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Marijuana, The Good, The Bad, The Lolz.


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Like people who sit around on nintendo forums are the most exciting people in the world. I'd rather be in a room full of stoners and piss-heads than some of you miserable bastards.


I don't know if you've realised it yet but you are in the same boat. You're like the people who go on MMOs and call everybody sad, a loser and a n00b without realising that you are just as bad.

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I'm sorry but that's a stupid arguement. "You can't judge suicide until you try it." Sure we might not know of the feeling. But we can see the effects, the problems etc.


Toking a joint aint gonna kill you in one now is it. And you cant see the effects, you've never smoked it.


The problems, apply to certain people only, and its their mind set. It doesn't fuck everyone up.


And everyone on here does seem to be pretty miserable towards, pretty much everything. I dont care that you dont smoke it, but give it a try and see if it dont change your perception :P


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Toking a joint aint gonna kill you in one now is it. And you cant see the effects, you've never smoked it.


The problems, apply to certain people only, and its their mind set. It doesn't fuck everyone up.


And everyone on here does seem to be pretty miserable towards, pretty much everything. I dont care that you dont smoke it, but give it a try and see if it dont change your perception :P



TBH I don't want to smoke it. I'd rather have the self satisfaction of being able to resist.


I may not be an expert but I do see quite a bit of the effects from the people I know and the area that I live. I may not have experienced the effects personally but I've seen other people and heard other people who also take the drug.


What was that video? It didn't load properly.

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TBH I don't want to smoke it. I'd rather have the self satisfaction of being able to resist.


I may not be an expert but I do see quite a bit of the effects from the people I know and the area that I live. I may not have experienced the effects personally but I've seen other people and heard other people who also take the drug.


What was that video? It didn't load properly.

Its impossable to fully explain the effects, its like trying to explain how you feel when your drunk or when you achive something, you can sort of portray the feeling but you cant fully explain to someone who has never done it, not that im saying you should smoke.

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Guest Jordan
Toking a joint aint gonna kill you in one now is it. And you cant see the effects, you've never smoked it.


You just keep smoking those joints and if you're lucky you'll get lung cancer!

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well jeez if you're going to ignore one point of my post instead of the other points, then your opinion in general on teh subject clearly means very little. Especially when you say "crack is whack". You tried it? Me? Twice. Please continue your blinkered retorts!


I am proud to say I have never tried crack and never will it is a dirty addictive drug and best to stay away from.

I think a lot of people here need to wise up and talk to frank.

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haha frank, nearly as bad as DARE in the US.


OK, dudes, we're not argueing it's not going to have any effect whatsoever, we're arguing it's not a gateway drug for most people who smoke up. I know people who went onto to become homeless junkies because they were searching for the perfect high. You guys must know some weak-ass people if everyone you guys know who smokes up are turning into junkies...


EDIT: I'm rephrasing that, because even ?I don't know wtf I just typed...


I think everyone on these boards understands, that yes, weed isn't good for you if you take too much. But then neithers sunnyD, remember that girl who turned yellow or someshit? Hell, I'm probably addicted to these boards, fuck knows why I still come on here (good ol' days etc). What I'm saying is, it's always down to the individual, and like jayeseven said (I think), the majority of people who smoke, you probably don't even realise it.


EDIT^2: There's more...


I'm sorry but that's a stupid arguement. "You can't judge suicide until you try it." Sure we might not know of the feeling. But we can see the effects, the problems etc.


Haha, did you seriously just compare toking up with commiting suicide...?


A few of you seem to be saying that scubahood was talking as if it was fact. Maybe I misread but I only read things as anecdotes. And basically that's what most of us have to go on. Personal experience.


Personal experience does not mean fact. If that's what most people have to go on, then they are going to be extremely misinformed.


In my school people used to smoke it in class, several times daily etc. I had people sniff poppers next to me once in a tech class whilst I was doing my coursework (or pretending to at least). And yes the ones who did it regularly did go on to harder drugs and yes it did make them dull people (I'd say at least 75%). I don't know if this was a direct result of, maybe it was just those sort of people that were attracted to it, but there was definitely a strong correlation.


It's definitely the people, not the drug. Pretty much all the 'smoker crew' in our sixth form do weed all the time, as much as they can afford. They also nearly all do pills. It's not the weed thats led onto doing the pills, it's the fact they're all ravers. You have to consider what people do outside of wherever you see them aswell.


Personally I will never try it and would warn other people off of it as well.


Do you also tell people films are shit without seeing them? Just because your 'peers' tell you it's shit?


