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The Official MGS4 Thread.


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And the graphics on MGS4 are insane in some parts, Valykria Chronicles doesn't come close, it's a bloody cartoon!


well i dissagree, to a point, that graphic being relaistc makes em any better. then again, it wasnt exactly a hugly tasking game visualy, textures could be very bassic as it didnt really matter.

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No I understand art style and the difference between it and graphics, but this had both, and I thought both sides were nailed.

On a technicality every game has both:heh:

well i dissagree, to a point, that graphic being relaistc makes em any better. then again, it wasnt exactly a hugly tasking game visualy, textures could be very bassic as it didnt really matter.

I don't which your talking about:confused:

Whatever floats your boat - for me I looked in awe because graphically (at least in terms of raw technicalities - if that makes any sense) I haven't played anything that looks better.

Plus it was nostalgic even though I still don't really claim to know exactly what was going on.


Gameplay wise - it was fairly linear, but if you tried to take multiple routes and find everything then it's a very skillful process. For example CQC can sometimes be the only option in certain areas.


I never really needed CQC that I remember, the Tranq pistol is my best friend.


As for the graphics, I assume by raw technicalilties you mean the fact that this is done on hardware equivalent to a 7800GTX and a great CPU and limited RAM...yes it's great looking in that aspect. Not playing anything that looks better is really a matter of opinion again.


Going for realistic, Crysis still has the title of best graphics (I understand you may not have played it, hence your wording) but if you stray from realistic or into differing versions of realism (Like AC-MGS-GoW-Crysis, all realistic but all different) then it's just your own preference.


Me I love game visuals like STALKER and Assassins Creed more.

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On a technicality every game has both:heh:


I don't which your talking about:confused:



I never really needed CQC that I remember, the Tranq pistol is my best friend.


As for the graphics, I assume by raw technicalilties you mean the fact that this is done on hardware equivalent to a 7800GTX and a great CPU and limited RAM...yes it's great looking in that aspect. Not playing anything that looks better is really a matter of opinion again.


Going for realistic, Crysis still has the title of best graphics (I understand you may not have played it, hence your wording) but if you stray from realistic or into differing versions of realism (Like AC-MGS-GoW-Crysis, all realistic but all different) then it's just your own preference.


Me I love game visuals like STALKER and Assassins Creed more.


Crysis needs a really expensive pc to run at full settings. When the game came out. No one could play at full settings. I have not checked lately but does it still need a quad SLI setup to run at full? The new graphics cards are not worth it for just one game. I doubt given the lack of change in tech pc's can handle Crysis at high resolution(1920 x1080) on one card in dx10 mode yet.

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Crysis needs a really expensive pc to run at full settings. When the game came out. No one could play at full settings. I have not checked lately but does it still need a quad SLI setup to run at full? The new graphics cards are not worth it for just one game. I doubt given the lack of change in tech pc's can handle Crysis at high resolution(1920 x1080) on one card in dx10 mode yet.


Crysis can be run on quite a cheap PC now adays(close to the PS3s launch price, or lower if you can cannibalize other components). Nothing can "truely" max it yet, but even at high/very high@1920x1200 it's still oneofthebest/best looking games. When it first released Drivers were a really big problem too.

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Crysis can be run on quite a cheap PC now adays(close to the PS3s launch price, or lower if you can cannibalize other components). Nothing can "truely" max it yet, but even at high/very high@1920x1200 it's still oneofthebest/best looking games. When it first released Drivers were a really big problem too.


Run is not the same as playable. Also no one wants to play Crysis in ugly form. Its about the graphics. A game that no one can enjoy the way it was meant to be... Oh the pain.


The sad fact of the matter is there a whole scene based around tyring to get the game run based on how little the graphics can be compromised. How many mods and config files do we have to download? :indeed:


One mistake i made is 1920 x 1200 monitor. It hurts graphics cards. I cant stand non native resolution.

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Run is not the same as playable. Also no one wants to play Crysis in ugly form. Its about the graphics. A game that no one can enjoy the way it was meant to be... Oh the pain.


The sad fact of the matter is there a whole scene based around tyring to get the game run based on how little the graphics can be compromised. How many mods and config files do we have to download? :indeed:


One mistake i made is 1920 x 1200 monitor. It hurts graphics cards. I cant stand non native resolution.


When I say run I mean playable on High 1680x1050 and lower. A more expensive card can do very high 1680x1050 excellently and depending on your definition of playable 1920x1200 very high. For Crysis a steady 17 and above is playable imo.


Honestly, depending on what card you have of course, 1920x1200 shouldn't be a problem for most games there are only a few that really have trouble there (Crysis, STALKER CS).


