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I don't get the "oh noes, it looks slightly better on 360!!! World collapse commence... now!"

Seriously, what's the big deal? I mean, if it were the other way around I'd still get it for the 360 (PS3 controller is worse, except for fighters), who the fuck cares if it looks slightly less shiny? Grow the fuck up!.


I think you're the one that needs to grow up.

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Because you have just entered a thread telling people to, and I quote "Grow the fuck up" when we were all having a mature discussion (yes a discussion, not argument) about how the PS3 is far inferior when it shouldn't be and then you started going on about how the only differences are the shininess and some other rubbish, obviously meaning you have no idea what you're talking about.


By the way if you don't know what just happened, you got shut down.

Edited by Caris
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Because you have just entered a thread telling people to, and I quote "Grow the fuck up" when we were all having a mature discussion (yes a discussion, not argument) about how the PS3 is far inferior when it shouldn't be and then you started going on about how the only differences are the shininess and some other rubbish, obviously meaning you have no idea what you're talking about.


By the way if you don't know what just happened, you got shut down.


Oh, Caris, you silly man...


The only differences ARE graphical. It's merely a visual difference! Eye candy! The framerate drop isn't steep enough to actually hamper the gameplay. The PS3 version still looks decent enough despite the textures, and the important thing here is the gameplay. Which transitions intact.

So yeah, I do repeat "Grow the fuck up" and stop complaining about it.




Because it's fair enough to expect the same product quality for the same price?


Oh, so it's fair to bicker about how good something looks, despite the fact that the quality (the gameplay) is the same? Yeah, right. It's not fair to expect the same product quality of two different things. The game was made based on the 360 hardware and then adapted to the PS3. It's normal that it'd look slightly different. It's like having two cakes, they taste the same, but one looks slightly more professional. What matters is still the taste. You're still getting the same taste. What the fuck does it matter what it looks like?


To the both of you, I know quote the fluffy article you've all been checking out and agreeing with:


"Regardless of the technical challenges, one thing is common to both versions of Bayonetta above all else. The game is crammed with a wealth of wonderful ideas, new graphical scenarios and some literally insane fighting action."

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Oh, Caris, you silly man...


The only differences ARE graphical. It's merely a visual difference! Eye candy! The framerate drop isn't steep enough to actually hamper the gameplay. The PS3 version still looks decent enough despite the textures, and the important thing here is the gameplay. Which transitions intact.

So yeah, I do repeat "Grow the fuck up" and stop complaining about it.


Were you born stupid or did you take classes?

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Oh, so it's fair to bicker about how good something looks, despite the fact that the quality (the gameplay) is the same? Yeah, right. It's not fair to expect the same product quality of two different things. The game was made based on the 360 hardware and then adapted to the PS3. It's normal that it'd look slightly different. It's like having two cakes, they taste the same, but one looks slightly more professional. What matters is still the taste. You're still getting the same taste. What the fuck does it matter what it looks like?


To the both of you, I know quote the fluffy article you've all been checking out and agreeing with:


"Regardless of the technical challenges, one thing is common to both versions of Bayonetta above all else. The game is crammed with a wealth of wonderful ideas, new graphical scenarios and some literally insane fighting action."


Well I don't care really. I'm not getting this for my 360 or my PS3. It's not my thing but I hope everyone has fun with it.


Saying the difference doesn't matter is bullshit no matter how you want to spin it. They both cost the same and virtually every other game across both platforms are near enough identical - PS3 owners shouldn't have to pay for bad planning on SEGA's part. It's not just how the game looks either, there are framerate issues and loading times are noticeably longer.


I have no idea why you are trying to defend the game and the developers. You just come off as a bit of an idiot tbh.

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Guest Stefkov

Played the demo yesterday and I shall be purchasing. The music on the tutorial level reminded me of Katamari games but I loved it, it sounded out of place but also really good at the same time.

I think I'll go for the play.com exclusive with the CD if it's the same CD that costs quite a bit in Japan.

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Well I don't care really. I'm not getting this for my 360 or my PS3. It's not my thing but I hope everyone has fun with it.


