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I completed it this morning. Its a nice game but the whole thing took me just 2 and a half hours, but I'm glad I brought it all the same.


I completed it today and it took me just 1 hour 38 mins! 19 statues is it worth looking for other 5?

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I completed it today and it took me just 1 hour 38 mins! 19 statues is it worth looking for other 5?


Damn thats fast! I'm missing 4 statues myself...I don't think getting them all changes anything but I might get them anyway.

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Heh, I'm still playing this. Only played it about three or four times though, and I usually stop when I find a new save spot. =P


Pretty game.

Only complaint so far is that the text is so small. I have a lot of trouble reading it. @____@;

Plus it's nice that it's in Dutch (a rare thing), but it's full of spelling mistakes and the like. I -hate- spelling mistakes. X3

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I fired this up again tonight and stormed through it, took me 1:15 to finish and thats with getting all the statues. I still think thats a freaking awesome game despite the length.


I played it the other night to see if I could do it in one sitting- finished it in 1h 30. One good thing about replaying was that the story seemed to become more clear the second time around. How did you manage it in 1h 15 with all the statues? I still need two in the file of my original play through... do you get anything for getting all or them?

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Same score as MGS4, which is quite surprising.


It shows the imbalance in reviewing downloadables next to full retail epic time consuming games. I think its the words that matter in the review more than the score as proven by this...Lostwinds is great but in many ways it does not stand up next to MGS and neither does it try to.

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How did you manage it in 1h 15 with all the statues? I still need two in the file of my original play through... do you get anything for getting all or them?


Its not that hard to speed through the game if you have played it already. You dont get anything for finding them all, just a sense of satisfaction :)

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Just completed it. Was pretty good actually. Short game but enjoyable. I took my time and did it in 3 hours exactly! I got 19/24 of them things too.


I prob wont play it again but look forward to a sequel.

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Guest Maase

Playing it.


Im already stuck, it seems kinda quick, i would actually love if this was a Full Game rather than a WiiWare game, it could turn out better than Zelda.

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I love this game, but it regularly crashes on me, the game doesn't freeze or anything but toku becomes impenetrable to the wind and gets stuck because I can't lift him. Stupidly frustrating because the last time I did I hadnt saved it for ages!! Havent touched it since because I hate replaying bits Ive already done!!!


Great game but this really lets it down for me. Happen to anyone else?

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Heh, I'm stuck. I just grabbed a statue somewhere in the old mine I think, and now I can't get Toku all the way up to the platform any more. No matter how many times I try, he just can't reach it, nor the giant mushroom. D:

Is two gusts all you get to move Toku around? Because it really isn't working to get him back up there and I don't want to quit the game without saving. >.<;

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I remember that bit Eenuh, I did the same. I had to reset to my last save because, try as I might, I couldn't get back up. When you get a new powerup later on, you'll be able to get that statue.


What, so I have to restart the game? That sucksssss. I just got a new powerup (whirlwind thing to levitate objects), but it doesn't seem to work on Toku. =(

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Ah, just restarted... and apparently it saves when you get a new move, so I didn't really lose too much progress, yay! ^____^

But that means I'll just have to ignore that statue for now. Evil things. >.>;


Edit: urgh, I keep falling in there. I think you even -have- to be there, since there's a rock down there I think you need? Merf.

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But the rock is in there when you arrive? And I don't think you can get to it without letting yourself fall into the gap yourself. I'll try one last time, then I'll give up (for now). X3



Edit: hooray, finally!

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