Furthermore, I wasn't trying to do a direct comparison of graphics, Crysis has the best it is fact. They are out of reach for the majority of people, but they are the most realistic.


What I was trying to make a point of though is that different styles are appealing to different people. On some end of the year award polls I voted STALKER for graphics because I prefer that style over Crysis Warhead, despite I do know Crysis is better. It's like voting for Prince of Persia over Assassins Creed, both are great looking but the art is so different that you can't really define which is better and it comes down to preference.


My preference is not MGS4, which is great(best?) for consoles, but not my thing.

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When I say run I mean playable on High 1680x1050 and lower. A more expensive card can do very high 1680x1050 excellently and depending on your definition of playable 1920x1200 very high. For Crysis a steady 17 and above is playable imo.


17 fps is unplayable. Witha mouse you need more than just 30 fps.



Furthermore, I wasn't trying to do a direct comparison of graphics, Crysis has the best it is fact. They are out of reach for the majority of people, but they are the most realistic.


Dont know about realistic but yes its the most adavanced. So advanced that its way out of reach for anyone to care.


What I was trying to make a point of though is that different styles are appealing to different people. On some end of the year award polls I voted STALKER for graphics because I prefer that style over Crysis Warhead, despite I do know Crysis is better. It's like voting for Prince of Persia over Assassins Creed, both are great looking but the art is so different that you can't really define which is better and it comes down to preference.


My preference is not MGS4, which is great(best?) for consoles, but not my thing.


Its your choice. I like flow for example :heh:

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17 fps is unplayable. Witha mouse you need more than just 30 fps.

Actually for me no it isn't, well depending on the game. A racing game=unplayable. Chronicles of Riddick Unplayable, Fallout 3 unplayable Crysis or STALKER are both playable like that.




Dont know about realistic but yes its the most adavanced. So advanced that its way out of reach for anyone to care.

It's not out of reach,http://www.anandtech.com/video/showdoc.aspx?i=3437&p=5. The orange bar is a 80-120 dollar (us) card, and it's just under 30fps bump upto 150 and there is the 4850/9800GTX+ above the 30fps mark.



Its your choice. I like flow for example :heh:


I like Flow too. It's a simplistic very clean art style, it's no different from liking Pixeljunk (insert noun here).

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Actually for me no it isn't, well depending on the game. A racing game=unplayable. Chronicles of Riddick Unplayable, Fallout 3 unplayable Crysis or STALKER are both playable like that.


Stop being apologetic. Tell Crytek and the graphic card companies to do better. Or we will have to put with more of this. The current new gfx cards are just there to keep prices high they have not yielded enough performance increases.





It's not out of reach,http://www.anandtech.com/video/showdoc.aspx?i=3437&p=5. The orange bar is a 80-120 dollar (us) card, and it's just under 30fps bump upto 150 and there is the 4850/9800GTX+ above the 30fps mark.


No AA, not even 1080p. Even then the best card in the chart is still over 30 fps. Its a sucky situation. No wonder everyone plays WOW instead.



I like Flow too. It's a simplistic very clean art style, it's no different from liking Pixeljunk (insert noun here).


Well art styles work. As you said its subjective.

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Stop being apologetic. Tell Crytek and the graphic card companies to do better. Or we will have to put with more of this. The current new gfx cards are just there to keep prices high they have not yielded enough performance increases.


I'm not being apologetic, depending on which game I find 15fps and above to be playable, as long as it's steady, jumping from 15-25 constantly isn't playable.



No AA, not even 1080p. Even then the best card in the chart is still over 30 fps. Its a sucky situation. No wonder everyone plays WOW instead.


Those are....I'm not even going to bother, you're a moron. Have a good day.

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I'm not being apologetic, depending on which game I find 15fps and above to be playable, as long as it's steady, jumping from 15-25 constantly isn't playable.


The mouse ends up feeling laggy in Crysis without a mod. 15 fps for a game like Crysis is hardly what we aim for.





Those are....I'm not even going to bother, you're a moron. Have a good day.


Its says no AA in the graph and not even 1080p. :indeed: People are running the game in SLI with top cards and still disable AA. Yet it still runs at 30fps average. Dips to below 20 fps in many cases... Hardly great use of power.

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OMG this game takes FOREVER to end! I need to sleep! But damn did it have a very strong finish, in gameplay, story and cinematic aspects. Really loved how the control scheme changed to suit the environment snake found himself in. Ah well, looks like ill be going back to the online part so send me a PM if anyone feels like going online.


OMG there is MORE!? Seriously when will this end?!

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