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  Haver said:
A few funny stories:


Once, a bunch of Year 8s who used to terrorize the lunch tables stole my hat, which was a standard blue wooly hat, and I was in Year 11 at the time. So one of my faster friends sped after the group and retrieved it.


They tried to do it again (a second daring run) but I sort of half-shoved the guy who came for me as he reached for the hat. So they all went around the corner and sort of had a meeting I suppose, then the biggest one, who was about my height came round followed by about half the school to beat me up.


Anyway, so he came right up to me and I sort of played it nonchalant, because even though he was as big as me I reckon I could have scared him off by being angry. BUT, this midget kid who we hung around with held both my arms back, as a sort of "You can't fight a Year 8" gesture, not that I was going to do anything anyway.


So the kid cracked me on the face, and it sort of felt like a dead arm but not as painful, so I put my angry face on and went after him. He sort of ran around the tables and I followed shouting obscenities, and then he ran off after about 30 seconds of that. Then not only was I accused of losing, not that it mattered that much to me, but I was accused of unfairly attacking a much younger pupil. So there you go.


Another time, at Tennis, I refused to give a new kid my second ball (he had hit like 3 over the wall into the school for the disabled), which you are allowed to go and get but he was lazy, so he punched me in the face. That time, it did hurt, it hurt a lot, and I wept. Turns out he was expelled for knifing someone and that's why he was new and I should have given him the ball. That was in Year 9 I think.


Thats...Embarassing. Heaven knows what the Klingons think.

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The Klingons? I'm sure I would not make it to Valhalla or wherever the fuck those dudes go.


And it was embarrassing at the time but both situations were out of my control. And neither were fights, really. More like assaults.


I actually thought those were two brilliant stories Haver, especially the knife kid ending. I think some people are quite worried about their macho prowess in this thread though.

  Rummy said:
I actually thought those were two brilliant stories Haver, especially the knife kid ending. I think some people are quite worried about their macho prowess in this thread though.

Yeah lol.

I lost. I dont really care.

  King_V said:
Whaaaa? How long have you practiced TKD for? WTF (Olympic style) TKD is all about evasion, and when you have evasion you don't really need to defend. TKD fighters are known for their speed, and when you have speed, power (like the Thai fighters) isn't really necessary anymore because 1) With speed you have power (velocity=force etc) and 2) a smart fast fighter has the upper hand against a slow powerful fighter (imo).


Street fights don't have to be fist-driven, all you in need to do is make distance to kick, besides we actually do a lot of hand techniques, they are present in everyone of our forms its just that in sport competition they don't really score well but of course on the streets theres no rules. :)


At the end of the day though Lazyboy is right, the art depends on the student and his/her teacher. Creating a food chain-like structure with martial arts is simply all down to self opinion.


I did TKD for 2 years, then I quit. Go me!!! lol


Anyway, Thai figther aren't slow at all... They're very very fast! But that matter little, because TKD'ers are also fast. What matter is, when hit, Thai fighters don't even flinch. You can kick them straight in the face, they won't flinch. What are you gonna do when you get hit by an elbow in you chest, or a knee to the stomach? Because they're prepared to deliver that kind of blow.


Anyway, about the evasion thing, pardon me if I wasn't clear, but what I meant is that other martial arts don't develop resistance that well. Thai figther spend 50% of their training kicking and pucnhing rocks, and getting hit by sticks and rocks, to gain endurance.


But yes, Lazy is right, a good enough Karate (wich phails) fighter can be the best fighter alive... it all depends on the individual. It's just that... overall, I preffer Muay Thai's train of thought.


  King_V said:
Whaaaa? How long have you practiced TKD for? WTF (Olympic style) TKD is all about evasion, and when you have evasion you don't really need to defend. TKD fighters are known for their speed, and when you have speed, power (like the Thai fighters) isn't really necessary anymore because 1) With speed you have power (velocity=force etc) and 2) a smart fast fighter has the upper hand against a slow powerful fighter (imo).


Street fights don't have to be fist-driven, all you in need to do is make distance to kick, besides we actually do a lot of hand techniques, they are present in everyone of our forms its just that in sport competition they don't really score well but of course on the streets theres no rules. :)


At the end of the day though Lazyboy is right, the art depends on the student and his/her teacher. Creating a food chain-like structure with martial arts is simply all down to self opinion.