Saying the difference doesn't matter is bullshit no matter how you want to spin it. They both cost the same and virtually every other game across both platforms are near enough identical - PS3 owners shouldn't have to pay for bad planning on SEGA's part. It's not just how the game looks either, there are framerate issues and loading times are noticeably longer.


I have no idea why you are trying to defend the game and the developers. You just come off as a bit of an idiot tbh.


I'm not trying to defend anything, I'm just saying people are complaining about buying a good game because it looks slightly better on another console. I'd understand if the game sucked on PS3, but it's still a great game even if it's slightly inferior to the 360 version. Poor planning it may have been, but it doesn't change the fact that even with it's issues, the PS3 version is still great, so this is clearly a case of "his is better than mine" syndrome. Just because the 360 version is "better" doesn't mean the ps3 version should be cheaper. It's still better than 95% of the games out for the PS3 (same thing for the 360, ain't discriminating), why should it be cheaper just because there's a "better" version on a different platform (and therefore targeted at a different audience)?

If the framerate is still more than enough to not hamper the gameplay in any way and the loadings, while longer than the 360, aren't really long per se, what's all the fuss about? You're all acting like if the game was broken! Yes, it's not as good as the 360 version. If it's still great, what the fuck does that matter? That's what I'm asking...

But I get called an idiot for not caring about near-irrelevant differences. That's what's cool.



As far as I'm concerned, I don't really see the point in buying this game fullprice anyway... I'll get it when it's down to less than 15£. I'll be looking forward to God of War 3, in the meantime. But the bickering people are on about is quite frankly infantile.


By the way, despite all the hostility in the air and everything, I still love you. :heh:

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I'm sorry if I sound as if I'm being hostile, I didn't mean to be quite that offensive. I just think it's fair enough to expect near parity between versions, including the graphics (especially since it's such a visually striking game).


This'll be a rental for me in any case.

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I'm sorry if I sound as if I'm being hostile, I didn't mean to be quite that offensive. I just think it's fair enough to expect near parity between versions, including the graphics (especially since it's such a visually striking game).


This'll be a rental for me in any case.


Yeah, it's fair to expect it. But if you don't get it, is it really that important?


I can't rent it because... there's no such thing as rentals here. :heh:


And to be honest, I think the game looks ugly. Too fucking corny. It may eventually become one of my favourite games ever or whatever, but it'll never be because of how it looks.


Also, I wasn't saying you were being hostile, just the whole discussion is a bit enshrouded in hostility.


I just got the weirdest urge to listen to A Cross The Universe due to "talking" with you. lollers.

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The problem is the burden of knowledge. It really shouldn't matter but because you know, it's going to be in your mind. At least that'd be my problem if it was a game I was really looking forward to.


My biggest problem with it is the camera. I thought it was crap. Doesn't seem like anyone else has that issue though.


Also, Alive 2007 kicks A Cross The Universe, but I'm glad I'm giving the Justice vibe out. :D

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This game is, fucking mental.


Mind you the Japanese pop music that plays during battles is horrible.

It's actually a mix of Jazz Fusion and Gothic Orchestral music. Also the singer of the main battle theme (Theme of Bayonetta), is Belgian. So it's far from a "j-pop" song. Still fair enough if you don't like it ;p


Thats only one of the 151 songs.


There are not 151 "songs".


I just played the demo. Don't really see what the big whoop is about. The camera is awful.


Name me a similar camera with a better camera.. unless you're referring to the clock tower level, which is quite chaotic.


Yeah just joshing. I don't think it looks deserving of the scores, even if it surprises people with the quality. I'm not one for 3rd person fighters if I'm honest.

Learning combos = boring and annoying.


First off. There is no need to "learn" combos. There are two main attack buttons.. punch and kick, you press them in different orders and different rhythms and you do different attacks. Easy to learn, difficult to master.


Of course, if your motor still isn't oiled enough for something that basic, there is still the Easy Automatic mode. Y button is essentially the win button. I see no call for further complaints. This game is hands down, and factually the best action game out there.



I don't get the "oh noes, it looks slightly better on 360!!! World collapse commence... now!"

Seriously, what's the big deal? I mean, if it were the other way around I'd still get it for the 360 (PS3 controller is worse, except for fighters), who the fuck cares if it looks slightly less shiny? Grow the fuck up!


