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Tropical Fish


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I've had a tropical fish tank for a few months now and it is just awesome. My family hasnt had many pets over the years but these fish top all of them. Does anybody else here keep some?

Sure, maintaining the tank can be expensive but its definetly worth it. Im one of the people who can stare at fish for a good hour, its very relaxing.


Here are the species that I have:


my favourite catfish, the gold nugget plec:


pictures dont do him justice, they are just so cool. They climb up rocks and suck on to the side of the tank and you can look right down their throats. Makes for a very funny viewing.


Dwarf gourami, one of these died a couple of days ago which pissed me off, but 1 still remains:


very pretty fish


Siamese fighter, probably the biggest showoff of the lot, with its long finnage(quality word):


mine is a slightly more purple colour


Neon tetra, small shiny fish that sometimes glow


I have 5 of these, they're better in numbers.


I also have some guppies, but seeing as there are so many colour variations I dont think I'll find the one's that look like mine.


After the dwarf gourami died today, I decided to get a few more fish.


Gold Gourami, very vibrant and nicely patterned fish:


very friendly with the other Gourami I have, too friendly I think, seeing as they are both male. Unless fish can be homosexual?



I got some female guppies to hopefully breed with the male guppies I already have.


Clown loaches, which are quite secretive:


I bought these mainly because they are one of the only tropical species that eat snails, which are currently recking my plants, I got 2 of them.



Leave comments on your favourites also!

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I don't really see the attraction in Fish.


They don't... do anything. If you have a cat or a dog or whatever it can be very rewarding. But with fish, they're pretty daft and forget constantly. So its like "oooh! food!" "OMG FOOD!" "FOOOOD!" Within the space of around 40 seconds.


...Although they are very pretty.

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I don't really see the attraction in Fish.


They don't... do anything. If you have a cat or a dog or whatever it can be very rewarding. But with fish, they're pretty daft and forget constantly. So its like "oooh! food!" "OMG FOOD!" "FOOOOD!" Within the space of around 40 seconds.


...Although they are very pretty.

I used to think that, but after having your own setup and attachment to the fish its more rewarding. Obviously its very different than keeping a cat or dog, as they are more hands on pets, but fish are slighly easier to keep.


Ashmat: is that seawater/marine fish, because they are very expensive? Make sure he knows what he is getting himself into because it can be a financial mistake!

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Guest Stefkov

I had a goldfish once. I won it at a fair and the bastard lasted with me for 4 years.

It got a disease, lost scales, got bloated/fat.

One day i come home and it's upside down floating at the top of the tank.

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Bah can't find the joke. I am going to attempt to write it down, although this will almost definitely prove very unsuccessful:


You know how goldfish only have a memory of something like 30 seconds? Imagine some of their conversations!

GF 1: Who are you?

GF 2: ....I dont know. Who are you?

GF 1: ...I dont know! Hey, look at that castle!

GF 2: Wow that's a big castle...we seem to be in some sort of round thing, any idea what that is?

GF 1: No Idea, it's very wet in here................hang on....Who are you?

GF 2: I don't know, who are you?

GF 1: Don't know. Hey, look at that castle!

....and so on


Not that funny written down :-( Oh well!

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I had a goldfish once. I won it at a fair and the bastard lasted with me for 4 years.

It got a disease, lost scales, got bloated/fat.

One day i come home and it's upside down floating at the top of the tank.





Symptoms: Fish's abdomen becomes unusually large and swollen, scales may stick out


Dropsy is not, in itself, a specific disease, but rather refers to a condition where the fish's abdomen becomes swollen. A sudden swelling of the abdomen (scales may stick out) is known as acute dropsy while a slow swelling of the abdomen is known as chronic dropsy. The actual cause of this swelling could be indicitive of any one of several conditions




One of my fish died from this quite recently =(

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Not that funny written down :-( Oh well!


"Hey, I've seen a boat."

"You have?"

"It passed by not too long ago."

"A white one?"

"Hi. I'm Dory."

"Where!? Which way!?"

"Oh, oh, oh! It-it went, um, this way! And it went this way! Follow me!"

"Thank you! Thank you, thank you so much!"

"No problem."

"Hey! Wait!"

"Will you quit it?"


"I'm trying to swim here. What, ocean ain't big enough for you?"


"You got a problem, buddy? Huh? Huh? Do 'ya? Do 'ya? Do 'ya? You want a piece of me? Yeah, oooh, I'm scared now. Whaat!?"

"Wait a minute.."

"Stop following me, okay!?"

"What? You're showing me which way the boat went!"

"A boat? Hey, I've seen a boat. It passed by not too long ago. It went this way, it went this way. Follow me!"

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Symptoms: Fish's abdomen becomes unusually large and swollen, scales may stick out


Dropsy is not, in itself, a specific disease, but rather refers to a condition where the fish's abdomen becomes swollen. A sudden swelling of the abdomen (scales may stick out) is known as acute dropsy while a slow swelling of the abdomen is known as chronic dropsy. The actual cause of this swelling could be indicitive of any one of several conditions




One of my fish died from this quite recently =(

aww damn. I didnt think I'd get that upset when one of my fish died but I was rather miffed.

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Guest Stefkov

I don't think so. His scales began to fall off, it was quite horrible. If I could get into the crevice where my books are I got a book on fish diseases and stuff for my birthday once...¬_¬... and I checked it out. Dropsy doesn't ring any bells.

It's dead now though. It doesn't really matter. I want to find out what it was now.

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At school theres a fish named after me in the Biology department, even though I took Physics.


Dunno what kind of fish it is, but it is orange/blue in places (one eye is surrounded by blue, one by orange, hence why they named it after me >_>)

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