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All will become clear when/if you get to a high level :heh:


Chances are I won't be on my Warrior again till atleast Monday. Will be doing heroics tonight to get gear for the raid on Sunday with the guild Zero and I are in, Friday i'm out and Saturday probably heroics again, then Sunday is the big day!


Well my account got hacked the other day so don't expect to see me on anytime soon. And if you do i'll probably be poor and naked.

Hacked?! Nooo :( Is your Terokkar character intact? Or have you not even got access to the account anymore?


Can't even get on but from what the armoury suggests I still have everything so, I can only hope for now that nothing else happens to it.

Have you tried reclaiming your password or talking to Blizzard or anything?


Edit: Dinged 40 last night btw :D


Well done.


My password and email address have been changed so there is no way I can get the password sent to me and yes, I have sent an email to Blizzard explaining everything. My guild mates also contacted a GM and he said he would look into it. I have a trial account going just now to talk to my guild mates but, I can't send them a whisper since they need me added as well. Looks like i'll be playing brawl a lot more :heh:


Jesus, i'd hate to have my account stolen, I keep wanting to invest in one of those Autenticators, everyone swears on them, don't think they cost that much as well o0


Hope you manage to get your account back dude


*currently herbing wintersbite for cash*...fun >>


Hit Level 43 Earlier :)


Tried Zul'Farrak few times with a group, got to the end where you get attacked by about 100 monsters, and our Hunter aggroed them all X_X


Guess what the outcome was :heh:


Weeee I'm cruising at level 41 and a half at the moment, as well as a pretty hefty stash of gold, all my skills and my mount. C'mon guys, I've been playing quite a lot over the past few days and the only person I've seen on is arnold! Where's the love? :D


Oh Christ, what's happened to me? I'm just about to hit 44! That's almost 4 levels in a day. I never did that in my 20s let alone my 40s. This is getting insane - and yet I'm really enjoying it :heh:


I was at home during the weekend, WoW has had to take a back seat to uni work and travelling and generally being away from the internets. I suppose it'll be easier during the summer when I'm nearer to having nothing to do!

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Thought id revive this thread as im currently installing the game again. Played it a couple of years ago and decided to start up again now that Goafer is playing (plus everytime I watch "The Guild" it makes me want to play).


I'll be on the Eonar server so I can play with Goaf. Anyone else still play and if so which server?



......Oh and im bored already with the install, not looking forward to the massive download of the updates I need afterwards.


I'm on Vashj at the moment:


- 80 hunter

- 17 paladin

- 23 mage


Just levelling up some crap whilst I wait for cata and sc2.


I could come join you for some random levellings, let me know how the install goes. :)

Still in the middle of downloading all the updates.....oh the fun :p


Haha, I remember when in halls downloading WoW on my desktop, took me two days.


I feel your pain.


I just stole my friends install folder and used the account that I'd made back when I had it installed properly (I still own the discs I'd like to point out). About half an hour "install" time. Win.


First time I installed it, I used my discs. That took about 24 hours.


I discovered a slightly out of date version was still on my PC, despite having formatted it since I stopped playing. Clearly WoW is perennial.


I'm in the slightly strange position of really wanting to get into Cataclysm — not just for the new content, all the streamlining of stats and abilities really appeals to me — but not having much desire to play the game as is.

I'm on Vashj at the moment:


- 80 hunter

- 17 paladin

- 23 mage


Just levelling up some crap whilst I wait for cata and sc2.


I could come join you for some random levellings, let me know how the install goes. :)


I keep meaning to check, but does WoW and SC2 go under the same subscription over here? I remember reading it did in Korea.


Cata looks cool and all, but WoW is only really about the end game content, when it 'opens' up.


Argh don't tempt me even more than I already am to get back in to WoW! I miss the small guild we had running last year. What was it called? It was something to do with Pigeons, I'm sure. Damn it! Ah, Fallen Pigeons! :D


Amazing times. But I wouldn't be able to start a new character, god no. I've already levelled three to 45ish, wouldn't want to do that again without seevrely improving one of my current characters. That's what stops me coming back to the game :(

I keep meaning to check, but does WoW and SC2 go under the same subscription over here? I remember reading it did in Korea.


Cata looks cool and all, but WoW is only really about the end game content, when it 'opens' up.

SC2 isn't subscription based outside of Latin America, Russia and parts of Asia. Presumably it's a mix of anti-piracy and anti-'net cafe initiative, two things which aren't as prominent elsewhere.


Also, I've always had little to no interest in end-game content.

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