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The way the programmers can stop it with out removing jump is a horizontal air speed lock, which kicks in after the first landing and cuts out after a few seconds on the ground. The effect causes any jumps done straight after the first (ie attempted bunny hopping) to make you just go up and down on the spot, making you (rightfully) and easy target.


Sounds sensible enough. Unless there are maps with large steps that you need to jump up. Has this ever been done, out of interest?


Zechs, the single player is ace - I am really getting into this now. Missions 7 and 8 are an absolute blast to play - the best ones yet IMO.

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Sounds sensible enough. Unless there are maps with large steps that you need to jump up. Has this ever been done, out of interest?


Zechs, the single player is ace - I am really getting into this now. Missions 7 and 8 are an absolute blast to play - the best ones yet IMO.


I'm doing a bit every night, just saving the President at the moment - awesome mission. I love the feeling of being in their on your own. I like COD4 and COD5, but you always feel surrounded by the squad, which is great, but it's nice to go it alone old skool style!

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I suppose I'm just used to COD where very few people do it. I find it irritating, I'm also pretty sure that in real combat it doesn't work lol


It doesn't really work in The Conduit either tbh, it's so easy to aim at someone bunny hopping or not, much like PC gaming. What does make a difference is that games like CoD tend to have a mechanism in place to momentarily "pin" anyone who has just been hit and this then makes it easier to finish off someone after hittng them once. This sort of thing just isn't present in The Conduit.

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In TC its a good way of dodging explosives, but thats about it. In other games its basically how you play the game. Try playing Cube2:Sauerbraten online, not only do you move faster when jumping, but you jump high enough that it makes it harder to hit you. The trade off is that you make a noise that other players can hear when you jump, so you have to walk to sneak up on people ect. The Conduit is actually similar in that way. I don't see why people complain about things like campers and bunny hoppers in online games though. Its a strategy, and if you can't overcome someone else's strategy, its a successful one. In general, you should just look in spots where campers usually hide and learn to hit people when they're bunny hopping.

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I haven't really had the time to play this a lot due to time constraints, but I just...


... destroyed the nest in the sewers. All bloody 26 sacks of 'em! Somehow, I always managed to get killed very abruptly when I had to destroy just one more. A full health-bar, one sack remaining, Pif, Kablow and dead. I'm no controller-hurler, but I felt the temptation. It's not due to the game, but more likely to my impatience. In the end, I just shot them all from the lower level. It's funny how those small-greengray buglike 'runners' can soak up quite a lot of bullets/plasma, but one melee-attack can knock out up to 3 at the same time. Now, to rescue that president...



The singe-player is enjoyably old-skool, for better and for worse. I just hope they learn form their mistakes with The Grinder, which is atleast more original in concept. Let's hope the design follows suit.


I've tried the multiplayer and didn't like it. But that's not the game's fault, I just really, really hate online shooters with a passion. Don't care what you throw at me: The Conduit, MoF: H2, Killzone 2, COD4, Halo... I just don't like it. The only online games I play are Guitar Hero/Rock Band in Bandmode, and Mario Kart from time to time. I'll never buy a game for the online-aspect. Can't hold that against The Conduit, though.

Edited by Strange Cookie
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^ Why hast thou not been banned yet, troll? At the moment, who really cares how much it has sold. People are enjoying it and your clearly not even playing it so bugger off basically.




I'm endeavouring to finish this later on today to get my review written up. Just done the pentagon level and it was alright. The ending to it was rather lacklustre. Not to spoil it but those who've gone through the level should at least agree they could have done much more with that scenario. I sort of finished the level and went 'Was that it?'

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Yeh, not seen any TV commercials for it or any advertising for it outside of the internet. Strange considering SEGA did say they were going to do a heavy marketing campaign for the game.


Anyway, I've completed my review for this. In the end, I gave it an 8 out of 10. Seems about right. Controls are superb as is the sound from Diego Stocco and the graphics, while unoriginal and bland, are presented well. The single player is nothing startling, and does get quite difficult at times, but the online mode is where it's at and is definitely something that'll keep people coming back for months on end.

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I haven't finished it yet, but assuming the last level isn't an unfinished wireframe prototype I would agree with everything you've said.


I'd be interested to know Emasher's score out of ten - only if he wants to, that is.

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The online mode is crazy amounts of fun. I keep forgetting theres also a one-player mode.


Ditto, and it's the same thing that happened with MoHH2, I was always online, not to bothered about the single player.

Online is were this game shines.

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Hmm, everyone seems to be loving the online but me. Don't get me wrong, it seems awesome (especially bounty hunter), but the lag [for me] is atrocious. Granted, my country is known for its shocking connection but I can't think of a time where I haven't see people lagging about. I gather its just my sloppy connection, I'm only on 512/128 as it is.

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Guest Captain Falcon

I played through the last 4 levels last nigh/this morning and finished the single player.


The levels do generally get better and harder as you go on with the last one being quite tough (especially the start of it).


Whilst I'm sure they meant it to be a cliff hanger, I thought the ending ultimately felt a bit anticlimactic. It could have done with a proper boss at the end.


Noticed in the credits that Matt and Bozon from IGN got a mention.

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