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Resident Evil 0 Wiimake


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You seriously think that Resi5 could be done on Wii? Errrm, not going to happen.


At Capcom Office:


Studio Head: So what we were thinking is that we could port Res5.

Exec Producer: Ok, so what's that going to take? Let's talk money, time etc. here...

Studio Head: Well first we'll need to totally rewrite the texturing system, drop the poly count on everything, take off most of the lighting effects, rewrite the renderer, redo all of the textures to cope with all of these changes visually and maybe a bit, or maybe a lot more. Might have to look at dropping some of the sound too. The in game cut sequences are likely to need redoing too.

Exec Producer: Sounds like a big job, anything else I should know about?

Studio Head: Ahhh yes of course, we'll need to implement the controll system but that's all old code already so it's in the bag.

Exec Producer: So what you're telling me is that you want to rework a game to port it to the Wii, costing almost as much as it did for us to MAKE a new game for the system? A port which will lose around half of it's next gen graphical features? I'll tell you what, why don't you go make us a new IP.


I don't understand. Why not do that? Don't make a new IP because you already have the script and design of the game and like you said, the control input from Res Evil 4. Also don't because Res Evil has proven it will sell on the Wii so it's bankable.

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I don't understand. Why not do that? Don't make a new IP because you already have the script and design of the game and like you said, the control input from Res Evil 4. Also don't because Res Evil has proven it will sell on the Wii so it's bankable.


you can also outsource the porting to code monkies who are cheap... the creative stuff/art is already .... the expensive genius teams are left to do the new games and so there is no human resource problem

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Reworking the entire graphical side of the game just isn't worth the money and would damge the brand as it would look SO unbelievably cack.


Also spending money on new IP adds to the value of a company. You can't tell me that making ZnW wasn't a good investment. Spending the SAME amount of money on an original title would be a much better option.

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For a Wii version RE5 the can use the RE4 engine for the basic gameplay. Making the models and textures won't be any more taxing than what any PC developer goes through for most games. The sounds are all ready, as is the planning and design work. The lighting would have to be re-mapped but they'll know what they're doing with the lighting from the work on RE4.


Porting RE5 to Wii would be cheaper than a whole new game. Unless they work backwards from the final product (which would be stupid).

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I would think Resi 5 will make it to a Nintendo console, but it's highly unlikely to be the Wii.


Current rumours put the PS3 and 360 versions at Xmas 2009, a Wii version could easily be another year behind that (which would make sense if they plan to re-do 0, 1, 2, 3 and CVX). By then would there really be any point? Im sure the next gen Ninty console could run a direct port.


It is technically possible to port Resi 5, but theres a difference between something being technically possible and something being sensible. IMO a Wii2 launch title for sure...

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For a Wii version RE5 the can use the RE4 engine for the basic gameplay. Making the models and textures won't be any more taxing than what any PC developer goes through for most games.


Really? A PC could run Resi5 quite easily I'd think. I wouldn't see the need to change any of the models or textures at all, it would be in the compiling of the data wouldn't it?


Also, anyone else think that Capcom are starting to flog the franchise?

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Really? A PC could run Resi5 quite easily I'd think. I wouldn't see the need to change any of the models or textures at all, it would be in the compiling of the data wouldn't it?


What I mean is that PC games generally have high, medium and low models and textures. So making the toned down ones can't be too taxing to make.

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What I mean is that PC games generally have high, medium and low models and textures. So making the toned down ones can't be too taxing to make.


Didn't realise that there was a difference in the model, this would have large ramafications for tecturing (super time consuming due to mapping coords). Anyway, you are most likely right, a PC version would be harder to make (not even sure why they do anyway).

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Why would it look cack!?! I REALLy don't understand this comment. Does Res Evil 4 look cack? You know, that gamecube game?


All textures (including normal maps and so on) have been made specifically with the lighting and rendering of the RE5 engine in mind. You take away the filters, atmospherics and lighting effect and all of the other mass load of things that you would lose and you're looking at a very poor edition of the game comparatively. This is what I mean by damaging the franchise (and also the Wii) because you will build a public image of a visually inferior edition.

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Build it from the Res EVil 4 engine, take the time to do it properly, it'd sell stupidly well on the Wii!!!! I'd rather than Res Evil 4 version with awesome controls than the PS3 version with a pad!!!!!


I found that RE4 worked perfectly with the pad and the Wii-mote didnt make it better to the extent of outdoing such extensive grapical quality. In short I disagree.

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Fair enough, if you didn't think the controls were better on Wii than yeah, there's no contest which would be best for you and the importance of the graphical downgrade make sense.


Saying that you are clearly insane not thinking they were better :P


Personally I would go for a more Scarface approach to the controls too!

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If it's a proper REmake:Zero with RE4 view point built in full 3D, I will get certainly get it.


If it's a port with added "waggle" I see little point


I agree with this man. Except I would say "no" where he said "little".

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...This is what I mean by damaging the franchise (and also the Wii) because you will build a public image of a visually inferior edition.


I'm suprised the Resi series has lasted this long. 4 really pushed it back into the mindset of many gamers minds but they've pretty much had the market to themselves for long periods of time (Alone in the dark/Silent Hill withstanding).


Resi 5 looks like another brave new direction (which Capcom seem to be doing with a lot of their franchises as of late). So I guess they can keep flogging it for another few years yet. However, I feel that the Wii is a great home for a potential downgraded version of Resi 5. Obviously we aren't going to see a GC to PS2 Resi 4 port but if this "visually inferior" version sells well then I guess it doesn't matter. I guess it's a toss up between going for as many customers as possible or shitting all over your brand. And considering Resi seems to sell no matter what, I don't think it really matters to Capcom.


Anyway...More Zak and Wiki, now!!

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Why would it look cack!?! I REALLy don't understand this comment. Does Res Evil 4 look cack? You know, that gamecube game?


It's made with more powerfull systems in mind. Resi 4 was built for the Gamecube, the enviroments were built based on what the Gamecube could handle. By that i mean the whole setting for Resi 5 will be more visually taxing than Resi 4 was. You're looking at African plains here, not a Spanish village. The whole concept is more challenging on the hardware.


Im not saying it WILL look shit, just pointing out that there is reason why you can't just "port it to the Resi 4 engine"

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To be honest I like your Wii 2 theory. I really think Nintendo will release it very soon. Not in the next few months soon, but sooner than 4 years!!!
If the Wii keeps up 50% of its current selling rate, there's no way it's going to happen. The Wii is a console capable enough, but it's not getting used in any way that we know of yet.
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