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Major Minor`s Majestic March!


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You can find the game not appealing all you want, but you have to admit your post was just a troll. Anyway, doesn't matter :P


Nice to see facism still exists.


I can see where Cookie is coming from. I dont see the appeal of conducting a marching band and also I have suspicions of the game being quite shallow. It also chucks up a whole bunch of questions such as "is a gesture system reliable enough for a game like this" or "will the average person find band music appealing".


Irregardless of who it was made by, those grey areas make the game questionable already.

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Yeah fair point... sorry not feeling so good. Misunderstanding posts. I'll edit my post so as not to look like a retard.


Didn't see your rant, but I see the fascim post is still there, so just so settle this, if saying someone can dislike what he wants but should be tasteful about what he says is fascism, the world's going to hell.

Not much to discuss without more info and I dislike to give continuation to flame wars, but being called fascist is something I can't turn a blind eye to.

But you're not feeling well, so I won't send my assassin squads to your house for insulting me.

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  • 4 months later...
Something with a unique style, like Parrapa was, not something that looks as bad, if not worse than games like Ninjabread Man and Anubis II.
Point is... Parrapa is good, Ninjabread sucks.


I'm not saying I wouldn't like better graphics... but I'm not insulted when they never did better than this and always did good games.

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Wow more blurry than the N64 - awesome!



Jeez - what's this on the DS!


I know graphics aren't the be all and end all of any game but thse are so very very bad!


Looks like my predictions are coming true:




At this point does anybody seriously want to buy this game?

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At this point does anybody seriously want to buy this game?
Being a sucker for music games... I do. Just from the creators record track.


I'd much rather have a Vib Ribbon sequel/port though (and yes, I'm implying the original graphics if possible), or speaking of music games ports... also REZ.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Impressions from GoNintendo.


You guys know that I was excited for this game. I love the developer behind the title. I also love music games, even though I’m not too into marching bands. I had no idea the game was going to be playable at the show, and I snagged the open demo unit as soon as I saw it. Unfortunately, I was left very saddened by my experience. I don’t know, maybe I was missing something…


I was so tempted to be smarmy with my impressions of this game. I originally wanted to take a video of myself mimicking the game, and let that speak for my impressions. Due to internet trouble, I had to change my plan of attack. Instead of watching a fat guy mock a game, you get to read impressions from one.


I swear to you, my entire playtime with MMMM was spent moving the Wiimote in and up/down motion. Up…down…up…down…Up…down…up…down…Up…down…up…down…Up…down…up…down…getting bored yet? I sure did, and it didn’t take long at all. I stuck with the game though, and played through all the tutorials and both levels that were open. I did absolutely nothing different for my entire playtime. I hit buttons, I used different motions…I tried to see if I was missing something. Everytime I did that, the game yelled at me for stopping my up..down…repeat input.


So yes, basically, the Wiimote is your band leader baton. You walk through the levels automatically, and you have to keep the pace of the marching band song. The better you do, the more people will join up with you. You can see their appreciation of your talent via a meter above their head. If they like what you’re doing, they will run behind you. The meter on the bottom of the screen lets you see who is following, and what they are adding in.


My main problem was, if I missed adding certain people to my band, the game would let me continue on for another 10 seconds or so…then stop. It would then rewind me back to that important person, and tell me to work harder at getting them to join the band. I cannot tell you how frustrating it was to keep seeing the game rewind for you to pick up people. A hugely annoying mechanic, in my opinion.


So yeah…I’m a very sad guy. While I love the team working on the title, I just didn’t get any enjoyment from the game. Like I said, it’s just an early demo. Things may come together and make me do a 180…it’s definitely possible. All I know is, the most I got out of MMMM was a laugh from people watching. They seemed to enjoy watching a large fellow perform that particular motion over and over again with the Wiimote. I don’t know what on earth they could have been thinking about…

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