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This is utterly ridiculous. Just because ONE site doesn't like it (when many many more do) doesn't mean a thing.


I flicked through EDGE today, they gave Madworld 6/10, does it mean it's bad? NO! It's just a different take, someone else's opinion. A lot of sites and mags loved Madworld, but EDGE didn't, fair enough.


So CVG doesn't think The Conduit is going to be that hot, but IGN and several other sites really do. The sad thing is that some people on here seem to be actually willing it to be a poor game!

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The appeal of this game for me is that I love FPS controls on Wii, when they're done properly like Metroid Prime 3. But I really hate war games like Call of Duty and Medal of Honour etc.


Shooters for me have to have something special in there (like Half Life 2) I would have enjoyed Red Steel more if not for the crappy controls.


Anyway - good controls + not being a war game = a purchase for me.

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The controls do make a difference, but it doesn't make the game. If everything else is mediocre or suck, the controls don't exactly save a game for me at least. I hope Conduit turns out good, but so far I haven't seen anything extraordinary besides nice graphics.

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From the outset, two things put me off this preview, they're instantly bias, simply not bothered.


-They've not put the publisher in their 'info banner'- just how long have Sega been the official publisher? That chap can't have been paying much attention, since recent showings will have had Sega reps crawling all over.


-SciFi pap? I love SciFi conspiracy, and can't think of too many games of recent years that have followed the theme.


-They're talking about two levels that the rest of the gaming press previewed months ago.


I'm still behind this game.

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I don't people should put too much stock into the online multiplayer. Yes, it's where everyone will spend most of their time once finished with the single player. But the multiplayer, in virtually all good FPSs, acts as 'dessert' if you will. A good FPS isn't valued for its online functionality. It's valued for it's single player and as long as the single player here can stand up and be counted then anything else that comes with the game, i.e. the online multiplayer, is gravy. An FPS valued for its multiplayer is being valued for lastability and if the multiplayer outstrips the single player then it begs the question of what the developers did with their time and why they bothered with a single player.

I hope you don't have gravy for dessert.


And anyway, I think in this age online usually comes above single player, but both are worthy of playtime. Games like Half-life and Metroid however should not consider adding online modes. Just look at the Echoes multiplayer. Granted, Hunters was good online but for a cost. The developers should have made the focus on campaign.


And yes the Conduit should be judged after reviews and playing but there's sometimes you can tell if it will be bad. Personally I think the single player will be an average affair with the online being brilliant.


And whoever had a pop at Resistance, why don't you actually play it online? It's awesome. Along with Halo apparently.

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I hope you don't have gravy for dessert.


And anyway, I think in this age online usually comes above single player, but both are worthy of playtime. Games like Half-life and Metroid however should not consider adding online modes. Just look at the Echoes multiplayer. Granted, Hunters was good online but for a cost. The developers should have made the focus on campaign.


And yes the Conduit should be judged after reviews and playing but there's sometimes you can tell if it will be bad. Personally I think the single player will be an average affair with the online being brilliant.


And whoever had a pop at Resistance, why don't you actually play it online? It's awesome. Along with Halo apparently.


Yer, Halo's online structure is unparalled within the FPS genre - was the only reason I played it personally. For me, FPS games are all about the online. I mean, with World at War I didn't even touch the campaign for a few weeks.

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Ok, but you must agree with the film being bad? It got good reviews but it doesn't really have a story or explanation and not really much happens.


Do you mean the first or the second film?


I've seen the first, but me and the female are watching the entire series before we watch the film. In the order that God made the X-Files.


I quite enjoyed the first film, mind. It ties in with the series, so it feels more like an extended episode.

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I don't know what one it was but it starred 2 FBI people at the start that failed to diffuse a bomb. I thought it was pretty poor to be honest.


About as off topic as you can get :p


That's the first film. :)


Heeey, I quite enjoyed that film. But then, I do love the series and just about everything X-Files related. Did you watch much of the tv series, because this really works about a million times more if you see the episodes or seasons around when the film takes place. (series 5, film, series 6)


As a standalone film, it's not the best.

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The X-Files must be judged on the tv series first and foremost.


The tv series is brilliant. :)


Yep, it's one of the best TV series ever made, no exaggeration.



I don't know what one it was but it starred 2 FBI people at the start that failed to diffuse a bomb. I thought it was pretty poor to be honest.


That's the first film and it's basically a bridge between seasons 5 and 6, so someone who doesn't follow will be a bit at a loss. They do try to make it work as a stand alone film, but it really only clicks with the series' faithful audience.


I still haven't seen the second film, I am currently re-watching the whole series, I'm now about midway through season 4.

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Yep, it's one of the best TV series ever made, no exaggeration.





That's the first film and it's basically a bridge between seasons 5 and 6, so someone who doesn't follow will be a bit at a loss. They do try to make it work as a stand alone film, but it really only clicks with the series' faithful audience.


I still haven't seen the second film, I am currently re-watching the whole series, I'm now about midway through season 4.


:D We have another believeeeer.

I want to beliiiieve!


It kinda...works as a standalone. But, it functions much better as that bridge, as you say.


Enjoy watching it onwards. I'm currently on 6, but won't be watching anymore for a while. Damn long distance relationships.


And baaaack to the Conduit.

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It's a game that made me want to wait before changing platform and I am still intrigued. Will make my friend buy it if it's good.


You don't have to change platform, you can just complement the Wii with another one. I got a 360 last November and I really recommend it, it's a great, great console with a great catalogue and the best online service.

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Well I did because I didn't have the money and backing two consoles is actually surprisingly annoying. Don't want to sound like a nob but I haven't really missed it, the shelf has hardly changed since the last time I went in GAME.


PSN is free :) Plus this new Xi thing in Home is brilliant.

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PSN is free :)


PSN has no voice chat, as far as I know. :) No real competition coming from there, I think. Xbox Live is like MSN.


Much is said about Live not being free, I myself talked trash about it before trying. Of course I'd rather it being free, I won't be hypocrite about that. But it really is worth it. And you can find bargains online. I bought 13 months for €30, as opposed to the official 12 months for €60.

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PSN has voice chat. Either that or I've been talking to dwarf and the others telepathically.


I'm kind of hoping it is the latter.


Plus Home is free and shaping up really well. Like dwarf said, Xi is a lot of fun and really quite innovative. Kind of reminds me of that DS game with all the awesome amazing puzzles....Anither Code, I think. Been playing that for at least two weeks, new stuff every day and we are only about a third or the way through it.

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