Without trying to blow my own trumpet, I have quite a lot of self control. But a lot of people don't. And the whole "It isn't addictive" arguement is rubbish. Sure it might not be as physically/chemically addictive as other things but addictions are mainly mental. Why do you think it is hard for people to quit smoking? The chemicals can be out of their body quite quickly. Why do you think people are in rehab for so long? They can go cold turkey and the chemicals are gone quite quickly. But the mental addiction is still there.


I smoke, I can go however long without smoking. But just because the chemicals and nicotine is out of my body after 3 days, doesn't mean my synapses aren't calling for more.

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Yeah, used to do it almost every night for a couple of months. It was more as a result of having nothing better to do than stick on The Breakfast Club or something and relax with a j...


I noticed after doing it continuously that I just become really really docile and unable to give a fuck, and that put me off it completely, so I don't do it anymore. Maybe I would once every few months or something, but being the genius that I am, my mind is pretty important to me. I'm actually doing pretty good on the whole quitting drugs thing. I don't drink that often anymore either.


Either way, it's a bad bad thing to make a habit out of, but it's not addictive, so you might as well try it a couple of times for shits and giggles.

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I am proud to say I have never tried crack and never will it is a dirty addictive drug and best to stay away from.

I think a lot of people here need to wise up and talk to frank.


Frank doesn't know Jack Shit, and neither do the people who talk to him.

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Haha, did you seriously just compare toking up with commiting suicide...?


No. I was saying that you don't have to try things to see the effects.


Personal experience does not mean fact. If that's what most people have to go on, then they are going to be extremely misinformed.


I believe I said personal experience doesn't mean fact. Facts come from somebody's personal experience.


It's definitely the people, not the drug. Pretty much all the 'smoker crew' in our sixth form do weed all the time, as much as they can afford. They also nearly all do pills. It's not the weed thats led onto doing the pills, it's the fact they're all ravers. You have to consider what people do outside of wherever you see them aswell.


Well yes it's those sorts of people. And they probably would do harder stuff if they had the chance. But does it not serve as a stepping stone? by doing weed they know the dealers. They are also already on that scene. Weed is easy to get a hold of. Once they've tried weed then they will be less afraid of harder stuff. If they hadn't have tried weed then they might be too scared to try the harder stuff as it's a bigger jump.


Do you also tell people films are shit without seeing them? Just because your 'peers' tell you it's shit?


No but if that film makes them paranoid then yes I would. If you read my post then you would see that I said you wouldn't know the feeling. Only the effects.


I smoke, I can go however long without smoking. But just because the chemicals and nicotine is out of my body after 3 days, doesn't mean my synapses aren't calling for more.


Which is sort of what I said.


10 characters.

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Eating chips is the gateway to obesity, drinking alcohol is the gateway to alcoholism, eating sweets is the gateway to diabetes.


If that was the case we'd all die after having a very boring life.


I've done the ol' pot before, and not ashamed to admit it. I'm not a druggie. I've drunk alcohol (in the past), in quite large sums but I'm not an alcoholic... Infact I very very rarely drink.


Self control anyone?


Edit: In case anyone wonders why I compare alcohol to pot - They are both drugs, and CAN be as damaging as one another.

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Oh boy, the old "Gateway drug" argument. Here's an article for you to read over.




Have you ever thought that it's a popular arguement because there might be some truth in it? A lot of you moan that we keep using the same old arguements. but all I've heard from most of you is "I did it and I'm not on crack." or "My mates do it regularly and they won't touch harder drugs."

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Eating chips is the gateway to obesity, drinking alcohol is the gateway to alcoholism, eating sweets is the gateway to diabetes.


If that was the case we'd all die after having a very boring life.


I've done the ol' pot before, and not ashamed to admit it. I'm not a druggie. I've drunk alcohol (in the past), in quite large sums but I'm not an alcoholic... Infact I very very rarely drink.


Self control anyone?


Edit: In case anyone wonders why I compare alcohol to pot - They are both drugs, and CAN be as damaging as one another.


So you're implying that lifestyle in general can be a gateway to health issues?


Of course, not washing could lead to spots, eating unhealthily could lead to obesity. Certainly true on some factors, but surely you can think of something fun that doesn't damage your health? Taking drugs is a stupid thing to do. Before I get replies, 'you've never tried it LULZ!', no I haven't. That's because I've known in advance that drug abuse is a dangerous activity with few to no positives, and I've chosen to listen to it.


I've never been shot before, but I can assure you I don't intend to.

