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Blizz need to move that arena start date forward. I wouldn't mind if the new BG and PVP area were any good but they're a pile of shit. If I wanted to play with one-button shooting from turrets and riding vehicles around I'd play Xbox. And no one is pugging heroics. And no one in my guild is remotely close to being ready. The only people having fun on our server are the three or four big guilds.


Also, I love this: they put arena requirements on honour gear to prevent skill-less players from getting weaps for PVE and then make honour grinders play in such a way that means they never fight hand-to-hand with their skills.

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I guess you're on a quiet server then, cause there are hundreds of pugs on Balnazzar and there are always people pugging the PvP boss in Wintergrasp (already got pvp chest)


and anyway the current start date allows as many people to get to 80 to not get left behind when pvp starts


and crafters can make basic pvp gear for you if you really want it ;)

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I guess you're on a quiet server then, cause there are hundreds of pugs on Balnazzar and there are always people pugging the PvP boss in Wintergrasp (already got pvp chest)


and anyway the current start date allows as many people to get to 80 to not get left behind when pvp starts


and crafters can make basic pvp gear for you if you really want it ;)


Gah. /jealous. I'm on Dragonblight, medium pop. Very little going on Ally side. Managed to get in on a 10-man for the PVP gear tonight but it was Priest/Hunter drop. First LFM I've seen for the Wintergrasp boss. Everyone who is anyone is in one of the big four guilds so they just get on with it themselves.


On the arena point, it doesn't really matter when you start playing arenas in the season. If you ding on Dec 16th and earn your honor gear then, you have just as much chance of arena success as me earning my honor gear this week and starting arenas on Dec 16th. If anything it will be easier the later you start because the better players will have higher ratings. It's more to do with not acquiring PVP gear for PVE purposes but there are other ways of dealing with that than punishing people who like to PVP.


I've nearly got the entire Blackened Defias Set of leather armor on my 19 Rogue :D Just need the chest piece.





I got the whole set for my rogue way back when. I remember going to bed feeling very, very chuffed.

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I haven't been om this for a while what with the end of Uni and all, alas, i'm getting back on tonight. Me and Zero need some epic sessions to get rid of all our rest exp and make up for the days we didn't get on.


A fair few folk at work play this aswell. I think there's another 4 people who play WoW aside from me which is pretty cool :heh:

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I'm so bored of this. I hate levelling especially with WotLK because it takes ages. And there's nothing else to do. I want to run Shattered Halls to clear out some quests I have but no one on my server is doing it. So I tried a bit of raiding. Got a group for Molten Core and after an hour or so of messing around we went in. 5 people knew what to do, myself included, and when we got to the groups of 5 or 6 core hounds that have to be killed with AoE we wiped cause no one would listen. So basically I just can't be bothered playing now.

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I found TBC to be easy to level but I'm finding that this takes even longer than it took to get to lvl 60. Really not enjoying it. Ran Utgarde Keep in the hope of dinging but only got like 2 and a half bars. The quests haven't been as enjoyable as those in TBC. I loved the bombing ones in Hellfire yet the only one similar I've seen is in Howling Fjord and I decided to give it a miss because doing those kind of quests on a laptop without a mouse is a pain.

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Pff you should all come to The Venture Co instead and hang around with me because I'm awesome and shit, plus I have a 74 hunter, a 74 warrior, a 58 death knight, a 55 death knight (hurr), 53 warlock, a 46 priest, a 20 something druid, etc. I'm levelling most professions, and have Leatherworking, Jewelcrafting, Mining, Blacksmithing and Enchanting all >360 (My life is torture, kill me now)

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I found TBC to be easy to level but I'm finding that this takes even longer than it took to get to lvl 60. Really not enjoying it. Ran Utgarde Keep in the hope of dinging but only got like 2 and a half bars. The quests haven't been as enjoyable as those in TBC. I loved the bombing ones in Hellfire yet the only one similar I've seen is in Howling Fjord and I decided to give it a miss because doing those kind of quests on a laptop without a mouse is a pain.


levelling in WotLK is like twice as fast as TBC, well it was for me at least :)

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Still level 71. Will play more but i am stuck to the PS3 right now.


For what it does no other MMORPG i have played does as well. Even on a technical level the areas are huge. The enemies varied, no loading, cool and varied quests. Conan is the best looking MMORPG technically but it does so much less than WOW for example.

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Pff you should all come to The Venture Co instead and hang around with me because I'm awesome and shit, plus I have a 74 hunter, a 74 warrior, a 58 death knight, a 55 death knight (hurr), 53 warlock, a 46 priest, a 20 something druid, etc. I'm levelling most professions, and have Leatherworking, Jewelcrafting, Mining, Blacksmithing and Enchanting all >360 (My life is torture, kill me now)


Nah, should come sporeggar and give me gold ( I have <1G after trying to level tailoring.)

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^ Oh it's so easy for you low levels. I had to get to lvl 40 for my ride. Meant going through the horrible lvl 30-lvl 40 drought where it takes ages. Ended up just grinding kills in Desolace until I could go elsewhere.


Haven't played in awhile. Finally got to lvl 73 and since then I haven't been on really. Not really feeling the motivation to lvl on it. Got better things to be getting on with (such as lazing around doing nothing :heh:)

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