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Wii Freeloader Thread - FAQ & Info in First Post


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Guest Jordan

Its not that, thats down right illegal. If you cancel an order, they have to oblige to that, they can't just take your money out without your consent!

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According to what I read on another forum (cannot find linkage) I am pretty sure that if you do the check box method of cancelling then in a couple of days you should receive an email from them with a returns authorization code (if it wasn't cancelled in time) so you can return the thing.


I am not definate on that though , as well as the fact you will be a at least a fiver out of pocket thanks to their shipping charge.


Needless to say , that despite getting an email confirming cancellation I am checking my credit card online on a daily basis.

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Guest Jordan

The fact that its cheaper to buy from a store than the company itself is a joke anyway.


Jeeze... i'm trying to watch my budget too. This didn't help. I mean, 2 days? For a code? I work on tech support and i can get most issues sorted within a few hours.

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Lol everyone seems to love the yum yum yum part, what have i created? :D


*Changes msn name to it*


yum yum yum!


Mine has been posted from Gameseek already! Hopefully it will arrive tomorrow/the day after, and the same for Brawl :yay: If one arrives a few days before the other I'm gonna go mad!

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Serebii what does you cj thing say?


Does it actualy say shipped and have you got an email from them.


Im just a bit concerned about my order i don't know whats happening mine says.


In process - - - Paid (event though i stopped my order) - - - Unshipped


And i have no emails from them

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Same. And i sent them 2 emails


The fact that its cheaper to buy from a store than the company itself is a joke anyway.


Jeeze... i'm trying to watch my budget too. This didn't help. I mean, 2 days? For a code? I work on tech support and i can get most issues sorted within a few hours.


Natty and Jordon has yours been shipped? I just got a UPS tracking number, it's actually been shipped now... Well not shipped it just says check back on the UPS site to see when UPS themselves get the package. I'm in the process of cancelling my other order with 365 games though I think it's too late.

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Yumyumyum Domster, very yumyumyum indeed! Mucho thanks for the vid and explanation, it all looks rather straightforward. Any chance when you get Brawl you can test it with that, and also write a guide to the Wiiloader, in a brand new thread with all the info in one place? Such obvious things as display settings, where to change them, issues that can occur and remedies(if you know or have encountered any). Also places to buy with good prices would be good, recommended by forumers, not recommended etc(seems like VG+ and Gameseek are recommended, not CJ themselves, and I'm interested about 365games).

Basically, a thread with a first post with lots of info in it for people(as opposed to a thread like this, littered with alot of irrelevant information, or many different people offering different info in different places). For anyone who has a Wiiloader and can test it, I have just a couple questions;


1. What's the state of things with GC games? What works and what doesn't, that you've found?

2. As silly as it sounds, can you boot and use a GC freeloader/AR with the Wiiloader? I'm curious about this that if it works, as it might fix GC issues.

3. Brawl related, is there anything out of the ordinary about the online, does it work perfectly, a little imperfectly, does it not work at all?

4. Ok, nevermind number 4, I didn't realise 480i is just another name for 60Hz. Good question from Zelda_rulez here, as display stuff goes over my head - Does it still work when you use an RGB cable or a composite, because I've heard reports of RGB not outputting a correct image with No More Heroes for example.

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Ok, no offense, I know I've been a total arse in this thread, and apologies to everyone for that. But I am trying to get actual confirmed information from a credible source(I would consider the majority of you guys here, a credible source) rather than probablys and speculation. There's too much speculation, and I've done some myself, but it's speculation and probablys that lead to big rumours and falsehoods being believed. I just want some info about what the Wiiloader actually really 100% does.

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I think i heard it work will any 60herts tv


Yeah thanks, I had a little look at the wii's display settings(the sensible thing to do, i'm such a dummy) and realised 480i is basically just another name 60Hz, which I thought you guys had meant by PAL60, but you didn't, right?

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Ok, no offense, I know I've been a total arse in this thread, and apologies to everyone for that. But I am trying to get actual confirmed information from a credible source(I would consider the majority of you guys here, a credible source) rather than probablys and speculation. There's too much speculation, and I've done some myself, but it's speculation and probablys that lead to big rumours and falsehoods being believed. I just want some info about what the Wiiloader actually really 100% does.


It is supposed to allow you to play US and Jap Wii and Gamecube games on your PAL Wii I haven't tried mine so cant say if it will actually work

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I'd like to add to Rummy's 4th question, if it still works when you use an RGB cable or a composite, because I've heard reports of RGB not outputting a correct image with No More Heroes for example.


Thats a good point. I;m using scart, has anyone experienced the Freeloader/ NMH combo by SCART?

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Just to clear something up....


Television stations in the US broadcast in 480i 60Hz


Television stations in the UK broadcast in 576i 50Hz


However, recently some stations in both the US nad UK are broadcasting in HD. Sports channels usually 720p, while the Movies usually go in 1080i.


What this means to us trying to play a US game is that we have to match the settings that the game was localized for. Which is either 480p or 480i 60Hz. If your TV does not support these settings Brawl will not work.

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