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Abortion as art


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Its a hoax.


That's a relief to me. I read the thread's first post filled with disgust. Interesting project though - it certainly does spark some debate.

I personally think abortion is only acceptable (in inverted commas) in cases of abuse and/or rape. And even then there are more desirable solutions - adoption being the main one.

My views on abortion were solidified when I saw the miscarried foetus from my wife's first pregnancy at 17 weeks. The fact that you can get an abortion at up to 24 weeks in the UK is far, far more abhorrent than this woman's project.

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Guest Jordan
That's a relief to me. I read the thread's first post filled with disgust. Interesting project though - it certainly does spark some debate.

I personally think abortion is only acceptable (in inverted commas) in cases of abuse and/or rape. And even then there are more desirable solutions - adoption being the main one.

My views on abortion were solidified when I saw the miscarried foetus from my wife's first pregnancy at 17 weeks. The fact that you can get an abortion at up to 24 weeks in the UK is far, far more abhorrent than this woman's project.


That may be the case, but a child isn't classed as a living child in the eyes of the law untill its out of its mothers womb. Until then, its simply a chunk of slightly living meat.


Abortions happen, some people don't want kids simple as. Its better that people don't have them, rather than be terrible parents surley?

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People don't want to have kids: then don't have sex, or have sex very safely (condom + the pill).


Give the child up for adoption rather than abort.


Abortion is one of those issues where people don't shift much on their opinions. The above is my opinion, and it'll not shift whatever anyone says.

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Don't get me started on how wrong that actually is, but this is one sick bitch who thinks it is fun to do this to herself and produce art out of it and make money???. What if she does really want a child, chances of concieving properly now i think are very low.


What was wrong with what he said?

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Guest Jordan

Abortion is one of those issues where people don't shift much on their opinions. The above is my opinion, and it'll not shift whatever anyone says.


I wasn't trying to sway your opinion, sorry if i came off that way. Just trying to get my opinion across.

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At first I thought this was totally sick, but I'm glad this all turned out to be a hoax. It's very clever way to prevoke debate though, it certainly got this topic going.


People don't want to have kids: then don't have sex, or have sex very safely (condom + the pill).


Give the child up for adoption rather than abort.


Abortion is one of those issues where people don't shift much on their opinions. The above is my opinion, and it'll not shift whatever anyone says.


Agreed. Abortion should only be a last resort, if the sitaution is really serious. If it's just because they don't want the kid (and it was an "accident")? Tough, it's thier own fault.

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I wasn't trying to sway your opinion, sorry if i came off that way. Just trying to get my opinion across.


Yeah, I knew that, just didn't want this spiralling into a pro vs anti argument because it'd be like debating politics or religion! (Full of anger.)

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There are more children up for adoption than there are people who are willing to adopt.


I guess the real question is that at the end of their lives how many of those would rather not have been born, even having gone through the adoption system.

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I personally think abortion is only acceptable (in inverted commas) in cases of abuse and/or rape. And even then there are more desirable solutions - adoption being the main one.

My views on abortion were solidified when I saw the miscarried foetus from my wife's first pregnancy at 17 weeks. The fact that you can get an abortion at up to 24 weeks in the UK is far, far more abhorrent than this woman's project.


+65 respect points


I know far, far too many religious people who claim that an abortion is entirely evil, regardless of circumstances. Then again, some of these people claim that rapists, murderers and homosexuals are all equally evil, so I wouldn't don't take them seriously...


Anyway, I digress, and I refuse to let myself get into any arguments regarding religion until after my exams (along with other things, I'm not that mad). I thought it would be fake, to be honest, and am glad it is...

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I guess the real question is that at the end of their lives how many of those would rather not have been born, even having gone through the adoption system.


True. My family fosters but the trouble is, no matter how much work you do, he goes to visit his waste of space, sorry excuse for a human being, a bullet through the brain would be too good for her, mother. And everything he's learned just goes out of the window in those few hours. Some of his younger brothers are being put up for adoption and they will be much better off.

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+65 respect points


I know far, far too many religious people who claim that an abortion is entirely evil, regardless of circumstances. Then again, some of these people claim that rapists, murderers and homosexuals are all equally evil, so I wouldn't don't take them seriously...


Anyway, I digress, and I refuse to let myself get into any arguments regarding religion until after my exams (along with other things, I'm not that mad). I thought it would be fake, to be honest, and am glad it is...



So do I. I remember reading a few years back about a Catholic who used a violent assualt on an abortion centre to get his views on abortion across.


I only agree on abortion when it's necessary. And the only reasons I can think of for it being necessary is if the woman is raped, the family it will be raised into cannot afford it or the girl in question is too young.

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