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N64 Week: Day 3: Platformers!

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Annoyingly missed the first two appreciation threads! but I have got a Platformer for you! :D


Everyone has really good and interesting write ups so far.


Earlier this evening I was playing:



As soon I turned it on I was met with the joyful "It's a me MAAAAAAARIO" This immediately put a smile to my face, then I began to pull and tug at his. :p


Ten minutes later having deformed Mario as much as I could I decided I'd better actually play the game so I had something to write about. :)


I started a new file and got into the mind set of 10 Year Old Coolness. Back then I found this game uber difficult and as a result only managed to obtain 2 stars. Having completed the DS game and got all 150 stars I entered this one with a bit more experience under the belt.


The first time I jumped through a painting is just as magical now as it was back then. The first thing that struck me was the graphics, they have aged but not as badly as I thought they might have and offer the same brilliant colours as per usual though compared to the DS version they are darker.


Getting each star felt like I'd never left the game and the controls are vastly superior to the DS counterpart. The analogue stick of the N64 controller is a joy to play with and Mario was precise to control putting many platformers, even today still, to shame!


I much prefered it this time round as I managed to understand how to do the level and I found myself wasting time just messing about, such as flying with the cap!!! :grin:


The freedom the hat brought felt great as i saw Mario Soar to the skies. I have to say playing this game again today has rekindled my love for it and I feel it has aged very well and another thing I noticed is the music. Top quality sounds were blasting from my N64 I even turned the volume on my TV to hum and whistled to them!


My favourite level is Rainbow Ride! Even if it's just for the awesome music :yay:


I'm happy to play this over and over again.



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Nice one with Mischief Makers! I only got it at Christmas there so I can't fully appreciate it... or even really understand it, lol. o.O I thought you were gonna do some DK 64 too, Mr Bogus, to balance my negativity towards it with some positivity of your own? Came to your senses eh. :wink:


Yes i was planning on DK64 and both Banjo games, but unfortunately only had time for a bit of a run around in each. My mini-impressions were:


Banjo Kazooie / Tooie

Still an absolute pleasure to play - scenery is nice, controls are tight, music & sound is sweet as ever.



Like BK but spread out over 5x as much area. Pretty tedious. Your impressions pretty much nailed my memories of it, apart from the fact that i loved BK.


Pity to think that DK64 actually started off as a side-view game similar to the older DKC's but in 3D, before it went all open world adventurey.

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Indeed, hooray to the both of you! Had it not been for this N64 appreciation week, my N64 would still be collecting dust somewhere and go unplayed for many years to come! It's been fun so far and we're only halfway! =D

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Thanks guys. I've just put up the "hub" for day four so tomorrow it's FIGHT! time. :D


Just don't remind me of Mortal Kombat Mythologies :o


Superman64 is a fighter right? Because it made me feel like hurting someone after playing it :p


Anyhoo, here's to another fun day of ye olde N64 gameth playing!


Have fun!

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Its turned into a bit of a gushing fest in here hasn't it?

*is manly, stiff upper lip*


Aw you guys! :weep:


Like Ine says, I wouldn't have my N64 hooked up right now, never mind be playing these games if it wasn't for this appreciation week. At first I thought I couldn't be bothered and would maybe only join in for a day or two later in the week, but from the moment I played Duke Nukem 64 on Saturday evening, I've been loving it all. Great work and here's to the second half of it all being just as fun! : peace:

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