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Not to act like a fud but wasn't she born with that voice? Fair enough she writes half decent lyrics in the vein of Bono "...rehab, but I say no, no, no, no".




Her life reads like a one-way train wreck. Ironic that her mother is a pharmacist.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy_Winehouse - Mental, absolutely mental.


Picking out half a line from a song's lyrics can make any singer seem pretty terrible.

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Her lyrical skills shouldn't be the topic, she writes great songs...


The masses made her catchiest song popular, can't blame her for that.

A whole song written down can look shit. Sometimes lyrics are only decent when actually heard.


They should get someone with a decent voice to sing the songs.


she brought it on herself and just, just like anyone else that i don't know, i don't give a rats ass. If she dies, someone else will make music and fill the void. It's not like we're losing Elvis or John Lennon is it?

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