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Have you ever thought that it's a popular arguement because there might be some truth in it? A lot of you moan that we keep using the same old arguements. but all I've heard from most of you is "I did it and I'm not on crack." or "My mates do it regularly and they won't touch harder drugs."


You just replied with that to an article that shows it is a myth. In fact I couldn't even find evidence to support your views.

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You just replied with that to an article that shows it is a myth. In fact I couldn't even find evidence to support your views.


That article doesn't show that it's a myth. That article was a load of rubbish. If you look at people who are on harder drugs you will most likely find that most of them started on marijuana or cannabis. Who's more likely to start taking harder drugs, Mr X who has never smoked cannabis or marijuana, or Mr Y who frequently pops off to the dealer to get some weed?


One thing I did get from that article, "75 percent of adult cannabis users do not report other drug use". Well according to this 1 in 4 cannabis users will try other drugs.

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10 characters.


To the bottom point, the synapses calling for more, is very much so a physical addiction, the mental addiction of smoking for me, is whenever I get to our local station I have a fag. So if I don't have any, the craving is gonna be ther because I don't know what to do while waiting for my train.


That article doesn't show that it's a myth. That article was a load of rubbish. If you look at people who are on harder drugs you will most likely find that most of them started on marijuana or cannabis. Who's more likely to start taking harder drugs, Mr X who has never smoked cannabis or marijuana, or Mr Y who frequently pops off to the dealer to get some weed?


One thing I did get from that article, "75 percent of adult cannabis users do not report other drug use". Well according to this 1 in 4 cannabis users will try other drugs.


All murderers have probably drunk milk, doesn't mean drinking milk makes you a murderer.


Again, correlation does not mean causation.


And I'd say the person more likely to do pills, would be the person that goes to the raves more.




I believe I said personal experience doesn't mean fact. Facts come from somebody's personal experience.


By personal experience I mean, only your own. Just because you know people who have smoked up, and they've gone onto harder drugs, doesn't mean the majority do. I know people who have been the biggest smokers for years, they think any harder is just stupid. So? I don't take that as a meaning a majority think that.

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All murderers have probably drunk milk, doesn't mean drinking milk makes you a murderer.


Again, correlation does not mean causation.


And I'd say the person more likely to do pills, would be the person that goes to the raves more.


No it doesn't mean causation. But if the correlation is looked at properly then it will suggest a trend.


100% of murderers have drunk milk. 100% of non-murderers have drunk milk.


This tells us that everybody drinks milk.


90% of coke addicts started on cannabis. 10% of coke addicts didn't start on cannabis.


You can't look at one correlation. You have to look at both sides of it.


And yes I did make those statistics up and it was only to prove my correlation thingy so don't bother screaming "You made that fact up!!! It's all a lie!"

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By personal experience I mean, only your own. Just because you know people who have smoked up, and they've gone onto harder drugs, doesn't mean the majority do. I know people who have been the biggest smokers for years, they think any harder is just stupid. So? I don't take that as a meaning a majority think that.


No but I did say that it wasn't a fact. Not everybody has conducted studies. We can all get facts from the internet but it is possible that is made up and quite likely that it is twisted. The only things that we know of are our personal experiences. And it is our personal experiences what make us who we are and shape our views (unless you're a nature kind of guy). If your personal experience of marijuana is that you tried it and was fine then that will shape your views. If your personal experience is that you tried it and went completely insane then that will shape your view.


Back to your 1-in-4 cannabis users do other drugs, whats the other side of that then?


Well that wasn't my fact that was one from Sanchez's "anti-gateway" article.


For the other side you would have to look at how many people who take harder drugs weren't cannabis users.

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Fair do's. I'm just gonna agree that we disagree because well, I've argued this too much in sixth form for me to really care anymore.


Let's start a different thread of debate!


Did you guys know weed reduces the risk of parkinsons and in some cases has actually reversed the effects of parkinsons on people that actually had it.

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Fair do's. I'm just gonna agree that we disagree because well, I've argued this too much in sixth form for me to really care anymore.


Let's start a different thread of debate!


Did you guys know weed reduces the risk of parkinsons and in some cases has actually reversed the effects of parkinsons on people that actually had it.


Ok that sounds like a fair outcome.


And I had heard about that (to a small extent) but how many teenagers do you know with parkinsons?

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None, but It still reduces the risk. :yay:


Is that a proven fact? I don't know much about that. I don't really know much about parkinsons.


*runs to wikipedia*


EDIT: I know that it's to do with movement and stuff. But I don't see how weed would reduce the risk. All I can think of is that it relaxes the body. But that would be an aid to stop the symptoms not reduce the risk.

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