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Guest Stefkov

I can see in the first and second how much sharper the picture is.

Theres no point in a component cable for the Cube now. I wonder will the Wii make cube games look better? Most defintely been asked before but i dont remember it being asked.


PS thats a very nice tv.

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I can see in the first and second how much sharper the picture is.

Theres no point in a component cable for the Cube now. I wonder will the Wii make cube games look better? Most defintely been asked before but i dont remember it being asked.


PS thats a very nice tv.


It's my pride and joy :) poor thing hasn't even seen past 480p, God love it! And it's capable of much more!


The Wii won't make GCN games look any different whatsoever; remember, the Wii is basically housing an internal GameCube console too.

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Isnt really zoomed in but thats how it looks on my Sammy tv. I used the settings that I PM'd to you and its in game mode. Looks beautiful *wipes tear*


WOW! Really, i swear i will, one day, find out how do you manage to get such picture with composite. Maybe my TV is has a weak point in composite connections. But it doesn't matter, as i will connect my Wii through component.:grin:


As you can see, composite is muddy and colours bleed, component sharpens things up and softens colour (on my TV anyway) and progressive scan just cleans everything up!


I can see the difference between composite and component, but it's hard to see the difference with or without progressive scan. Maybe if i had the TV in front of me i would notice.


Rest assured that Zelda looks gorgeous in prog scan :)


That's what i needed to hear, thanks :o Let's hope you're right.

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Lol I really wish you could see it in real life though, I warned you that pictures wouldn't do it justice! I know composite actually doesn't look too bad on my photo, but it's actually all blurry and bright colours flicker and wobble, it really is crap on a big HDTV. And component in 480p just completely fixes everything and then some, you have my word as a longtime videophile, progressive scan is the shit!


Look closely again at the difference in colour and clarity between the first picture (composite) and one of the last - it's remarkable in real life.

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Yep, I'm aware that it's much different looking at pictures compared to looking at a TV. Also, i think progressive scan makes a lot more sense, if it's being watched in motion instead of a fixed picture. I if you say it's the "shit" then i should not worry. Thanks a lot.


Am i the only one that prefers composite out of those pics? :p


Maybe you're one of those few people that prefer blurry pictures.:p

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Guest Stefkov

KOH you got them saved as jpeg files? Cos that makes pic even worse, maybe if you had the pics in bitmap.

If you go into paint and save a black line against a white background and save it as bitmpa, when you load again its the same, if you save as jpeg is blends the colours. You may have already known this, but if you can, could you get those pics in bitmap. It may look even better.

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EDIT: Ok, I just tried reading through this topic, and I am going insane from the amount of video related info I never wanted to have to handle. I'm just going to ask a few more questions, and if they're unanswered I'll end up punching someone.

Is it worth getting a RBG cable over the composite for an SDTV?

Yes. I have one for GC and it does wonders to the picture.

What the hell is this? Can I use this to connect the Wii to my monitor? My monitor has both VGA and DVI. Do I really need that ghey huge VGA box and component cables?

Quick search around the net showed that D-terminal is a japanese standard. So no. You need the vga box, or if you're handy you can make one yourself. I just need to design a pcb for mine. And find a monitor that can sync to composite sync... And find a place to make the pcb... so it probably will never get done actually :)

How do I know if the scart inputs on my TV support RBG? (there are two, and all they say are EXT-1 and EXT-2.) One is blue (EXT-1) and one is red (EXT-2).

And, again, that scart box there I really want.

For that you need to consult the tv's manual. I know they're scary, especially if translated. But usually they contain useful info. Usually EXT1 has RGB (and EXT2 s-video)

That's all, I think. I'm just gonna try not to think about this now. I wish everyone would've just stuck with composite forever.. I feel like some old dude trying to use a computer. :(


Well they're not that hard. Just don't try to learn them all at once.

