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Wii Freeloader Thread - FAQ & Info in First Post


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Sorry I couldn't report back quicker on this.. but unfortunately it's true. I tried it with my RGB scart connection and the picture was all red and fuzzy. That was in 60Hz 480i. Whether there's a way around this I don't know.


Well that sucks. How the hell did Datel manage to screw that up , I am sure that a lot of people use RGB , especially if like me, they don't have component inputs.


So now , as well as using the freeloader disc every time you want to play an NTSC game you have to remember to switch cables (unless you're prepared to put up with a lesser picture quality , sorry but I disagree that the composite scart gives equal quality as when I when used the RGB the improvement was clearly noticeable). Great job Datel :shakehead

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Guest Jordan
How would one go about forcing it?


Its not possible on the Wii, but i've seen a progressive signal put through RGB... it involves a several thousand pound specialised upscaler box.

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sorry but I disagree that the composite scart gives equal quality as when I when used the RGB the improvement was clearly noticeable


I said that non-RBG scart and composite are the same for quality (identical in fact). Proper RGB scart is, of course, a significant improvment on both. And then component in progressive is one better - sharpness is about the same but the picture just looks so much more vibrant and 'alive' as opposed to that slight graphic-y harshness that RGB has.


I was just watching the intro sequence again on Brawl with the composite picture and it doesn't look too bad actually. In game smaller details become a bit fuzzy and the colours are a touch muddy but nothing too horrendous.


It's a shame about RGB. And really wierd that it goes all red.:wtf: It just polarises your options between best and worst quality..

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I said that non-RBG scart and composite are the same for quality (identical in fact). Proper RGB scart is, of course, a significant improvment on both. And then component in progressive is one better - sharpness is about the same but the picture just looks so much more vibrant and 'alive' as opposed to that slight graphic-y harshness that RGB has.


I was just watching the intro sequence again on Brawl with the composite picture and it doesn't look too bad actually. In game smaller details become a bit fuzzy and the colours are a touch muddy but nothing too horrendous.


It's a shame about RGB. And really wierd that it goes all red.:wtf: It just polarises your options between best and worst quality..


I think it probably stems from the face that the US Wii's can't output an RGB signal, they have S-Video instead.


It could be the case that the US game is out putting a S-Video signal on the RGB cable.


Just thinking alloud here but is there perhaps a way to switch you TV to expect a S-Video signal on the scart socket you plug the Wii into, I'm pretty sure my old TV had that option.


Actually thinking about it, the pins on the Wii video port are probably wired up to output the S-Video signal the game is outputting to the wrong pins on the scart. I don't think there's anything Datel could of done about it TBH, I wonder if a US S-Video lead would work with this.


I guess we'll just have to stick to using the two different output methods we have in common with the US, composite and component.

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Well that sucks. How the hell did Datel manage to screw that up , I am sure that a lot of people use RGB , especially if like me, they don't have component inputs.


So now , as well as using the freeloader disc every time you want to play an NTSC game you have to remember to switch cables (unless you're prepared to put up with a lesser picture quality , sorry but I disagree that the composite scart gives equal quality as when I when used the RGB the improvement was clearly noticeable). Great job Datel :shakehead


Its not datels fault its just how the game outputs. If its an American game its gonna output in the signals that they use.

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I said that non-RBG scart and composite are the same for quality (identical in fact). Proper RGB scart is, of course, a significant improvment on both.


My bad, I obviously didn't quite read your original post properly, it must have been the red mist induced anger/disappointment.


Its not datels fault its just how the game outputs. If its an American game its gonna output in the signals that they use.


Fair enough, but unless I am missing something here how would that explain being able to successfully output NTSC GC games when using an RGB cable on the original freeloader , as I did without problems.

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Just had a little 20 min session on Meelee completely forgot how good that game was! Really excited about brawl now


My bad, I obviously didn't quite read your original post properly, it must have been the red mist induced anger/disappointment.




Fair enough, but unless I am missing something here how would that explain being able to successfully output NTSC GC games when using an RGB cable on the original freeloader , as I did without problems.


That was the gamecube the wii obivously outputs in a different way over there. As someone said apparently they use s-video

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Just had a little 20 min session on Meelee completely forgot how good that game was! Really excited about brawl now


I just did the same thing how strange :p. I've been getting All-star mode trophies for the shit characters I never completed the game with.

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We pretty much know everything now :heh:


I think it's a bit early to conclude that to be honest and I beg to differ. We don't know why GC doesn't work properly, or why there's display problems with certain cables, if it happens to everyone, if the other two display methods are ok etc etc. I still wanna know if a GC freeloader booted from a Wiiloader will overcome the GC issues too. I've heard good reports of the online too, but no confirmation that it's 100% as it should be.


I personally can't comment on them as I haven't used them , but over the last few days I have heard their name mentioned on a fair few forums (mostly ONM and Neogaf) and the feedback seems to be very positive.


In other news - still waiting on my MLB Power Pros from VGP , hopefully tomorrow , although I do now have Fire Emblem and Harvest Moon to start working through.


Ty for that, as I said, I'll probs order from them and when I do I'll feedback, gonna try and place the order sunday or monday before 3,

I'm a bit confused on the display front, there's 3 different types of AV cable for Wii, correct? The standard cable, which is composite. A SCART cable, which is RGB, and a 5 split RCA which is Component, right?

If it's not too much or too technical, how does the Component and RGB scart differ, if they both carry the 3 streams seperately?


look at this Brawl + freeloader ebay deal!


Long link.


Pfft, you can get the same deal from 365games for a few quids cheaper! In fact, for £7 cheaper than that, you can have it next day delivered!

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