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Isn't it always nice that the more narrow minded among us have to post a comment shunning an entire group of people for no apparant reason?


Not really. Yeah anybody who wears trackies gets labelled as a chav but a chav is Council Housed and Violent. And violence seems a good enough reason for me.

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Not really. Yeah anybody who wears trackies gets labelled as a chav but a chav is Council Housed and Violent. And violence seems a good enough reason for me.


OK, lets take an example:


An old man who has recently come out of jail for a series of violent crimes settles into an estate. Chav or not?


I know a fair few chavs who are calm people, and a few others who are rich. You are stereotyping a group of people based on your empirical thoughts. I understand that media, schools etc promote chav behaviour as being violent. But that doesn't necessarily mean it is.

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OK, lets take an example:


An old man who has recently come out of jail for a series of violent crimes settles into an estate. Chav or not?


I know a fair few chavs who are calm people, and a few others who are rich. You are stereotyping a group of people based on your empirical thoughts. I understand that media, schools etc promote chav behaviour as being violent. But that doesn't necessarily mean it is.


No you're are taking it the wrong way. I don't know what your definition is but my definition of chav are scum that go around terrorising people. Regardless of what they wear or where they are from.

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No you're are taking it the wrong way. I don't know what your definition is but my definition of chav are scum that go around terrorising people. Regardless of what they wear or where they are from.


Hmm, OK. The point I'm trying to make is that people i know would consider themselves 'chavs', but they're as soft as a teddy bear.

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Your definition of chav clearly differs to mine.


You miss the point entirely. They aren't Chavs, they just call themselves Chavs.


"Chav" is used as a slang term and has been glamorised. It's actual meaning wouldn't fit most of the idiots that call themselves "chavs". I struggle to think of any reason why someone would want to be associated with the word, the only reason i can come up with is because it's "cool" and "fashionable" to dress like a tramp and be associated with yob culture.

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Then they aren't Chavs :indeed:


Your definition of chav clearly differs to mine.


Mcphee's definition is right. Chavs are antisocial and harass people on the streets. Doesnt matter their age or style, but generally they are the trackie/bling wearing ones.


People that wear trackies/bling bling/white trainers all the time, but don't abuse people, just have no fashion sense.

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You miss the point entirely. They aren't Chavs, they just call themselves Chavs.


"Chav" is used as a slang term and has been glamorised. It's actual meaning wouldn't fit most of the idiots that call themselves "chavs". I struggle to think of any reason why someone would want to be associated with the word, the only reason i can come up with is because it's "cool" and "fashionable" to dress like a tramp and be associated with yob culture.



Yeah, death to all chavs!

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I'd ban claires from piercing little girls and babies with guns, iditoic equipment that cannot be washed properly (I'm talking autoclave).


I'd also legalise marijuana I know from personal experince and with others that alcohol is far more dangerous, but that's for another debate ^.^.


I'd make the legal limit of footballers pay alot less and make sure nurses was alot bigger.


Other than that I can't really think of anything right now, but I'm sure they'll be something.



EDIT: Foreigns, I'm sorry but there needs to be more of a limit on foreigners, why? Because our country is getting way too full whereas places like poland are being deserted.


It'd probably be a better suggestion to ban all immagrants unless coming to work. Even then I'm going to be quite racist and say we have enough un-employment without foreigners coming and adding to it.

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Navarre what was/is your definition of chavs? And why do your friends associate themselves with them?


I'm not 100% sure what I'd deem a 'chav'. Looks are important part, but then they can be decieving. I love tracksuits, and the like, but I am by no means a chav. On top of that, a chav has to be mouthy and arrogant. Not violent, not poor, not a reject of society. Well, not all the time anyway.

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Yeah, someone that wears a tracksuit isn't a chav. Someone that does nothing, is an arse towards everyone else in society, lives off benefits because they can't be arsed to go out and earn a wage and (not solely) listen to "bangin' tunes" as most would put it. No?




Anyway, new laws? Erm, how about one that prevents people from stading in the middle of pavements chatting when people are trying to get on with their life.

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Anyway, new laws? Erm, how about one that prevents people from stading in the middle of pavements chatting when people are trying to get on with their life.


The worst one are the fat old people on mobility scooters who think they own the pavement and will mow you down if you don't move out of the way.

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I'd make the legal limit of footballers pay alot less


Why though? There's no reason for it, it completely defeats the whole purpose of capitalism if you put a limit on what someone can earn. If you say footballers can only earn X amount you'd have to do the same for absolutely everyone otherwise it owuldn't be fair at all, singers, businessmen etc.

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Why though? There's no reason for it, it completely defeats the whole purpose of capitalism if you put a limit on what someone can earn. If you say footballers can only earn X amount you'd have to do the same for absolutely everyone otherwise it owuldn't be fair at all, singers, businessmen etc.


Because nurses frankly do a bigger job than they do as do fireman and get jack shit whereas footballers kick a ball for the amusement of others and get thousands/millions of pounds.


I just don't think its right to class amusement over life-saving..:indeed:

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Because nurses frankly do a bigger job than they do as do fireman and get jack shit whereas footballers kick a ball for the amusement of others and get thousands/millions of pounds.


I just don't think its right to class amusement over life-saving..:indeed:



But the thing is, Footballers are payed by the club, who have the right to pay as much as they want for a player, and they have endless reasons to do so.

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I don't get why people take it out on footballers. Singers get paid loads as well, as do other sportsmen. And football is a business. And if you are good at you job then you will get paid more for it. Especially jobs in the liesure industry.


Course it'd be the same with singers and whatnot, infact most celebrities get paid way too much for my liking, but it's mostly footballers who get ''sung'' about because of news and whatnot, plus somebody mentioned it so I thought I'd add my comment.


Good at what kicking a ball? Singing into a microphone? Yet what about the people who have to cut dying people out of cars? Or help the terminal ill, why do they get nothing and yet the others do, how is that fair when they are just as good at their job? :indeed:

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Good at what kicking a ball? Singing into a microphone? Yet what about the people who have to cut dying people out of cars? Or help the terminal ill, why do they get nothing and yet the others do, how is that fair when they are just as good at their job? :indeed:


Because doing that isn't a business, it's run by the Government. Private doctors get paid a hell of a lot more than NHS doctors do because their practice is run as a business.

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Guest Stefkov

I'd ban the whole labelling and categorizing humans. Do we really need to seperate society by labelling burberry wearing people as chavs, black clothed people goths, etc.

What if you just like the clothing but aren't anything like the other people. I sure as hell wouldn't like to be called a chav because I was wearing my hood up on my jumper.

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Good at what kicking a ball? Singing into a microphone? Yet what about the people who have to cut dying people out of cars? Or help the terminal ill, why do they get nothing and yet the others do, how is that fair when they are just as good at their job? :indeed:


This is a stupid argument that always crops up when football is mentioned. Yes they are good at kicking a ball. Incredibly good at it. And they entertain millions every week. If "kicking a ball" or "singing into a microphone" is so easy then you do it. They get paid so much because they can do something better than other people and they entertain millions. You don't have to go far down the league where people aren't getting paid that much. In the Championship some people get paid a lot, but some people get paid little more than the average joe. And further down the league they are getting paid less. Some people are playing for less than minimum wage.

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