Either way, about the game:


Super super super super super corny and cheesy. Don't really care if "that was the point!" But that's down to personal taste and doesn't really affect the game.


The camera alone is reason enough for it not to deserve the scores it's getting. But it looks quite promising, I guess. Seems like a very competent effort. But it's not gonna beat the God of War series, at least in my heart it won't.


Again.. what is wrong with the camera? Furthermore, the PS3 version has atrocious framerate. It runs at an average of under 30 fps compared to the 360's constant 55+fps. For a game of this type, it is unacceptable. This is not Platinum game's fault, nor is it sony's because I am sure the PS3 is more than capable of handling the game. It is the fault of Sega's porting team.


You may prefer the God of War series with it's big brauny muscular lead and it's ripping heads of shoulders, but the game is less focused on combat than Bayonetta, and the combat itself has been simplified to reach a broader audience. The combat in God of War is childsplay next to Bayonetta's.


It's fine if you don't like the visual aesthetics of the game, or the genre of which the game belongs to. It's all subjective in that regards. But in terms of how great and brilliant the game is in regards to what the game is out to achieve.. it is untouchable. And this is why the game has been getting praise.

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Oh fuck off. I played the demo, and whilst essentially it's 2 button combos it's still annoying and I there's no indicator to tell you which ones you should use and what works better in certain situations.


As for a better camera in other games, maybe one you can actually control?

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Oh fuck off. I played the demo, and whilst essentially it's 2 button combos it's still annoying and I there's no indicator to tell you which ones you should use and what works better in certain situations.


As for a better camera in other games, maybe one you can actually control?


So play easy automatic and stop whining.


You can control the camera in Bayonetta. It's called "right analog stick"

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Why play it in such a way that it's just plain button mashing? That would be boring, yet not even the developers could deduce the reasoning behind the variation of 2 button combos.


And it's not called that because in many circumstances it does jack all.

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I played the demo, and whilst essentially it's 2 button combos it's still annoying and I there's no indicator to tell you which ones you should use and what works better in certain situations.

This seems like a good time to mention that it's a good thing you haven't bought Demon's Souls. You'd hate it.


I'm reliably informed by stalwarts of the genre that Bayonetta is the finest execution of the DMC formula yet. They're not really my scene so I defer to said experts judgement, but I did enjoy summoning a hair-dragon and biting the boss in half.

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It's actually a mix of Jazz Fusion and Gothic Orchestral music. Also the singer of the main battle theme (Theme of Bayonetta), is Belgian. So it's far from a "j-pop" song. Still fair enough if you don't like it ;p




There are not 151 "songs".




Name me a similar camera with a better camera.. unless you're referring to the clock tower level, which is quite chaotic.




First off. There is no need to "learn" combos. There are two main attack buttons.. punch and kick, you press them in different orders and different rhythms and you do different attacks. Easy to learn, difficult to master.


Of course, if your motor still isn't oiled enough for something that basic, there is still the Easy Automatic mode. Y button is essentially the win button. I see no call for further complaints. This game is hands down, and factually the best action game out there.




Again.. what is wrong with the camera? Furthermore, the PS3 version has atrocious framerate. It runs at an average of under 30 fps compared to the 360's constant 55+fps. For a game of this type, it is unacceptable. This is not Platinum game's fault, nor is it sony's because I am sure the PS3 is more than capable of handling the game. It is the fault of Sega's porting team.


You may prefer the God of War series with it's big brauny muscular lead and it's ripping heads of shoulders, but the game is less focused on combat than Bayonetta, and the combat itself has been simplified to reach a broader audience. The combat in God of War is childsplay next to Bayonetta's.


It's fine if you don't like the visual aesthetics of the game, or the genre of which the game belongs to. It's all subjective in that regards. But in terms of how great and brilliant the game is in regards to what the game is out to achieve.. it is untouchable. And this is why the game has been getting praise.



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I love Bayonetta as a video game character, but im sick of the genre she stars in. Id rather see her in a versus fighter, or an adventure game, or hell even an RPG. Anything but another button-mashing frenzy!


On a side note, i played the PS3 demo without having seen any 360 comparison videos and it looked and played fine. Ignorance is bliss in this case.

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