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Thriller Mafia


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You guys are getting really desperate here...


Really? Because i would have thought its the other way around? Your trying to say that im working with... 2 people was it?


Im trying to say your working with 2 people.


Let the people decide mundi, just remember that if it gets to 8 votes for me i will spill the beans on all the info i have gathered.

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At the moment we're not really going anywhere. It's just the same people discussing it over and over again. We need people like The fish and Shorty and all those who havent been posting much to come in and make a decision.


Peoples, lynching Esequiel will prove if there is a 'good' mafia or not.

If he comes up as good, that is proof there is one.

If he is a neutral as he says he is, that is a threat gone for the town. If he is neutral, he is not on your side. So it doesn't do any harm to lynch him.

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Noone told me to say this Esequiel. I'm working on my own here. And i feel it's necessary to find out if there is indeed a good mafia. And even you are neutral, you are a threat to both sides, so are worth lynching.


And anyways, the "mafia" can't communicate.

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Yeah and let me guess... that info coincidentally implicates either: Me, Vicar and/or Nintendohnut?


And I´m saying your desperate because your resorting mud slinging and trying to confuse people..




If we lynch him and find out that he is not neutral but in the good/ evil mafia, then we know for tomorrow that Domjcq, Zell, possibly Hellfire and Mundi the useful robot are also in it.


Earlier on that thread I posted the same list except here Darksnowman switched my name with his and that is in no way tactics to confuse people into getting me into trouble...


If we lynch Esequiel and it says "the town surrounded him and slid the noose around his neck. Esequiel is dead, he was neutral." Then theres no concrete evidence in that unless you come back tomorrow saying stuff like, "See! He was neutral! Just like we said! This clearly proves there is a good mafia!!"


Which is a heap of steaming bollocks. On the other hand we have the opportunity to lynch someone like Nintendohnut who could be a thief or Hannibal or somone thats actually detrimental to the survival of the good people.


If this isn´t mudslinging then I don´t what is.

Unless he can see into the future...


Sure your going to say that, you need to cover your tracks. Thats cool i get it, i just hope that nobody is silly enough to fall for it. This can all be cleared up by voting Nintynut. He gets lynched, im proved right when he is the thief. Then we lynch Vicar because hes either hannibal or 2 shot. Then we lynch mundi because hes sticking up for both ot them.


How dare I! defending a player being falsely accused by the player I´m trying to get lynched

How dare I

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No iv told you Vicar is either Hannibal or 2 shot.


7 more votes for nintendohnut and this will prove it.


I urge you all to think about this carefully, if you had all the aces would you show them before you can take the pot? I have a feeling that Mundi, Nintendohnut and Vicar can speak to each other, there attacks on me seem very organised. Lynch Nintendohnut and prove me right, i implore you all, you need me to stay alive.


Couple of things about this post are incredibly interesting to me.


First of all we have already been told multiple times that the bad guys cannot communicate, right? Yes, we have.


So the only way that we could communicate (if there is a way at all) is if we are good. According to you the good guys are still the good guys and the bad guys are still the bad guys, and so why are you trying to kill a group of good guys? Because that is what we all must be if we can speak to each other.


That is one of your arguments debunked.


Secondly - what do you mean by this?

you need me to stay alive.

Earlier on in the thread you claimed that you are a CSI guy whose win condition was that you had to investigate a crime-scene incriminating the Don. You also told everyone that if you were close to being offed then you would give up all your information.


IN THIS CASE why do people need you to stay alive? In fact you are no use to them in any way, and are working to your own goals.


Lynching me will prove nothing. However, if we lynch Esequiel and it shows he has lied then we have several people that we need to follow up on.

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Have you been reading the last couple of pages or are you ignoring them?

I made a list a page back showing how there is a good mafia killing us off


That seals the deal for me. It's quite clear that you and nut are evil, since the votes are going for nut, it's pointless to vote for you. Doesn't really matter if you can't communicate, since there are already few of you, you can figure out who you guys are. It's obvious from the posts that you need to back each other up.


EDIT: Actually, I don't know about nintendohnut, Mundi seems more guilty to me...

Change Vote: Mundi

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Oh by the way I meant to say in my last post, Esequiel keeps on saying that voting for me will prove him right and show he's telling the truth.


No it won't.


First because he is wrong. But secondly and most importantly I think it is because he is the 2 shot killer. He would have been at the scene with the thief and hannibal running away, and so he would have probably been sent a PM saying "you didn't kill the thief, but you did pick up his stolen notebook..." etc. He could quite easily be lying about all this other 'information' that he has and say he will reveal, and quite frankly since his story doesn't add up I think he is framing other people (Vicar especially) for being the 2 shot guy.


