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Rock Band


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^^^ Hmm do those cymbals come with the RB2 kit as standard then? it looks like the cymbals are just shortcuts to the other drums... what about if in RB3 they start using 4 pads the 3 cymbals and the pedal? wouldn't the cymbal then be different colours... might get confusing. :P


Unless they then released little coloured rings to go around the cymbals for those who choose to purchase them early (assuming there is one pack with and one without, not including the mega uber £200 + one) just a thought anyway. :smile:


Also what happened to the two pad and three cymbal kit that I know I have seen and was convinced that was the new set...




The Colour and The Shape is up for download! :yay: fuck yeah!




Sheesh, this thread has been dead for weeks >> (or at least ti seems like weeks) this is the second time I've deleted my post to bump it, anyway as RB2 is almost upon us (this Friday) I felt it time for it to rise to the top again (instead of languishing at the bottom of the page) :(


For anyone who's getting RB2 you might be interested to know that it is now IN STOCK on Play.com, this is quite early for them and if you have pre-ordered then your order should be at least order placed by now, fingers crossed though that anyone who buys it there will get it a day or two early : peace: which is great news if you can put down whichever of the many 360 games that have come out recently. XD


Anyway I can't wait for this. ^^

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@ SCG - I hope you're not intending on using the Lips mics on RB2 because if you are then you should know that they aren't compatible.


Sort of forgot about this but even now that I've remembered, I won't be getting till later on because I'm looking at joining the GoW2 party (yes I'm late. It's fashionable. And the best things happening later on. Barney Stintson said so. :heh:). Can't even remember the tracklist for this. I'm sure there were songs I wanted to play on this. I'll go and have a look.


Oh and is The Colour and The Shape compatible with RB1 or is it purely a RB2 download?

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@ SCG - I hope you're not intending on using the Lips mics on RB2 because if you are then you should know that they aren't compatible.



Lol nope it's ok I know, I just want the game as it looks fun PLUS you can use your own music with the game and it will score you on it, hopefully with lyrics too, either way I'm still getting it. :)


But I'm more excited about RB2 ^^ only a matter of hours or a day or two now as mine has been posted earlier today, can't wait. :smile:

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First, sorry for the double post, but the last was 2 days ago.


Now, it arrived Saturday, I wasted precious studying time on it and done so again today. Loving the game, its similar yet tweaked a lot better. So far only problem is the lack of improvement in character design. Little to no concern.


Love the huge selection of songs I can grab from my hard drive thanks to RB and the previous DLC I had. Bit shit that I need to spend 400 points to put Rock Band songs on my hard drive, but I'm a mug.


Now I just need to go through the game and unlock Livin' on a Prayer. Eye of the Tiger is made of win.

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Rock Band 2 kicks the shit out of Rock Band 1.


Graphically its sharper, the songs are far harder on hard difficulty, the character creation is still as fun but with the RB1 limits removed and is more customisable in other ways.


Song choice? Its fantastic. Far more varied and fun than the original. I've imported all my Rock band 1 songs (from a different 360 and not online... so i'm songless atm) and I started to download the free extra songs (look on the back of your manual!).


Can't wait to play more tonight.

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I won't be getting this until Christmas. Simply because I couldn't think of any other games I wanted for Yule. Had to make do wiz zat.


Oh, well. I've still got World Tour and Rock Band 1 to keep me rhythmically happy. :smile:


Should i get rid of my PS3 version of rockband 1 (with the band in a box) for RB2 + complete kit or GH:WT? Wasnt that impressed with the PS3 DLC on RB1.... Are they the same on each console?


They must be. I'm pretty certain that they are the same.

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Ah Harmonix you bastards! Taking the 400 to convert my RB tracks has stopped me being able to afford The Killers track pack that has the most awesome song ever, Mr Brightside. Gutted.


Killers track pack?


*Starts hyperventilating*


Mr Brightside?


*Passes out*



Did the track pack come out on Live today? That means it will be out on PSN on Thursday!!!:yay:

The credit card will take a hammering then, I need this track pack along with SSF2THDR.

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