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I too stumbled across that while back. Anyone used this? It allows component input so I'm seriously considering getting it, but its handling of the signal can be shabby and it could end up with a fuzzy image. There are quite a lot of VGA boxes (many seem to be unknown chinese brand) and there isn't any info on how they compare. Some VGA boxes cost 100+ and I'm guessing they are very good, but I dont know if I want to spend that much. The irony is that I think over the years I've spent as much buying cheaper ones.


My first was XGA box:


It was ok. No matter how much I fiddled, the display was always fuzzy though.


Some years after, my second was this stand-alone TV tuner by Godmei (low budget chinese manufacturer?):


This one is not bad. It tunes into terrestrial TV channels too. You can press a switch to go from PC to TV/consoles. What's more, it can put the Tuner display (including the console input) into a corner of PC monitor, overlapping on PC display.


One example is this - FFxi is running on PC, while I'm playing Pikmin on GameCube. GameCube display is placed at top left. This has been useful when I'm waiting for party invite and need to kill time. Sorry for the fuzzy camera shot; Windows clipboard screenshot wouldn't do as that GameCube display is directly fed into the monitor and not via Windows.



The down side of this Godmei tuner is that it handles composite video poorly. S-video isn't too bad. But later UK versions of GameCube didn't have S-video. I know Japan is getting S-Video cable for Wii, but I don't know if that's coming to the UK or is compatible. I also want a VGA box that handles all signals well and display as crisp as possible. Most functions are on remote control and it eats batteries like mad...


Even better if I could plug in SCART into a VGA box directly.


Obviously a direct cable would be ideal but I haven't heard anything about one of those appearing for the Wii.

Putting aside modding D-terminal for now, I've also come across SCART to VGA, but SCART side is male connectors and not female.


I think there may be a reason behind this... but in theory I think direct connection is doable with female-to-female SCART adapter attached. In practice, I don't know what problems exist. There are problems with this, I reckon.

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Putting aside modding D-terminal for now, I've also come across SCART to VGA, but SCART side is male connectors and not female.


I think there may be a reason behind this... but in theory I think direct connection is doable with female-to-female SCART adapter attached. In practice, I don't know what problems exist. There are problems with this, I reckon.


so with this your saying plugging in the rgb scart cable straight into this and then vga into back of monitor?!

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KOH you got them saved as jpeg files? Cos that makes pic even worse, maybe if you had the pics in bitmap.

If you go into paint and save a black line against a white background and save it as bitmpa, when you load again its the same, if you save as jpeg is blends the colours. You may have already known this, but if you can, could you get those pics in bitmap. It may look even better.


LOL, i know. But for the purpose of retaining picture quality maybe PNG is the best file type because it keeps 100% 1:1 quality AND compresses it the best it can whilst BMP does not compress it. It does that by using exactly the same process Winzip or Winrar do by compressing a BMP. But, for this kind of pictures, like photographs, with no padronized colors, it would take around 3MB in this case and i could not upload them on imageshack. :heh: The camera i took the pictures with only saves in jpeg, so i couldn't do anything anyway. That's the best quality i could get.


Also, try this: draw a black line against a white background, then save a copy in BMP (24 bit color), another on JPEG, and another on PNG.

Witch one is best regarding quality and save space?


And i've gone way off topic.:indeed: Sorry.

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Like I said, SCART end is male connector instead of female, so you couldn't plug your VCR/console directly in. I was just contemplating that in theory you could use female-to-female SCART adapter to turn that end into female connector and do what you just suggested.


But in practice, surely it can't be that easy or it would've been a common practice. I'm guessing there is a problem with this approach such as signal requiring conversion etc.


BTW I'm still tearing my hair out on whether to get the vga box mentioned earlier... the component input at that price certainly makes this attractive.


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Bogbas: Thanks a billion. That clears things up. It'll probably be hard to find my manual though, as I got the TV for free from my grandparents when they got a widescreen. I'll look around though. And I'll get an RBG cable anyway if I can't find it and hope for the best.

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My Atari STe as VGA output. Basicly it's the same as SCART RGB with an extra sync cable ;)

The LCDs/Monitors can handle 50Hz for sure. And the Wii can't force 60Hz because not all TVs can handle 60Hz. Your TV will make a strange sound :)


Metroid Prime Echoes did, as did OOT bundled in with WW.