I did TKD for 2 years, then I quit. Go me!!! lol


Anyway, Thai figther aren't slow at all... They're very very fast! But that matter little, because TKD'ers are also fast. What matter is, when hit, Thai fighters don't even flinch. You can kick them straight in the face, they won't flinch. What are you gonna do when you get hit by an elbow in you chest, or a knee to the stomach? Because they're prepared to deliver that kind of blow.


Anyway, about the evasion thing, pardon me if I wasn't clear, but what I meant is that other martial arts don't develop resistance that well. Thai figther spend 50% of their training kicking and pucnhing rocks, and getting hit by sticks and rocks, to gain endurance.


But yes, Lazy is right, a good enough Karate (wich phails) fighter can be the best fighter alive... it all depends on the individual. It's just that... overall, I preffer Muay Thai's train of thought.

  Oxigen_Waste said:
I did TKD for 2 years, then I quit. Go me!!! lol


Anyway, Thai figther aren't slow at all... They're very very fast!

The interceptors are faster, they can run circles around X-Wings and they're very maneuverable, but the problem with most Twin Ion Engines is the lack of hyper drive and life support (not to mention shield generator) which means they can't stray far from the mothership.

See what I did there?

I'll ignore the rest of your post though.

  Hellfire said:
The interceptors are faster, they can run circles around X-Wings, but the problem with all Twin Ion Engines is the lack of hyper drive and life support which means they can't stray far from the mothership.

See what I did there?

I'll ignore the rest of your post though.


I did see. And I commend thee for being funny. :heh:


Have never been in a fight. I started practicing karate in Summer last year, but I still don't have that fighter mentality. Being slapped very hard in the face by a girl does seomthing to you, though ...


Sorry to bring it up again, but just wanted to point out: Jokes about sexuality does in no way mean that you are insecure about your own sexuality nor that you are homophobic. Even homosexuals joke about their own sexuality.

  Dannyboy-the-Dane said:
Have never been in a fight. I started practicing karate in Summer last year, but I still don't have that fighter mentality. Being slapped very hard in the face by a girl does seomthing to you, though ...


Sorry to bring it up again, but just wanted to point out: Jokes about sexuality does in no way mean that you are insecure about your own sexuality nor that you are homophobic. Even homosexuals joke about their own sexuality.

Thats like saying all people who are homosexuals are secure in their sexuality.
  warandchaos said:
Thats like saying all people who are homosexuals are secure in their sexuality.


That's not what I said.


I never said that people who joke about sexuality can't be insecure in their sexuality, just that it's in no way a proof that they are.


I should probably have added "some":

"Even some homosexuals joke about their own sexuality."


By which I meant that some homosexuals are so secure in their sexuality that they can joke about it. But of course, some homosexuals joke because they're insecure.


I could have made that last part more clear.

  AeroScap said:
yeah king_v its wtf! you ITF then i am guessing lol..


also inresponse to your conversation etc..


No, I'm also WTF just haven't of that comp. The 'real' British Nationals are always at Loughborough/Manchester in the winter...


Anyway, that dude got pwn'd but to be fair that thai fighter was weak. Though, as Oxigen Waste says, he did take a good beating gracefully. :p


When I was little and really into the WWF, I got into a fight with this bully kid and 'Stone Cold-Stunnered' him lol. He didnt get up, was crying and I really fucked up his back. For weeks I went around thinking I was the business and even purchased a 3:16 shirt in joy. Next time the kid saw me, he acted all matey and offered to buy me some sweets.

  Dannyboy-the-Dane said:
Have never been in a fight. I started practicing karate in Summer last year, but I still don't have that fighter mentality. Being slapped very hard in the face by a girl does seomthing to you, though ...


Sorry to bring it up again, but just wanted to point out: Jokes about sexuality does in no way mean that you are insecure about your own sexuality nor that you are homophobic. Even homosexuals joke about their own sexuality.




Reading through, some of you were mean bastards.

  AeroScap said:
also inresponse to your conversation etc..


*sigh* Are you really gonna go that way?

