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Yeah Jordan i can see your logic. I mean Harribo said he done nothing wrong, then you don't even actually say he did. He makes another account, never put's a foot wrong and now is banned.


I can see the way you care.


He should be banned permenantly, I don't see a problem with the Admin Modders not having to put up with such childish crap.

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Hopefully one day, when N-Europe is an independent planetary state on one of Saturn's smaller moons, democracy and absolute freedom of speech will be a serious issue worth examining.


Until then, N-Europe is more like your local pub: a dark, musty room full of lonely, angry sports fans who beat each other with clubs for weekend entertainment and leer at any females who accidentally wander inside. Just try to avoid pissing off the bouncers and you'll do fine.

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Hopefully one day, when N-Europe is an independent planetary state on one of Saturn's smaller moons, democracy and absolute freedom of speech will be a serious issue worth examining.


Until then, N-Europe is more like your local pub: a dark, musty room full of lonely, angry sports fans who beat each other with clubs for weekend entertainment and leer at any females who accidentally wander inside. Just try to avoid pissing off the bouncers and you'll do fine.


Aww... Come on Gags :( I like you...

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Harribo was a constant flamer in alot of threads. He caused arugments, he insulted staff members and was warned on many occassion to stop random spamming. Plus the whole "GTFO" thing...


We also don't accept second accounts, that is in the rules. So by creating that account he automatically stepped over the line.


By the way, for someone who "left N-E" you sure post alot! ;)

But he wouldnt have done it if he wasnt banned in the first place


Didn't he only create because you banned him?


Oh and don't act smart, trust me don't.

exactly, maybe not jordan but he did get banned.

He should be banned permenantly, I don't see a problem with the Admin Modders not having to put up with such childish crap.

But it only came around because he got banned, he got banned for 'no reason' so hes being like this.

Aww... Come on Gags :( I like you...

Harribo says "tell jordan hes banned number 5" :/

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Haha, what is this shit? People actually think someone who gets banned, then creates loads of accounts, should be unbanned?


Why do people think that being a member of an internet forum is a right, it's a fucking privilege, break the rules and get banned. Or y'know, just get banned because the admins don't like you., Either way who cares. It's the internet.

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What a bunch of retardedness. I hope you think you're cool.


What the fuck is people's problem with the admins? There are rules to be followed, and no lulz will give you the right to break them. Go grow some pubic hair and them come back with some intelligence and respect, for fuck's sake.

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MEH. even if he felt like he'd been banned for no reason - if he cared enough about it to make another account then the way he acted wasn't going to help keep him back on the forums...

it's a sad sad day - we've lost some of our respected and valued members.


...oh wait a second ~ ^___^

*waves goodbye*

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What a bunch of retardedness. I hope you think you're cool.


What the fuck is people's problem with the admins? There are rules to be followed, and no lulz will give you the right to break them. Go grow some pubic hair and them come back with some intelligence and respect, for fuck's sake.


Rightly so.

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Hopefully one day, when N-Europe is an independent planetary state on one of Saturn's smaller moons, democracy and absolute freedom of speech will be a serious issue worth examining.


Until then, N-Europe is more like your local pub: a dark, musty room full of lonely, angry sports fans who beat each other with clubs for weekend entertainment and leer at any females who accidentally wander inside. Just try to avoid pissing off the bouncers and you'll do fine.


I loled!!


I'd liken it more to a swimming pool. You ain't gonna be popular if you shit in it and if if they want the lifeguards will let you drown! :grin:

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Can't we just all get along? I thought the idea of a forum was to talk about stuff as in this case GAMES! THe brill thing that god himself invented (or maybe he didn't...) anyway. I personaly don't see the point in slating the admins/mods for what they do, they are there for a reason so just leave them get on with it. The rules are in place for a reason.

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