with color and animation (maybe the grass starts to move or something). The scene is composed of young link talking to a dojo master. The dojo master, as the scene became apparent, asks the same question the badass asked (thus triggering the flashback).


This is where you learn how to fight. Afterwards, the scene flashes back....


The resident badass kinda snaps you back into reality, saying something to the effect of "Hey! I'm talking to you!....So? Have you fought before?" Link automatically says yes. He then challenges you to a duel and in return you get a sword. And that's where i'll end this rather in depth example.


There are many examples I could of used however. Another one being, Link remembers he travelled through an area before (you of course play all flashbacks, unless it is purely story driven). Afterwards, you notice that the same structure in front of you, was also in your past. More importantly, you know there is a secret passage thanks to your little flashback. Or it could also have been that right where a door use to be, a structure stands. So instead of running around lost, you know exactly what you have to do....somehow move or destroy the structure.

There can, of course, be little memory puzzles. Something to do with a riddle would be appropriate. Also, not all flashbacks have young link. I'm sure towards the end some story driven flashbacks/cut-scenes would feature adult Link, which then reveals some integral memory.


This could make Link much more mature in the story sense. Imagine would he could have forgotten and the possibilities are endless.


Anyway, tell me what you think.


I'd buy any zelda for revolution, no matter the controls!

But nice idea you have there, all these good idea's yet hardly any of them come true :(


Maybe we should make revo-europe a developer?


copyright it and submit it to Nintendo, its a really good concept. You could add to it by seeing something that young Link did that permanently scarred or altered the landscape so it would help adult link because someone went back in time and told him he would return there. Tell me if thats confusing.


It's not.


Like, Link could essentially be two people. Young Link could be everything we think of Link to be. Adult Link could be courageous but lost in some respect, maybe even confused.


Young Link could have stabbed his sword into the ground and left it for some reason. As soon as adult link grabs it, everything is clear. He knows what he has to do.


Actually, I don't know about that, but the concept is good.


I posted this idea in another forum and a user posted a good comment:


In general, the game would be too linear and that is not what Zelda games usually are, the idea is nice but for another series.


I replied: I think my examples are to small. I don't want the ability to become young link at any time (thus making it OOT), however, you don't have to solve the goal of the flashback instantly.


Take my example of some structure blocking your path, when your young link and thus are able to figure out that theres a secret passage, you could run around and explore the area. You could even, say, cut a sapling and when you flashback to adult link, the tree that use to be there is gone and theres a new passage you can explore.


Maybe, because you can't be young link whenever you want is what makes it linear. However, TP doesn't even invovle young link, so why not keep the open-endedness of Zelda in the Adult realm of the game? What I mean is, why not use the flashbacks when the story is involved?


Furthermore, some flashbacks might not give you control at all. They could essentially be parts of your memory that are visualized, and that provide cryptic clues (such as how to kill a boss or how to pass through what seemed like an impossible route).


well maybe not the link example, as link is nintendo's. but you could copyright the concept.

ie flash backs.

obviously you'd need to have it specific enough to specify a particular idea clearly, but you'd also need it to be an idea that can be applied to a wide variety of situations.


the example you used for example


"the players character meets an npc (non player character) within the game environment. the player interacts with the npc, the game then flashes to a recalled memory. the player plays through this past memory, learning a new skill, perfecting a new skill, or recalling information that aides the story progression, ie meeting a character and then following them to a location. the play then returns to the current time, and the character is able to utilise the new skill or information."


good luck, although I think you definetly need it, especially if you actually want the game to feature Link.


just read your last post now, I think its a great idea being able to have "lucid memories", but actually actively help you (such as your tree example), rather than regular memories that can only passively help you.

the problem is (not being a great Zelda fan I can't say 100% as I haven't played oot or mm) it sounds like the play mechanic is only subtley different to those already used by nintendo, so nintendo would easily get round it by pointing to mm and oot as examples of the time mechanic, going back in time to allow moving forward.


another thing, I personally don't like the idea of copyrighting game concepts, as (imo) it will stunt gaming. its good from the rubbish clone protection p.o.v though.


I wasn't actually thinking of making a game, instead, I thought the idea was interesting and wanted to share it.


However, since you guys seem to have a level of faith unlike my own, I might consider it. I don't care for copyrights though, just as long as I get some recognition (like in the end credits and maybe a copy of the game).



However, TP doesn't even invovle young link


so we have been told but you never know nintendo



it is a good idea but i do not think it will go down to well with zelda fans around the world but who am i to say


Except this concept has already been done in the game "Second Sight", where a Govt agent wakes up in a research lab to find he has psychic powers and no memory of how he got there. You then have flashbacks in which you actively take part in reliving those memories, depending on how well you do affects what powers you have and who survives in the present.

Except this concept has already been done in the game "Second Sight", where a Govt agent wakes up in a research lab to find he has psychic powers and no memory of how he got there. You then have flashbacks in which you actively take part in reliving those memories, depending on how well you do affects what powers you have and who survives in the present.


yes and no, he was actually having premonitions and altering the future through them. As opposed to flashbacks into the past.


To the original poster I like your idea.

id suggest you keep developing it and move it past zelda and just see where you can take it as a game concept.


It would work for zelda but by saying 'zelda' your limiting yourself in my opinion.

yes and no, he was actually having premonitions and altering the future through them. As opposed to flashbacks into the past.


To the original poster I like your idea.

id suggest you keep developing it and move it past zelda and just see where you can take it as a game concept.


It would work for zelda but by saying 'zelda' your limiting yourself in my opinion.


I never played the game, I was going on an interview with one of the developers when the game came out, in that they specifically stated it was flashbacks that were occurring.


i played the game,




You thought it was flashbacks, but at the end the twist was that his final pyscic power was he could see into the future and everything you had played as "flashbacks" were him seeing into the future which was a pretty nice twist when it was revealed and it made the rest of the game make sense too.

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