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I completely forgot about yesterday. :woops:


As for the song choice I'm thinking Livin' on a Prayer, it's pretty simple on expert to five star, should have enough notes and overdrives to get a decent score. I know for a fact I'll be fooked on the harder songs, I can't even do Battery on Hard. :weep:

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If you just bought Rock Band 2 and then borrowed the first one off me, I think you could copy all the songs from it over for a small fee? (something like 400MS points, can't remember though) Save you buying both games.


Today we found a record of the day we had that epic 50+ song session :heh: it was on 8/10/08, well over a year ago now! Time flies, etc..


Yeah getting RB2 is definitely looking The Way Forward.


Q:Can I transfer my Rock Band 1 disc songs to Rock Band 2?

A:Yes, for a five dollar fee (400 MSP), you can transfer all disc songs, except Metallica's "Enter Sandman", Iron Maiden's "Run to the Hills", Black Sabbath's "Paranoid", and for Europeans only, Tokio Hotel's "Monsoon".

Quite liked playing... all of those so it's a shame that I will miss out on them, but getting the 50whatever songs for 400MSP is totally worth it :) Won't be for a couple of months yet, mind, unless I convince housemates it's a necessity...
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I completely forgot about yesterday. :woops:


As for the song choice I'm thinking Livin' on a Prayer, it's pretty simple on expert to five star, should have enough notes and overdrives to get a decent score. I know for a fact I'll be fooked on the harder songs, I can't even do Battery on Hard. :weep:


Yeah, I forgot as well, can't even remember what I was doing o_O

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Is the tilt sensor in anyone else's guitar ridiculously sensitive?


If I move mine up about a centimetre it activates star power/overdrive and it's really starting to annoy me! I've been playing Guitar Hero 3 again to see how much further I can get and I had to do the Cult of Personality solo without any star power cause it just kept activating. I reckon I could do One on Expert if I could just save it, I can get most of the way through the solo without it!


It's happened to my other guitar as well so I can't even use that!

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Are you talking about the Rock Band guitars? I've never had a problem with the tilt in the Guitar Hero guitars.


Also, sorry to swerve away and blow my own trumpet, but I finally did the Endless Setlist on Expert guitar today. 84 songs in 6 hours. No pauses or fails. 417/420 stars. 4 achievements and 125 Gamerpoints get. :awesome:

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That's odd, then...I don't know what it could be. I'd say it could be the way you hold it as you play, but that's probably not the case. :hmm:


It can't be the way I hold them cause it hasn't always happened. I used to have to tilt them quite a bit.

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Always had a problem w/ guitar hero guitars. On my current one the blue/orange will only work if you squeeze the neck of the guitar into to body (if that makes sense).


The tild is really undersensitive with the Rockband guitar, but similarly sometimes it'll go off as soon as I have enough starpower/beatlemania/whatever because of the angle I'm holding it. The whole tilt idea is stupid anyway. I always ALWAYS lose my note streak when I try to activate it. A nicely placed thumb-button or something would be nice.

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You're a newbie (not a n00b, that's too harsh) to GH/RB, so it will happen. It happened to me when I started playing Guitar Hero. It's tricky, but you just need to get used to it.

Just keep playing and practising and eventually you'll get it. GH/RB takes a while to perfect; it's only when you're playing on Expert can you get the most fun and satisfaction.

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You're a newbie (not a n00b, that's too harsh) to GH/RB, so it will happen. It happened to me when I started playing Guitar Hero. It's tricky, but you just need to get used to it.

Just keep playing and practising and eventually you'll get it. GH/RB takes a while to perfect; it's only when you're playing on Expert can you get the most fun and satisfaction.


It's nothing to do with newb/n00b or whatever, and everything to do with shit design.


My RB guitar sometimes sets off regardless of any movement, the tilt sensor is also fucked that I have to use the back button. The whammy and strum bars are on the way out too.

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I've been playing since GHIII, and have the III and WT-guitar. Personally, I founf the WT)guitar the best? The III-guitar is very fiddly when it comes to tilt. A slight shake gets things going.


Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised to play Little Sister form QotSA yesterday in an online session! It's not very often I get to play DLC online.


Oh, and I play on Medium most of the time. And only on Bass? I really can't be bothered to learn some songs on Hard, let alone expert. I just wanna have fun. And also bcause I'm a bassist in real life, and I usually study the basslines. That, and sometimes on hard/expert it gets somehow counterintuitive for me. That orange button is my worst enemy... I tend to go for a highter string.


Come to think of it, GH and RB are the only games I ever play online, and never competitive.

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I couldn't imagine playing without the orange button, or playing below Hard, it's a bit too relaxing! Once you clear Medium on GH you can easily go back and play early songs on Hard. After a while using the orange it's no harder than any other colour.

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I know, but it just... doesn't work for me. Song I can play really well in real life (eg. RHCP, QotSA,...) don't tend to feel very unnatural with the orange button. And songs I can play on hard just don't tend to be any fun for me anymore.


And I'm lazy. ;)


EDIT: posted three times. Woopsy.

Edited by Strange Cookie
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I can't imagine playing on medium any more, just seems ridiculously... dull...


Even when I go back to hard occasionally it doesn't seem right, I don't if they ever so slightly slow it down or something but a song I can play perfectly on expert I seem to mess up the rhythm on hard.


Anyway, I tried shortening the strap so the guitar is in a slightly different position and it seems to have helped a bit, but it now feels uncomfortable and I end up fucking up simple HOPO's...

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