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Had to make this website for school...


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Ok, it's a decent enough website but:


Centre tends to look better imo

text is way too big.


Finally maybe when the games are clicked you could view a bigger image or a rollover of that image? As currently they are quite small?


Also never have a website that means viewers have to get the latest of everything of, tends to put viewers off.


I can't really think of anything else right now, but I like it ^.^

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You have to scroll through most websites.


It takes slightly longer to load at first but then it doesn't have to load at all anymore, if you get any delay its from rendering not from actual loading and its much shorter than actual loading.

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It's skillfully made but not very modern looking, plain text is a must, and when it comes to designing sites with flash, flash should simply be an aspect of the site like the header or the menu, not the whole thing. What happens when people want to copy a link, or an image, or link a friend to a page, or copy and paste some text? It's impractical to power a site entirely with flash.


And as everyone else has said, the text is too big ;)

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I've already changed the text, I just haven't uploaded the new SWF file. I've seen many sites before that use flash for the entire site. Its quite easy to set it up so text can be copied and pasted from flash.


There's no reason a site can't be powered entirely with flash.

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I've already changed the text, I just haven't uploaded the new SWF file. I've seen many sites before that use flash for the entire site. Its quite easy to set it up so text can be copied and pasted from flash.


There's no reason a site can't be powered entirely with flash.

No reason why it cant, but oh so many why it shouldnt.

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There's always a few things I've been told when making websites:


1. Make it load as quickly as possible

2. Don't force people to download things


Both for some reason most of the internet community don't like doing. If you want to keep in it flash bare in mind adding more things to it ^.^

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Oh its far from done yet, there are good reasons why I'm doing it all in flash.


You should be able to scroll up and down using the things you mentioned because the .swf is embedded in a .html page. If you can't there's something wrong with your browser.

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The text is too big, and i don't like flash when text would be as good or better.

I agree with night wolf on the center thing.


Ive just noticed, i cant scroll using up/down, page up/page down, space bar or the scroll wheel, this is more than annoying. you should try and sort that out.

Works for me.

EDIT: you have to click on the black bit for it to work, this is a bad design flaw...

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Oh its far from done yet, there are good reasons why I'm doing it all in flash.


You should be able to scroll up and down using the things you mentioned because the .swf is embedded in a .html page. If you can't there's something wrong with your browser.

I was using FF beta 3.3 so that could be it, also the fact that i had scroll lock on. Ignore me :P

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The text is too big, and i don't like flash when text would be as good or better.

I agree with night wolf on the center thing.



Works for me.

EDIT: you have to click on the black bit for it to work, this is a bad design flaw...


I don't have to click on the black bit, It must be a problem with firefox.


The text has already been made smaller I just haven't had time to upload the changes. Before I upload the next version I'm going to make the text selectable also, and center it. When its done it will be obvious why i've chosen to do it in flash rather than html.


I just made this thread to get advice on the actual design of the site, not the format and stuff.

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Using a non-beta release of Firefox and I'm getting the same issue with the scrolling. Web designers are supposed to design their sites around multiple browsers, and make sure they work flawlessly. "your browser sucks" or "Its a flaw in your browser" isn't much of an excuse tbh.


Also in much agreement with miss Nightwolf. Due to security and download limits, people can be fussy in what things they download.


Also I noticed that you haven't put a title tag. The top of my browser reads "Untitled Document"


Other than that its a pretty good attempt.

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All Flash = nono I much prefer it if it was simply done with frames and css not only might that load faster but say I am browsing a site. Any function to do with right click is gone which frustrates me to no end when i want to be copying say a section of an article for example and showing my friends..


EDIT: plus also.. a warning of "if you can view the site get the latest flash" doesnt apply when the warning itself is done in the same version of flash... whihc they cant view..

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All Flash = nono I much prefer it if it was simply done with frames and css not only might that load faster but say I am browsing a site. Any function to do with right click is gone which frustrates me to no end when i want to be copying say a section of an article for example and showing my friends..


EDIT: plus also.. a warning of "if you can view the site get the latest flash" doesnt apply when the warning itself is done in the same version of flash... whihc they cant view..

No frames EVER.

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I've already changed the text, I just haven't uploaded the new SWF file. I've seen many sites before that use flash for the entire site. Its quite easy to set it up so text can be copied and pasted from flash.


There's no reason a site can't be powered entirely with flash.



Apart from the reasons already said?

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Using a non-beta release of Firefox and I'm getting the same issue with the scrolling. Web designers are supposed to design their sites around multiple browsers, and make sure they work flawlessly. "your browser sucks" or "Its a flaw in your browser" isn't much of an excuse tbh.


Also in much agreement with miss Nightwolf. Due to security and download limits, people can be fussy in what things they download.


Also I noticed that you haven't put a title tag. The top of my browser reads "Untitled Document"


Other than that its a pretty good attempt.


thankyou and agreed, you asked for faults and we've helped you out with them. IRL if you were to make a website and gave the same attitude they'd find someone else, it's as simple as that. You've got to be aware that it doesn't matter what your design looks like because if somebody is using an old browser then they won't look at the website.


I was also told constantly through high school and college that a user will only scroll a certain length, so to always remember to keep the most important things at the top of the page.


EDIT: it just took 5 seconds for your website to load, most people will only wait 3. Just a thought.

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I'm gonna ignore the whole flash thing, and pretend it's all made in good ol' HTML.


First thing, when I load the page the metroid pic cuts off, and this is on 1280x1024, god knows how people running, what I would say the standard, 1024x768 are gonna see. (just checked, and it cuts off on the middle of the featured games.)


The featured games but should be smaller, possibly put it where the black on the side is. Which leads me to my next point...


The black on the side needs to have something, It just looks awkward IMO.



EDIT: And for some reason clicking the Nintendo Wii title, brings me to the page for Pokemon Battle Revolution.

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EDIT: And for some reason clicking the Nintendo Wii title, brings me to the page for Pokemon Battle Revolution.


I was hoping nobody would notice that, since I haven't created that page yet, the button will just take you to the last frame which happens to be the PBR page.

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