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The Official MGS4 Thread.


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There isn't thats the point.


I'm not being a fanboy here but the amount of times Sony's and Hideo have said it's not a timed exclusive it's a permeant exclusive is ridiculous but people don't listen.


As far as I can tell, they haven't. Sony have said publicly that it's "a PS3 exclusive". However, for how long hasn't been mentioned. They're not going to say if it's relatively short term as that'll lose them sales, and, well, surely if it was exclusive indefinitely, then Sony would say so.


Also, why would my press contact at Konami lie?


An immediate port has, obviously, been ruled out. However, a port in, as I've been told, 18-odd months, has not. It would also benefit all 3 parties - Sony get 18 months of MGS fans buying PS3's, MS get it eventually, boosting sales somewhat, and Konami make enough cash to rival Obama's campaign trail fund.

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Guest Jordan

Easy. Make the textures lower resolution, make the audio at a lower bit rate, spread it across 6 discs...


MGS4 has "chapters" anyway, each with an install on the PS3. They could just do a chapter a disc... be alot of discs mind.

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Easy. Make the textures lower resolution, make the audio at a lower bit rate, spread it across 6 discs...


MGS4 has "chapters" anyway, each with an install on the PS3. They could just do a chapter a disc... be alot of discs mind.


They could be really, really cheeky, and sell it on a 360 harddrive. :heh:

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Also, why would my press contact at Konami lie?

They're probably basing their information on exactly the same internet rumours that we've all heard. I very much doubt they are able to 'confirm' anything; employees only know what they're told, and clearly your contact isn't the most reliable of confidants.


I'm not saying MGS4 will never come to the 360, I simply doubt your source's authority. Hell, I doubt Kojima himself can say whether an Xbox release will ever see the light of day.


Still want to know what they are gonna do with 50gb of information on a 9gb disc :P

Presumably they could strip out the uncompressed audio that all 0.2% of consumers will ever experience. And put MGO on a separate disk along with any currently released DLC.

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Oh, look, Caris has reduced another discussion to sarcasm, and not particularly good sarcasm at that...


Yeah but to be fair, your talking absolute crap.


Everyone seems to think because Microsoft got Devil May Cry from Sony that every other is exclusive going to leave the ring too.


You say MGS4 will go onto 360 to make more profit for Konami? Then why doesn't Gears come onto the PS3, or Mario onto the 360. Plus the fact that you still don't understand that the 360 couldn't run the game due to DVD9.


On top of all this you have the fact that the PS3's sales are on the increase and is outselling the 360 most months.


MGS3 didn't sell that well and that stayed an PS2 exclusive didn't it?


Face the truth.

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I can't wait to get my PS3, I'm not sure where to get it and whether I should go for second hand etc, but this game is bloody immense, along with many other PS3 exclusives and company I'm used to, it should be quality.

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Fishy Fish, who is your Konami press contact and how does s/he know? Very interesting. Metal Gear 4: Subsomething :)


Shame for me if it happens as MGS is the main reason I bought a PS3 over 360.


They're in Konami's UK PR and marketing department, though, as this is unofficial, I can't give a name. Several other sites have reported a similar thing over the last few months, and I suspect he (yes, it's a he) has been the one telling them all. Either it's true (Konami haven't officially denied it), or he's playing the press for fools.


Oh, and it wont be that much of a shame. You'll be playing MGS4 for a long, long time before I will.

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They're probably basing their information on exactly the same internet rumours that we've all heard. I very much doubt they are able to 'confirm' anything; employees only know what they're told, and clearly your contact isn't the most reliable of confidants.


I'm not saying MGS4 will never come to the 360, I simply doubt your source's authority. Hell, I doubt Kojima himself can say whether an Xbox release will ever see the light of day.


I, for one, am sceptical about the whole thing, but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt, primarily as it has yet to be denied. There is every chance Kojima will turn around tomorrow and say either yes or no, but it's unlikely (especially as the release is in a matter of days). All I'm saying is that I trust someone who works for Konami's PR and marketing more than random internet sites.


Oh, and to put it into perspective, RE4 came out on the PS2 8 months after it came out on the 'Cube, and that wasn't too bad in terms of it's effect on 'Cube sales. 18 months is going to have a much lesser impact, as people who've waited several years for MGS 4 don't want to wait another year and a half for it to arrive on the 360. I'm betting Konami plan to do this in order to get a nice chunk of revenue at little cost from the game well after the PS3 version has stopped selling en mass.

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I'm thinking of selling mine...


I've thought long and hard...and I've decided to resist. Having the signed sleeve is part of all the MGS hype for me so I'd like to keep it. :D


Plus, if I were famous I wouldn;t want to sign something only to have it eBayed. :)

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Awww crap, that sounds terrible, I was hoping to get it too! :(


Ah well, time to invest in another headset methinks...


*Goes to cancel pre-order with Game*


Yeah I was weighing up adding it to my preorder for the game but not now...


Anyway in other metal gear stuff... I picked up free metal gear saga dvd from game yesterday and am still indoctrinating myself in all things metal gear to try and get up to scratch with the plot. Like I've said have only played Metal Gear Solid on the PS1 and not even that sure I completed it, having not owned a PS2 made it kinda hard to play them...


Now on the plot I don't mean to offend and this is not why I am saying what I am about to write. But can't you basically distill the plot down to;


Various secret organisations of which the patriots seem to be the most powerful all set up a variety of missions that are for the most part ruses to get them to their ends, mostly getting the plans for or creating or activating a metal gear with the aim of taking over the world in one form or another. Then mix that with a spattering of defections and double crossing plus 3 cloned brothers and a mixture of other wierd characters and chuck in some ludicrous plot twists and there we are you have the Metal Gear Solid Legacy!


Like I said this is by no means me having a pop just as a newcomer trying to catch up on what I missed since the first solid game it seems like it is a tangled web which can quickly get one lost. Although I do think I am getting the gist through various means.

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