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haha sheffield rules. :heart: I love sheffield, ok maybe I should love a man not a place.


haha, will a bra and hat do aimless :indeed:


but..but..i'm an adorable cartoon!

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Southerners ftw.


If the rumours of the Offspring are true, download is going to be shit this year. :/

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Yup they are supposed to be headlining, I'm guessing it's now official, along with kiss and judas priest, oh and lost prophets.


I hope some decent ones get whacked up.

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we all know that rage are gonna headline reading/leeds anyway so whats the point in Download if theres no rage.

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pssh, not into rage anywhoo so that's ok for me. I want billy talent and skindreds there, then I'll be happy.

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I'm probably goinna go Reading or Glasto this year, Wanted to go last year but no money :(

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pssh, not into rage anywhoo so that's ok for me. I want billy talent and skindreds there, then I'll be happy.


how can you not like rage? haha anyways, ive never really got into skindred, are they the welsh dub reggae/metal band, my m8s band was sposed to be supporting them.

Saw Billy Talent at leeds last year, not really into em that much but thought they weren't bad live apart from the singer.

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I like all the bands mentioned in the last 5 posts, i think i might have to make a trip to download myself this year.

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Good idea strider, and then come celebrate my 18th the week after...I swear I'll be trashed for a good while...it's a mighty good job the monday I come back from download my parents are away for a week...

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Guess who's supporting bullet on thursday? (not that I overly like bullet but Skindred do make up for it a hundred-fold IMO)

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I'm probably goinna go Reading or Glasto this year, Wanted to go last year but no money :(


I really want to go to Glastonbury but moneys an issue, definately gonna go to reading if rage play.

Im kind fo a bit fed up with the big festivals though, in my opinion after being to the big festivals and the smaller ones i think the smaller ones have much better atmospheres and aren't full of complete cocks like you get at reading and leeds. Plus you get to find loads of cool underground and unique bands who you wouldn't get at reading. Also last year apart from Chilis, pumpkins, arcade fire, KOL, gogol bordello etc and a few others it was just loads of shit emo bands......hmm im thinking this is a music thread reply and not a singleness one, ah well.

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I'm going to Leeds again this year, but what's that gotta do with being single?


Also, Billy Talent are AMAZING live

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I'm going to Leeds again this year, but what's that gotta do with being single?


Also, Billy Talent are AMAZING live


I saw em at Leeds and they were alright but they pretty much played their songs the same if I remember. I thought the best bands at Leeds were Arcade Fire, Chili Peppers and Smashing Pumpkins.....also Frank Turner in the Carling Stage was also wicked.

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im single, where have all the ladies gone? :wtf:


girls x internet = zero


(im not a troll, i swear :o)

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(im not a troll, i swear :o)



Just really ugly then? :heh:



(I'm sorry, been wanting to use that for aaaaages)

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Been down the pub tonight and pulled a bird, and in the process of taking her back to mine for the night, she decides to go with some other bloke and sleep with him. Now imagine how pissed i am right about now :mad::mad::mad:. I could have been with a bird tonight and her exact words to me were "I don't know when i shall sleep with you, but you may be lucky soon." and then she went in with this other lad and left me in the bloody cold 2 miles from home.


Single life does suck in a way, but then it does have it's advantages somehow.

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