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Good morning comrades.


After no requests I´m going to do the I'm possible, like some of you know one of my hobbies is papercrafting (Making cool stuff out of paper).

long long time ago I made this


But this one is small and is in bad shape so I´m going full size I used 1 A4 paper to make this one, I´m going to use 9 A4 pages that will probable make him like a basketball. If you guys want me to post my progress here then do send you love to this thread.


If this happens like its suppose to do and If I feel motivated I might make it to the next level

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  Vicar said:
Mundi and Vicar reporting in


Zack and Wiki case used to show scale.


Do you design the whole thing yourself? Thats amazing!


Should tape them having an epic fight :) (Too far?)

  Rummy said:
Jesus, that is one epic hand! How do you manage to get the templates done so big though?


I know he´s gone to sleep so i can answer that

He used a program that enlarged the template he´s using.


Woops, I meant like...print them on paper so big? Does he have an epic printer or get it done specially or what?? Also, know of any guides for doing it, it seems like a pretty cool thing to do, I'd love a little paper kirby!


Oh yeah that, he glued them together. The parts that were on separate pages had a white line so he cut one of them off and glued it on top of the other part and quite well too.


You can check the papercraft board on 4chan, they can be very helpful there

I've got a Haunter one, and it's got no instructions or numbers or anything :'(


I'm back and hey if you need hep I can probably help you, I´m not promising anything but I´ll do my best


Well i´m going to sleep now my target is to finish one of the shoes today


yay for super-sized! i made a super small model:



the plan was from a website - but i cant remember the address... *think think*


mine got squished by a pile of kane and lynch when it was sat on the side at work... *sigh*


...oh well ^_^


Well here is another update


both hands finished and they both look amazing and one of his shoes there is one problem with the shoe his heel is all fucked up but you can barely notice that I'm starting on the other one right now and tomorrow the grand finale (hopefully)


My last update to day


Holy s.... Kirby ate my top hat




Super kirby


this where fun not to hard but still pretty hard to make and now let´s have some fun with him.


Kirby Jackson


he is doing the moon walk :awesome:


Broke back Kirby


I wish I knew how to quit you :D


Top hat Kirby


even more awesome than gentleman Kirby


Thank you an good night.

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