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Wii Freeloader Thread - FAQ & Info in First Post


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Perrin Kaplan said that. I still remember reading it to this day. Well at first you could play import Cube games but that was it.


Dunno why she even said that.

Well... the region encoding features were not in place on the devkits, and were only added weeks later as being a exact copy of the GC SKU. meaning... they could be planning to not add them, otherwise they'd be there from the beggining since it's not like they were new, or unfinished beforehand.


IMO, and although Kaplan was not that credible, there's a high chance that region lock is only in place because NoE demanded it. They were the first to come out, really flustered too, saying that it would have region lock. Other thing pointing to that would be... Freeloader worked on launch US and Japanese Wii's, just not on the European Wii's, as did the white GC's with GC strikers; NoE was the only one really trying to avoid freeloader booting import games.

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is it really so easy to edit such a page?


Yep, that's both the strength and the weakness of a wiki. And as we've seen, on the n-europe news page and indeed in other media like newspapers people then take the content of the the wiki as fact. All someone had to do was click edit and type "April fool" and sites started "confirming" the whole thing was an april fools joke when it was nothing of the sort. If vandalism occurs to can lock the page altogether or restrict editing only to registered users or only admin, but then this also limits who can contribute knowledge. Swings and roundabouts, like any balance of security vs freedom.

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I'd just like to thank for this FAQ, it cleared a lot of things to me and I'm ready to import.


Just to be sure, this and Brawl on a PAL wii, no problem right?


Unless your TV doesn't support NTSC image. Supporting 60 Hz and NTSC are different things.

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Just got a response from Nintendo to my angry email I sent a while ago.


Firmware updates often are mainly minor bug fixes and updates to the general security of the console, although some updates do include cosmetic features, such as the clock. Some games require the console to be updated to the latest firmware, as they utilise code and functions that must be added through the update.


If the firmware update has blocked the use of the Freeloader device, this would be an effect of updating security or code through the firmware, rather than a concious attempt to block the access of this device. As you state, however, we cannot be responsible for the actions of any third-party piece of equipment.


In terms of Smash Bros Brawl, I do understand the frustration with the delay. Releases in Europe can take some time to be released because they need to be translated, localised, coded to the PAL region, verified with local wi-fi providers and many other reasons. Hopefully this is relatively balanced with the release of Mario Kart Wii in Europe before its release in the USA.

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So so far i'm right about Nintendo not deliberatly trying to block the Freeloader.


But how the hell is it balanced? They get MK a matter of weeks after us. And we're not getting Brawl a few weeks after the US. Ah well, I have Brawl, therefore my life is over now :heh:

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So so far i'm right about Nintendo not deliberatly trying to block the Freeloader.


But how the hell is it balanced? They get MK a matter of weeks after us. And we're not getting Brawl a few weeks after the US. Ah well, I have Brawl, therefore my life is over now :heh:


Hahaha same, I don't even see myself buying MK anytime soon cause of Brawl. =P

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So so far i'm right about Nintendo not deliberatly trying to block the Freeloader.


But how the hell is it balanced? They get MK a matter of weeks after us. And we're not getting Brawl a few weeks after the US. Ah well, I have Brawl, therefore my life is over now :heh:


Yeah I know. I thought Nintendo were giving us MK early as a lame-ass apology but when I found out the US date was only a week after I was like "...what?"

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So so far i'm right about Nintendo not deliberatly trying to block the Freeloader.


But how the hell is it balanced? They get MK a matter of weeks after us. And we're not getting Brawl a few weeks after the US. Ah well, I have Brawl, therefore my life is over now :heh:


Hell no is it balanced! It's like a cheeky slap in the face to those of us still waiting for Brawl. They must really think we are stupid and know nothing of what is happening in america with release dates

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Hell no is it balanced! It's like a cheeky slap in the face to those of us still waiting for Brawl. They must really think we are stupid and know nothing of what is happening in america with release dates


Or NOE have no idea about american release dates...

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I was so sure I posted this earlier....


Anyway, some time before the freeloader was released I read that when you have used it the first time, you have to use it on every single game you buy later regardless of region. Can anyone confirm or deny this?

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I was so sure I posted this earlier....


Anyway, some time before the freeloader was released I read that when you have used it the first time, you have to use it on every single game you buy later regardless of region. Can anyone confirm or deny this?


Deny, I've played RE:UC and Excite Truck since using the Freeloader for Smash Bros.

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Oh right, yeah. If a PAL game comes with an update in the future it's advised that you use the Freeloader method of updating, to reduce the risk of the update blocking the Freeloader. I say reduce as it only installs components of the update necessary to run the game, eg the update in Smash Bros allowing the Wii to read dual layer discs. One of these necessary components may also block the Freeloader in the future. For now though it works perfectly fine.

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Deny, I've played RE:UC and Excite Truck since using the Freeloader for Smash Bros.

I don't know if you understood what I meant or not, but just in case, I meant games you have bought or played for the first time after you used the freeloader.

Oh right, yeah. If a PAL game comes with an update in the future it's advised that you use the Freeloader method of updating, to reduce the risk of the update blocking the Freeloader. I say reduce as it only installs components of the update necessary to run the game, eg the update in Smash Bros allowing the Wii to read dual layer discs. One of these necessary components may also block the Freeloader in the future. For now though it works perfectly fine.


I'm most likely not going to use the freeloader anymore so when Mario Kart comes, which most likely will have an update, my Wii won't get bricked? That's all I care about, not be able to use the freeloader anymore doesn't matter for me.

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So so far i'm right about Nintendo not deliberatly trying to block the Freeloader.


But how the hell is it balanced? They get MK a matter of weeks after us. And we're not getting Brawl a few weeks after the US. Ah well, I have Brawl, therefore my life is over now :heh:


NOE have no-idea do they? They give us Mario Kart a week before America and think everything is going to be ok? I don't think so....


Oh and Wii Fit nearly a month before BUT we have to pay a extra £30 to what the Americans are!


Thankyou NOE, you lovely people!

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NOE have no-idea do they? They give us Mario Kart a week before America and think everything is going to be ok? I don't think so....


Oh and Wii Fit nearly a month before BUT we have to pay a extra £30 to what the Americans are!


Thankyou NOE, you lovely people!

Yeah pretty much, Mario Kart wouldn't make up for Smash Brothers either way, the sales of the games should indicate that. But any depth that statement did have was lost as soon as the release date for America was announced.

As for Wii fit, don't care :D


And the Freeloader I considered getting it, but since my TV at uni won't be able to play US games (it's not even 60hz) I think I won't :D I'll see what happens over the course of the next couple of months but since Smash would be the only game I'd consider getting I may as well wait till I get back.

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