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Fatal Frame 4

Gaijin von Snikbah

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INEED! I already feel like pissing my britches, and I haven't even played it yet! Okay, battle plan: play it with my girlfriend watching me playing it. That way, I can rely on her for the "getting scared" part.

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Guest Maase

I don't know the one time I tried Project Zero I hated it, can anyone vouch for it, so I try it again?


If you played Project Zero 2 without pissing yourself, you are the man ;)


But, well, the project zero series is knowed for one thing: You have to walk by many places (it may be boring for the ones looking for action) and there will be not much of "Screamers", it will be more Pshicological (?) Terror.


If you are a lover of Pshi bla bla bla Terror, i believe you will like this.


(I already played Project Zero 2 one month ago, so you can trust me)

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i knew it! As soon as I get rid of my Wii, a game i actually want gets shown. It would be cool if Nintendo bundled this with a black Wii (+black hard drive)


Serves you right! Ah!


Maase I played a bit of the first one I think and it was mostly laughing, but not enough laughter that I would piss my pants.

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i knew it! As soon as I get rid of my Wii, a game i actually want gets shown.



Seriously! What's with all the people selling their console to buy the same one again few months later? Be patient guys. It could save your money.


Anyway, this game looks very promising. It's good to see some third parties putting some effort into graphics.

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I just thought, if Capcom don't want to give Wii RE5, why don't they rework this one.


They could call it "Resident Evil: Paradox" or something, an alternate reality to Leons trip to Europe, what would have happened if Umbrella weren't gone.


Now that is a good idea!


If it played "properly", with none of this tank-controls rubbish, I'd buy it.


As for Fatal Frame 4, it looks very nice, and very atmospheric. Whether or not I pick it up depends when it comes out...

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Seriously! What's with all the people selling their console to buy the same one again few months later? Be patient guys. It could save your money.


Oh stop it you!


The guy i sold it too really really wanted it for his kids and Wii's are still hard to find in the US so i did the neighborly thing. And apparently they love it, so its all good


As for me, ill have to take solace in RE5 :(

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I'm definitely getting interested in this.. looks great! I was interested in Project Zero when I had an XBOX for a short time (though, in the end, I never got it.. and sold the XBOX :heh:)


Considering who is making this and how it looks so far I will be following this.. hoping for some Halloween scares : peace:

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