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The Official MGS4 Thread.


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Well I just completed MGS;Portable Ops clocking in at 14 hours...bit slow from what I know about other peoples times....


Anyway why do I mention this? I am totally Metal Gear'd out...the last 3 games I have completed have been MG games...but one day I am gonna go back to MGS4 and do the no kills at least...anything more than that is above my level of play I think.

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I reckon most people could do the no kills/ no alert thing. The first time through the game when you watch all the cut scenes it makes everything seem so epic, and it is, but there's actually only about 8 hours of gameplay if you go at a casual pace. You can do it flameboy, and believe me, the benefits you get are very cool.

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I reckon most people could do the no kills/ no alert thing. The first time through the game when you watch all the cut scenes it makes everything seem so epic, and it is, but there's actually only about 8 hours of gameplay if you go at a casual pace. You can do it flameboy, and believe me, the benefits you get are very cool.


Well I will in time, just need to play something else lol! I think I'm going to start Crisis Core...

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Konami Q1 operating income surges to ¥11.6 billion as MGS4 achieves sensational sales #1


1. Consolidated Financial Results for the First Quarter Ended June 30, 2008


(Millions of Yen, except per share data)



Net Revenues 70,805 (+16.7%)


Operating Income 11,611 (+65.6%)


Net Income 5,664 (+46.6%)



-“Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of The Patriots” shipped over 3 million units worldwide.


-MGS Series had accounted for cumulative sales of more than 25 million units worldwide as of the end of June 2008.


- The METAL GEAR SOLID brand has continued to maintain its dynamic potential. Sales are still steadily increasing



FY2009 Q1


Unit Sales Platform Mix




PS3 57.3 %


PS2 11.5 %


Wii 9.9 %


360 2.6 %





PSP 9.5 %


NDS 7.6 %








Unit sales of video game software (Unit sales breakdown )


Geographic Areas (units in million)


Japan 1.93


North America 2.59


Europa 2.3


Asia 0.12


Total 6.94



Genre/Category (units in million)


Soccer 0.95


Baseball 0.36


TV Animated 0.3


Music 0.33


Metal Gear 3.94


Other 1.05


Total 6.94

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May get this one day...Seems "alright" I guess. Never really liked them as they stressed the hell out of me. All that sneaking about made me too tense and I couldn't work out what the hell was going on half the time. (only played Twin Snakes and MGS2). Strange that I adored the GBC version then...

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Finished the game yesterday and the last moments were amazing. I'll probably go through this game again for some other emblems.


Seeing Snake go through the microwaves was really painful to watch with his suit blowing up every few steps.



And the scenes with Liquid were awesome, fighting each other at first and then Snake breaking his finger and kicking him away following with screaming LIQUID!! and him answering with SNAAAAAKE got me goosebumps. :p Then injecting eachother with the syringes was really cool as well.


The fight itself was really well done, going through each game and Liquid's moves changing each time as well as the health bars and the names under them. I loved that Ocelot did the hand gesture when the Snake Eater part started, he did it again just before dying. The last part with the Old Snake music playing they were both worn out and were just throwing out punches, I just hit him four times in a row. :p


Snake seemingly killing himself afterwards had me choked up a bit but when the credits rolled and I saw Big Boss at the end had me surprised. The following scene was really good as well and explained some last things. I just knew Big Boss would salute at the grave and he did it accompanied by the flashbacks to the MGS3 ending. :)


All in all an amazing ending and final boss fight. :D The emblem I got was Hawk (together with Jaguar, Inchworm and Frog)


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lol, I lost my alarm clock somewhere when moving house so that gave me the perfect excuse. :heh:


Heh. I tend to just use my phone as an alarm.... I have to set a few though, espically when i'm in work at 7 in the mornin (like today), so hard to get out of bed....


Speaking of MGS4 i have not played the single player since completing it but it will defo be a game i will prob play through a few more times yet, i have so many fond memories from this game! :)

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Nice to MGS4 sell so well. Looks its going to overtake 3 eithout any problem we havent even got the rerelease yet! :smile:


I am still playing the game for fun. So much to do its quite insane.


Who says Japense developers arent good? I'll kill them. :mad:

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So MGS4 has been winning a ton of awards in rpactically every type of category. IMO all deservedly so. Its such a memorable and well made experience on so many levels.


A cool bonus in MGS4 is that they added some Christmas themed decorations like a christmas tree on the aircraft and some downloadables.






I'd like to hear Kojima's thoughts on LBP. He must like it if he let them use a Snake sackboy.


He likes it. :smile: He even did the presentation at TGS. Seems to be a close relationship between Sony and him.

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So MGS4 has been winning a ton of awards in rpactically every type of category. IMO all deservedly so. Its such a memorable and well made experience on so many levels.


A cool bonus in MGS4 is that they added some Christmas themed decorations like a christmas tree on the aircraft and some downloadables.








He likes it. :smile: He even did the presentation at TGS. Seems to be a close relationship between Sony and him.


Cool little easter eggs added doesn't surprise me as they did say to expect some kinda bonuses come xmas time.

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^One of the most hard to impress individuals surely!


id have to agree with him though. yeah, there was alot going on, and yes, there were alot of twists and turns, the plot to me, never sunk below average, but it certainly wasn't ground breaking. alot of the time it just left me scratching my head at its viageness, but my main criticism would be that it needed editing. cut scnes were extreemly long, and usualy didnt do much more then prattle on about morals and what have you. would have been good for a 2 min speech, but god it dragged.

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I really like the fact MGS' cutscenes are long simply because basically all games do 2 minute cutscenes. It's nice to have a change.


It would be great if they included an abridged option so people who don't like the long cutscenes could simple get a well edited concise version.

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I remember David Hayter disagreeing with Kojima over the ending:

I think it was in an interview or something where Hayter was disappointed with Kojima's decision to make Snake hesitate when putting the gun in his mouth. Hayter wanted Snake to pull the trigger because his character was very soldier like and he felt that Snake would have killed himself without much problem. I think that would have been a cooler/more emotional ending, but I don't mind.


Otacon's little dialogue was endearing when he said that he wanted to stay at Snake's side so that he could pass on the legendary story.


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