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southpaw setting permitting, this is my most anticipated game in the works. It just looks so exciting to play.


Also loving the lack of emphasis on gunplay. Word is from the devs that the guns will be more like temporary power ups than an arsenal, the combat being based on evasion, disarmament and dispatching the goon in question (plus his buddies, presumably) before the ammo runs out and you ditch the empty gun while you leg it again. sounds baddass, looks sweet in practice too from the video.

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Saw this awhile ago and yeah it does look impressive. Areas are colour coded to allow you to quickly realise possible running routes. It has you fighting some sort of organisation as well so there is a purpose for your actions. Sounds promising but I wonder how the internal moments will play out i.e. will it become a bog standard shooter or will there still be ways for you to use your abilities because the whole game cant possibly take place solely on rooftops and outside.

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it's not a shooter- more a platformer with shooting in. the emphasis definitely won't be on FPS action, rather it's just in first person.


Granted the shooting comes last, but the game cant feasibly be made so that the character is always outside. There has to be bits that have you inside so what do you reckon happens then. Corridors aren't exactly the most interesting of places, especially for a parkour obsessed individual.

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I can see this becoming Assassins Creed again. Apart from the obvious free running comparison, I fear it will show so much promise then turn out to be nothing more than average. Also, I fear for the control system - I can see it being too complicated or too simple, and I think it will be tough to strike the right balance.

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It does look very nice, but it could easily be a letdown. I love the brighter colours and sharp visuals, but they need to have a really sweet system that works in many different ways to keep good interest. When are we likely to see this on shelves? A year?

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last i heard about the controls it sounded pretty intuitive: something like you steer as per usual then when you get to an obstacle, you use either a 'high' or 'low' move on the triggers to, say, vault or slide under a bar.


as for the inside sections- obviously they'll be there, but if I was a dev the obvious answer to me is as simple as 'make big rooms'.


Assassin's creed is, i think, a very poor comparison. For one thing, this is linear so think more like Prince of Persia. Also, all of AC's problems are from it being a shitty sandbox structure, not the control, animation or graphics.

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I'm just glad someone made a game with graphics that don't consist on bump-mapping everywhere, bald people, bloom, blur, bloom, bloom, blur, brown and grey.

It's a very good take on the first person perspective, it really looks like a first person viewpoint, let's just see how it works out, it needs a good balance between automatic and manual action. Like I said, this screams next-gen to me.

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Assassin's creed is, i think, a very poor comparison. For one thing, this is linear so think more like Prince of Persia. Also, all of AC's problems are from it being a shitty sandbox structure, not the control, animation or graphics.


No, I'm not "comparing" it to Assassins Creed in that way. Just saying that it reminds me of it somewhat, probably mostly due to the parkour stuff, and the sort of pre-release hype its getting as a potentially awesome game.

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Yeah I think this gen, once the 'zomg HD' bullshit has died down should be driven by other stuff like, in this case, animation etc.


No, I'm not "comparing" it to Assassins Creed in that way. Just saying that it reminds me of it somewhat, probably mostly due to the parkour stuff, and the sort of pre-release hype its getting as a potentially awesome game.


it's not very hyped at all though.


I mean, I'm hyped! I'm fuckin pumped about it! but I'm pretty much certain it had one concept preview in edge, some screenshots and now this video. Where's the rest of the hype?

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This game looks pretty fresh and exiciting. Saw it in OXM a while back and it looked quite interesting.


Nail the controls, and this could be a peach of a game - looks and sounds amazing to me. It's got that clean, sharp look about it, TF2-esque. Hopefully the gameplay will be just as fast-paced and crisp.

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Looks fantastic. More games need to do first person perspective this well.


Pretty damn ambitious though, but then if five games were this ambitious and one of those five delivered on their ambitious promises then I would be happy.


Basically devs need to take more risks, and this is a step in the right direction.

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Yeah I think this gen, once the 'zomg HD' bullshit has died down should be driven by other stuff like, in this case, animation etc.




it's not very hyped at all though.


I mean, I'm hyped! I'm fuckin pumped about it! but I'm pretty much certain it had one concept preview in edge, some screenshots and now this video. Where's the rest of the hype?


Basically every forum I read has a thread on this video hyping it to shit.

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Puta Merda! This looks freaking awesome! I'm a bit sceptical on the First person side of it, can a fast plat former be FPV? Other than that, THE SUN! This is possibly the most realistic daylight I ever seen.

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Puta Merda! This looks freaking awesome! I'm a bit sceptical on the First person side of it, can a fast plat former be FPV? Other than that, THE SUN! This is possibly the most realistic daylight I ever seen.


Puta Merda! Haven't said that in a while, thank you for reminding me!

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I shouldn't think so. Looking at that little game play section I keep thinking to myself "I would've just run across that" or "I would vaulted off the panel to clear that bit", which would fit with the free running theme.

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I shouldn't think so. Looking at that little game play section I keep thinking to myself "I would've just run across that" or "I would vaulted off the panel to clear that bit", which would fit with the free running theme.


I guess that would defeat the point of free-running anyway (being on-rails). Would be cool if you could get a stategic fly-by of each level/area beforehand, to allow you to plan a route.:heh:

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