Grow up.


  King_V said:
Anyway, that dude got pwn'd but to be fair that thai fighter was weak. Though, as Oxigen Waste says, he did take a good beating gracefully. :p


He's not a Muay Thai fighter. He has no stance. True Thai figthers' stance is never to back down. Don't avoid the strikes, endure them. He's trying to get away, he's no Thai figther. He's a Thai pussy.


You want some true Thai stances, this is it, no backing down, no matter what:



(I know the TKDer isn't the best, but the Thai guy has the right stance, wich is all I'm trying to show)




ALSO, if you're gonna gimme TKD beating Thai, I preffer these two:



Anywho, as to the whole "Wich style is better", there is none who is better.

Also, fact is, the practicioners of Hybrid style almost always win against "pure" fighters, so... might as well learn a bit from all and combine it into one.


i never fought back. and i always stood up for the small kids in the class. until one day. and that was my first and only fight.. when the school head bully thought he could humiliate me in front of the whole school. i gave him a one hit KO. strangely i never got bothered after that again and nor did the friends i had.


still i am not prowed on it


Yes, as matter of fact. I do judo, and am starting karate next week, plus I do boxing and weight training. The majority of thos things I do for fun, mind.

  Oxigen_Waste said:
Anywho, as to the whole "Wich style is better", there is none who is better.

Also, fact is, the practicioners of Hybrid style almost always win against "pure" fighters, so... might as well learn a bit from all and combine it into one.


Exactly - whenever push has come to shove (never actually had a full blown fight, though) mixing things up a bit means that even if the person who, despite being stupid enough to think that a fight is a good way to settle things, happens to have learned a martial art, won't get the upper hand.

  Dannyboy-the-Dane said:
Um, was I a mean bastard? 'Cause that wasn't my intention. :(


Oh no, I didn't mean you in that bit, I was just quoting your post as a gateway to a terrible joke. I just meant some people here seem a bit...unremorseful? I dunno, who am I to judge, and I won't deny there's something very satisfying, especially in a primal sort of way, about winning a fight, but I just find the lack of some people's remorse a bit disturbing. It's nothing new, and unfortunately is a big part of human nature. I won't point fingers and name names, I bet anyone who read this and feels they might be a little bit guilty of it will want to take me up on it, but that's the whole issue in itself. Like I said, who am I to judge from a bit of text? If this annoys anyone, yeah, I realise it will be, so apologies for it.


As for the whole martial art issue, I still think it's a pointless argument, and some people have clocked on as to why(the video of a TKD person winning against Muay Thai and vice versa even proves the point, though unneccesary in the first place imo), it depends on the practitioner, and the art, and for every strength one has, it'll have a weakness too. I think it's upto a person to find a martial art they like, for their own reasons, and that should be enough. If you want to be the ultimate fighter, then IMO no art will do you, you'll need to mix it up like Oxigen and The Fish said. Of course, this comes from a low level Aikidoka, which I know for a fact is disregarded by alot of other art practitioners, and I personally am not fussed by it, if there's one thing I like it for more than anything else, is it's first principle seems to be about avoiding and awareness, and I'd rather avoid an attack, get away and avoid the fight altogether than have one and 'win'.

I liked Oxigen's first video though, of the Muay Thai vs TKD, the MT kicks seem to be much more balanced(literally) than the TKD, and in some points you do see the MT catch the TKD so he stumbles back due to his balance being off from a kick, despite that, the second video shows the aggressive TKD hammering away at the MT, so they're both good in their own respects.


To sum up, I think what we really need to consider, is whether Sagat's Tiger Flame(the MT fighter really reminded me of Sagat) is truly superior to Ryu's Hadouken, or will Dhalsim lay everyone to waste with a bit of Yoga Fire! Tbh though, I'd bite all your faces off with Blanka.

  Rummy said:
and I'd rather avoid an attack, get away and avoid the fight altogether than have one and 'win'.


Completely agree with you on that one. Like I said, I haven't got a fighter mentality, but I like practising martial arts for the "arts" part, not the "martial" part. Being able to defend yourself is way more important than being able to attack, and a succesful evasion of an attack or a situation turning violent is for me a victory.

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