Don't have much time now but basically the idea that me and Mundi are somehow in collaboration is stupid. It has been said that the mafia cannot communicate, so even if we were in the mafia (tbf I don't know about him, but even if I was in the mafia) I wouldn't be able to talk to anyone surely?!


I have said this again and again. I don't know why people don't understand! Mundi, Dom (he wanted to be mentioned last time lol) me to come extent and Vicar all came up with the idea that there could be a good mafia, and since then we have been looking at the three people who seemed to side together very qickly yesterday and all seemed to work together. At the time they killed Gizmo who was evil, but today when we thought there could be a good mafia we started asking them questions.


They responded to those questions (Esequiel was questioned at length) and only Esequiel's story seemed 'off' He then started accusing everyone else (as in Mundi, Me, Vicar, and whoever else decided to ask him anything) saying we were all clearly evil, that we could talk together somehow (even though we know this is impossible) and saying he was vital to the game having already told everyone he was not.


HIS story doesn't add up and if we lynch him today we can find out once and for all if there is a 'good' mafia. I don't understand why people are voting for me, all I have done is voted for Esequiel and I have provided, frankly, plenty of good reasons (look at my previous posts). If we lynch him now we know whether he was lying or not (I obviously believe he is). Then we can move on in the game.

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Have the good guys been killing neutrals? Cause the ammount of evil guys dead proves otherwise. I just don't see how killing someone good can prove anything, considering that due to your theory anyone who's good is now afraid to say so. I'm simply going to continue to vote for evil people as that's what makes more sense to me. With that said, nothing is set in stone, there aren't still enough votes and I'm still confused, so when I see that Eseq or whoever else is a threat to me, I'll change the vote.

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Ah, so what you're implying is that they're marked as good, but aren't in fact good? That would make more sense, but I've been reading one or two pages back, the Good characters were Jack Bauer, Sidney Bristow and Bourne. There seems to be a Bond too. All these characters are no doubt good, if you know their shows/movies, thus making the point that the evil mafia isn't the mafia moot, because the good team was clearly "equipped" with secret agents, possibly to level the ground against the evil threats, because they're a lot.

Again, since I've only been following this in this last day, this might have been discussed when this theory has been brought up, but I thought about this now. And it makes sense in a thriller mafia I suppose. Also, good guys killing the citizens? Doesn't fit together.

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The mafia are marked as good and are good characters in the fictional world.


I remember tellyn saying there would be a twist to his his game and

Here it is! The good guy´s in the game are in fact the mafia and if we lynch Esquiel there´s the proof we need

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Ah, so what you're implying is that they're marked as good, but aren't in fact good? That would make more sense, but I've been reading one or two pages back, the Good characters were Jack Bauer, Sidney Bristow and Bourne. There seems to be a Bond too. All these characters are no doubt good, if you know their shows/movies, thus making the point that the evil mafia isn't the mafia moot, because the good team was clearly "equipped" with secret agents, possibly to level the ground against the evil threats, because they're a lot.

Again, since I've only been following this in this last day, this might have been discussed when this theory has been brought up, but I thought about this now. And it makes sense in a thriller mafia I suppose. Also, good guys killing the citizens? Doesn't fit together.


Wether they're good or not in the shows they come from matters nothing to the fact of wether they are or not good here. I mean, Jeremy Clarkson leader of the Mafia? Good or evil? It has no bearing in here. Everyone "is".

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mmm the twist part does make sense, although I still can't see how killing a good guy, considering he ends up being good, proves anything, if we're basing ourselves on false premises. Anything can be proven by anyone's death when dealing from either your presmise or the premise that things are normal, there are just a lot of evil guys on a thriller mafia which makes sense too.

I still think my logic is pretty solid, but I need to think about that twist part, it's also pretty feasible.

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The twist is that he has already said no to being good and says he´s neutral and there´s only one reason why he should have lied about that.

Because when people would find out about this then admitting to be good would be a death sentence.


Also him backing DomJcq by saying he´s good (who tried to create distance between him and esequiel after that) when DomJcq was backing up Darksnowman by saying he´s good after Gizmo accuse him of being the sniper

looks like tha mafia backing each other up to get someone lynched

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Uhrm.. why should he?


If people think this is getting confusing then I post my list of why the mafia in this game are marked as good.


Or we can get this over with and vote Esequiel to proof if the mafia in this game are all marked as good

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