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Starwing and beyond

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After reading this I did a quick search which showed there to be no thread for this classic...?! What have we been doing all this time.


Well, its a game that needs no introduction. Pioneered the Super FX chip to bring us a true 3D game on the humble old Snes throwing us in at the deep end of an intergalactic war.


I first encountered the game by borrowing it off a friend when I was at primary school. I don't think I'd heard of it (come on, they were simpler times with no Internet and it was before I got into NMS!) but I'll tell you what, once I'd played it I sure didn't forget it. Corneria, the asteroid belt... barrel rolling and having to keep up with the banter between Slippy, Falco and Peppy was a hectic task for my young self- and something I never fully got to grips with because before I knew it, it was was time to give the game back.


A few months (or years) later I got it for my birthday. I saw that it was in the Index catalogue and so made the appropriate hints that would make it my own. To this day, I've never completed Starwing. I can get to the cubic Andross fight but I've never succeeded. :(


I know you all love this game/ series so lets hear your memories and achievements in it!


Scramble! Scramble!

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Guest Jordan

Star Wing is damn awesome game, the forced first person (till i realised a few years ago you could go back into third person) was slightly jarring. But the effects were jaw dropping, sure the frame rate was like... 20 fps. But back then, did you really give a shit? It looked amazing!


Although Star Wing was a technical marvel at the time, I still prefer Lylat Wars over it. Its not a fair comparison, obviously.

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Never played it, ever.


If its released on the VC i might take a look at it.


Oh do buddy! Was smegging brillinat this game. The intro was one of the most dramatic and intense things i'd ever seen in a game. For me, none of the later games captured the feeling of peril that the first one inspired.


Glad to see that somethings don't change throughout the series though. Falco is still a cock.

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I have fond memories of this game. It was just so different to any other game I'd played. The dramatic score and amazing graphics certainly helped.


This is probably the only game I've played where you can actually physically *feel* the pain when you crash into something. Flying through the later stages with next to no health was nail-biting stuff.


Finished it loads of times, but I rarely tried the harder routes - they were very tough from what I can remember.


I preferred the bizarre animal grunts of Slippy et al to the childish voices of later games.

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I once went two whole levels on the hardest course without losing the special shield. I also manged to get up to the final boss of the easiest course with the first wire frame shield. I felt so fraking awesome. It was my first Nintendo game, and I don't think I've ever mastered any other game quite to the same extent. The only game I've ever truly "pwned" at.

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I preferred the bizarre animal grunts of Slippy et al to the childish voices of later games.


I remember what they sound like pretty well - to me, Falco (i think) almost actually spoke words. To my ears it was as if he said "D'ya read me jab?" Absurd, I know.

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