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Geist also was 60Hz only, but no one really cared about that pos.


My Atari STe as VGA output. Basicly it's the same as SCART RGB with an extra sync cable ;)

The LCDs/Monitors can handle 50Hz for sure. And the Wii can't force 60Hz because not all TVs can handle 60Hz. Your TV will make a strange sound :)

Just wait a few weeks/months and there will be definitely someone out there who'll figure out an easy solution.


It'll be either the D-Terminal being modded or the Euro RGB, as an RGB signal is needed for VGA to technically work.

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Guest Stefkov

If you dont want to see any screens of zelda, these may be spoilers they may be not, im not sure.

I for one looked at them for the comparison.

more component vx composite

Note = component on the right this time, not on left as we, (Ive), seen in other images.

It may be blurry, but you can never catch a great picture with a camera from a tv/any monitor.


you can see how much more detail can be seen in the component on the left.

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I'd love to say yes Sparko, a lot of people would be happy to hear they could convert component to RGB SCART but I'm afraid not! As the description says, RGB and component are different and it's only really a connector for use if both devices are compatible -- unless your TV has a component SCART (which I think are very rare), then it would probably work. But most component sockets on devices are the red, green and blue RCA connectors.


Aw, thought it was too good to be true! Thanks for clearing it up man.

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hello people i have a question. im wanting a new tele for xmas from my parents. i have heard that there is not much point in going for hd unless you can get it over 23" as it doesnt show the quality very much and i cant fit it in my room so i am thinking either of these 3 teles im liking the firts one more but i want my wii to look as good as possible i shall get component cable but which one is the best quality wise as i have no idea what anyof it means if anyone has another tele (has to be lcd and small can only fit upto 20 inch in room) to recomend i cant spend more than 300 quid


1 ) http://www.amazon.co.uk/Samsung-LE19R71WX-Widescreen-Ready-White/dp/B000J3YEVO/sr=1-19/qid=1164740649/ref=sr_1_19/202-8698927-9039867?ie=UTF8&s=electronics


2) http://www.amazon.co.uk/Philips-15PF4121-05-Crystal-Television/dp/B000EOMOZ6/sr=1-12/qid=1163606155/ref=sr_1_12/026-9574730-7729256?ie=UTF8&s=electronics


3) http://www.amazon.co.uk/Samsung-LE15S51B-Sparta-Television-Table/dp/B0009Z4BZG/sr=1-171/qid=1163608110/ref=sr_1_171/026-9574730-7729256?ie=UTF8&s=electronics

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hello people i have a question. im wanting a new tele for xmas from my parents. i have heard that there is not much point in going for hd unless you can get it over 23" as it doesnt show the quality very much and i cant fit it in my room so i am thinking either of these 3 teles im liking the firts one more but i want my wii to look as good as possible i shall get component cable but which one is the best quality wise as i have no idea what anyof it means if anyone has another tele (has to be lcd and small can only fit upto 20 inch in room) to recomend i cant spend more than 300 quid


1 ) http://www.amazon.co.uk/Samsung-LE19R71WX-Widescreen-Ready-White/dp/B000J3YEVO/sr=1-19/qid=1164740649/ref=sr_1_19/202-8698927-9039867?ie=UTF8&s=electronics


2) http://www.amazon.co.uk/Philips-15PF4121-05-Crystal-Television/dp/B000EOMOZ6/sr=1-12/qid=1163606155/ref=sr_1_12/026-9574730-7729256?ie=UTF8&s=electronics


3) http://www.amazon.co.uk/Samsung-LE15S51B-Sparta-Television-Table/dp/B0009Z4BZG/sr=1-171/qid=1163608110/ref=sr_1_171/026-9574730-7729256?ie=UTF8&s=electronics


I would say go for the top one, the Samsung LE19R71WX, but there is no component IN on it it seems, which is quite strange! That's HD Ready, that's more like it, but you'll need to find one with component IN if you want to play Wii on it at its very best.

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