Haver Posted August 15, 2008 Posted August 15, 2008 Yeah, we've done Prince three times: once, our tank didn't have the HP, second, we got gimped by horrible Infernal placement, and third, we were blessed with a 17k tank and great Infernal placement. I died on 80 per cent after our mage overaggroed though (and I was enfeebled and running towards the healers/casters) -- this is the real cost of badge gear in Kara! Dead dwarves. I'm suprised I had fun -- I had all but given up on PVE as a fun-free zone, where stressy and super-competitive folks hang out. But we had a good time, apart from a Pala who will hopefully be leaving soon (/sleep during tactics -- unforgivably rude!). I'm back on PVP spec today and had a blast as usual. Considering getting the badge off-hand and speccing mutilate for a while. Netherspite: showed our inexperience. People seem unable to follow tactics, missing their shifts, going into the wrong beams. Was a nightmare. That's why I like PVP, it's mostly just me in BGs...and you can pick a suitable arena partner (although I didn't :P).
chrizkerr2 Posted August 15, 2008 Posted August 15, 2008 Wrath of the Lich King™ beta test You have been selected to participate in the beta test of World of Warcraft®: Wrath of the Lich King™. Welcome! In the beta test you will get an opportunity to play the new Northrend continent, the Death Knight hero class, and character levels above 70. We look forward to your feedback on the overall experience, including quests, monsters, zones, aesthetics, and more. We would also appreciate reports on any bugs you may encounter. These can be logged using the /bug command explained below. Finally, although the only thing I am going to do in the Beta is play the Deathknight, don't wanna play too much of it so it spoils the release for me ^^
ShadowV7 Posted August 16, 2008 Posted August 16, 2008 Ha damn your lucky. I signed up but doubt i'll get chosen. Post your impressions to make us jealous
chrizkerr2 Posted August 17, 2008 Posted August 17, 2008 Well, I haven't played much of it yet (House/Dog sitting at my parents while they are on Holiday, and thier PC fails) but from the little I have done, it is amazing. Deathknights starting area + introducing quests are so awesome, even if you don't plan on playing a DK, I recommend just doing the starting area quests for them! <3 Achievements are sexy aswell, I was worried about the old raid bosses and if you would get credit for them now, and it seems you do (My Shaman has killed all level 60 instance bosses and level 60 raid bosses, and I have the achievements for them!) The way the mounts and vanity pets work now saves a massive amount of bag space, now they are in a new tab labelled "Pets" and are a spell. (My Mage has an uncanny amount of vanity pets, so I welcomed this change! <3) Also Damage and Healing for spells have been removed, and are now just one stat called "Spell Power" same for critical strike rating. Another little addition is that some gathering professions grant you some abilities or stats... i.e my Shaman has Skinning and now has extra critical strike rating (higher the level of skinning the more critical strike rating you have) Same with herbilist's, they have a unique spell which will heal a player for around 3000 hp (Think it was around that anyway) So all in all, Wotlk is amazing from the little I have played from it, will most likely play alot more of it when I get back on my own PC (But not to much as I don't wanna spoil it for when it gets released!)
gmac Posted August 17, 2008 Posted August 17, 2008 got my first warglaive tonight from Illidan! woot woot!
Twozzok Posted August 18, 2008 Posted August 18, 2008 Fuck me BRD is one massive instance. I can't see how anyone could ge tot the ned of that in a reasonable amount of time :/
gmac Posted August 18, 2008 Posted August 18, 2008 It was hardly ever done as the whole instance, most of the times the runs were just done to get to certain bosses e.g Bar runs, MC attunement runs, Emperor runs
Haver Posted August 18, 2008 Posted August 18, 2008 got my first warglaive tonight from Illidan! woot woot! HOLY SHIT MAN! Massive congratulations. And BRD is huge. And my arena team went 6-4, nearly 7-3 this week, and it's our second :-D. I took a Paladin when he was on 96 per cent and I was [Cheating Death]. Finest WoW moment yet. Involved first aid and time management :P
UziT Posted August 18, 2008 Posted August 18, 2008 As I said to you on MSN, Alonsus is a great realm, but it is a Normal server. Do with that information what you will. Would be nice to have you on board Whats ur in game character name? I am lvl 14 I think now, what lvl are u?
