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Spore Creature Creator Trial is out.


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In Spore, you evolve your race from a tiny microscopic creature right up to a highly advanced space race armed with peace rays o' doom, at which point you take off into the galaxy making peace with/obliterating every other user-made species you discover.



I know :D


But if you buy Spore in the store does the CC come with it or is it a seperate add-on program kinda thing?

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Guest Maase

The weirdest freak ever (the similarities to Rape are just coincidence).





And then, the weirdo from my sister:




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Yeah, i did mean that... <_<


EDIT: EA have moved Spore's release date again. Its now tomorrow. Hurrah.


I've ordered it off EA aswell ^_^


You know the "get your money back" thing? Do you have to download the full Spore game from them when it gets released, or do they offer a disc delivery thing, as I'd like the box and stuff D=

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It's incredible to think these were constructed from just a quarter of the full range of parts. They should release a demo for the tech editor component.


Exactly what I was thinking, with just a small part of this people have created brilliant stuff, possibilities seems endless.


To bad every species we'll encounter will be some kind of penis men. Maybe they'll even form a federation between them, and set out to find their common ancestor.

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Full game should be out by now, probably test when i get home tonight.


Yup yup, gave me the chance to buy buy buy!


Just thinking, why is the world waiting for Firefox 3 at 5pm GMT yet EA is a day late but one time with this?! Fucking stupidness!

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Guest Jordan

Am I right in thinking that if i just login with my EA account i used to buy Spore CC on their site it should just log me in with the full version or will i need to download or something?

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