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Reload this Page Gamers have won the battle against the censors

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An article from The Guardian attacking the anti-gaming crowd.

Gamers vote. Gamers buy newspapers. They won't vote for you, or buy your newspapers, if you trash their entertainment with your ignorant ravings. Call them social inadequates if you like, but when they have more friends in World of Warcraft than you have in your entire sad little booze-oriented culture of a real life, the most you'll get from them is pity.

You guys have got to read the whole thing, it's a fantastic article.

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Kudos to the mad!


Pity it was in the Grauniand... Anyway, mad props to the fellow.


why? best paper in the country by miles. Might be a little mental at times (their facebook = neo con world domination plot article was fucking wank) but they're genrally fucking awesom-o.

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Guardian news, pretty good. Guardian Editorial and Comment Is Free, eh, not so good.


This is a little too aggressive for my tastes, this is about fun and games remember, but he makes good strong valid points.

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why? best paper in the country by miles. Might be a little mental at times (their facebook = neo con world domination plot article was fucking wank) but they're genrally fucking awesom-o.


I'm an Indepentent/Private Eye (which is the best paper on the planet, btw...) man myself.


I just still think of the Guardian as the Grauniad, and the horrific subbing it once had...

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