Dyson Posted August 18, 2008 Posted August 18, 2008 Dyson is my main char's name Level 39 Human Mage. My sub runs out tomorrow though. I might resub soon.
chrizkerr2 Posted August 18, 2008 Posted August 18, 2008 Hurray, my guild is owning! <3 Last night we got the 3rd boss in Hyjal Summit down on first try, then tonight 4th went down on the 4th attempt! We had afew "lol" attempts at Archimonde, all failed hard. Seems like a solid boss fight. And it seems like I'm the only person in the guild who enjoys the "waves" before the bosses. Much more fun then normal raiding style in my opinion!
UziT Posted August 18, 2008 Posted August 18, 2008 Dyson is my main char's name Level 39 Human Mage. My sub runs out tomorrow though. I might resub soon. Woo Mage, I have a 70 Mage on teh horde side. Playing a Paladin now enjoying it surprisingly. See you on game sometime
gmac Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 Hurray, my guild is owning! <3 Last night we got the 3rd boss in Hyjal Summit down on first try, then tonight 4th went down on the 4th attempt! We had afew "lol" attempts at Archimonde, all failed hard. Seems like a solid boss fight. And it seems like I'm the only person in the guild who enjoys the "waves" before the bosses. Much more fun then normal raiding style in my opinion! gratz, Archimonde will show you who your crap players are, i.e people who can't click their tears and remember it's only a 90% fight so as long as you can keep people up until 10% it's win time
KKOB Posted August 22, 2008 Posted August 22, 2008 i'm resisting subbing for another month of wow as i'm going to be away for 2 weeks so there's no point. lvl 13 shaman and a lvl 47 priest is what i will be playing come september 13th when i get back.
RoadKill Posted August 22, 2008 Posted August 22, 2008 Fuck me BRD is one massive instance. I can't see how anyone could ge tot the ned of that in a reasonable amount of time :/ Tell me about it, I once boosted a group through it for money; I'm thinking the money wasn't worth it because of the time it took, eh
arnold Posted August 23, 2008 Posted August 23, 2008 I hate flying mounts....until I get one >> Jsut got to hellfire, thougtht I'd do some quests, collect some fel iron, the usual...Flying mounts..Grrr, truged to this node, killed a couple things, he wooshes down, bloody takes it, I was pissed >> Stilll love outland though, jsut nearing 60, can't wait to get new everything and mounts, huzzah =D
KKOB Posted August 26, 2008 Posted August 26, 2008 The new patch stuff sounds awesome! A taste of WOTLK before the game ships ^_^
Twozzok Posted August 28, 2008 Posted August 28, 2008 Blergh, apparently someone attempted to access my account, so it's been suspended for 24hrs. All I wanted to do was play for a bit after being away for a week.
KKOB Posted September 15, 2008 Posted September 15, 2008 Woop!!! Anyone know where to preorder the CE from?!
Ramar Posted September 15, 2008 Posted September 15, 2008 Woop!!! Anyone know where to preorder the CE from?! Had a look amongst the major online retailers, nothing yet. If anyone finds it, slap it up.
Ganepark32 Posted September 15, 2008 Posted September 15, 2008 Yeh saw the release date earlier. Was right with my guess. Not fussed really. My brother was happy. He's an addict. I've sort of left the game now. One lvl 70 to my name and lots of alts most of which were deleted. After I've spent about 14 months on it and I look back at playing it, I honestly don't understand why I played it. But no doubt Lich King will pull me in again, which isn't helped by the fact that my new laptop has the game installed on it (thnx bro )
Strider Posted September 15, 2008 Posted September 15, 2008 Not fussed really. My brother was happy. He's an addict. I've sort of left the game now. One lvl 70 to my name and lots of alts most of which were deleted. After I've spent about 14 months on it and I look back at playing it, I honestly don't understand why I played it. But no doubt Lich King will pull me in again, which isn't helped by the fact that my new laptop has the game installed on it (thnx bro ) I'm exactly the same as you. I havn't played properly since about 10 month ago and only having 1 level 70 doesn't give much variety, especially as i was a warrior (/yawn). And no doubt like you i will be pulled back in. My brothers been moaning at me to start back up, but last year of sixth form needs my full attention.
Haver Posted September 16, 2008 Posted September 16, 2008 I've never understood the 'I quit and can't understand why I played' thing. Sounds like bullshit rationalisation for staying away. When I quit I'll remember I played because it was fun at the time?
Ramar Posted September 17, 2008 Posted September 17, 2008 I've never understood the 'I quit and can't understand why I played' thing. Sounds like bullshit rationalisation for staying away. When I quit I'll remember I played because it was fun at the time? Usually because people realise how much time they've wasted on a game and feel ashamed by it.
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