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Dinged 74 just now. Ret Paladin here, have been since the beginning of TBC. Questing isn't going too bad, just got to do multiple quests in the same area.


Sweet man, I dinged 74 2day aswell...I didnt complete the Grizzly Hills quests, didnt like that area much. Really liking Zul Dark though!

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Those Nihilum guys already had the instances on farm status in the beta, so they already knew the instances inside out, it was just a matter of getting to 80 for them.


Also, those few instances are only the beginner instances for WotLK, though I'm hoping they won't have another Sunwell Plataeu to soon . (Not that it matters as I'm not even 60 yet :( )

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Naxx wasn't a beginner instance. That was the main one.


A guild on my server, Old School - horde one, did Naxx as well at the weekend. Seems all of the best guilds on everyone's servers are finished with the raids now. Shame as I haven't done one proper raid, and that includes both pre- and TBC stuff. Did Onyxia but that doesn't count as a raid. It's just a boss battle that was over in just over a minute. Plenty of people in my guild to do raids but we never do any. They used to do Kara but I never got a look in.


Oh and that Old School guild on my server has Black Temple on farm with just over 5 peeps. It's ridiculous.

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Sweet man, I dinged 74 2day aswell...I didnt complete the Grizzly Hills quests, didnt like that area much. Really liking Zul Dark though!


I've been Borean Tundra and just finishing in Dragonblight, either going Grizzly Hills or might try and do Howling Fjord (should be easy kills etc).

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Got a little irritated today (nerdrage) because Blizz seemingly didn't manage to maintain the zone-progression for players who only Solo, no grouping or instances. I thought the deal was that you could either solo it 0-80 or group it - that's the spiel.


I went Tundra-DB-Grizzly-Zul Drak (having been sent there each time from the previous zone after completing all the solo quests), then to Sholazar because of the quest directing me there in Dalaran, but after Sholozar is completed you are not sent anywhere. Can anyone shed light on this?


There was an invitation to K3 in the Peaks deep, deep down in the Dalaran canals but I doubt that is intended to push players to the Peaks.


I have done 93/100 quests in ZD and I'm left with a group quest - anyone know if that group quest leads to a solo quest that points the player to perhaps Crystalsong or the Peaks?


I went to the Peaks but I was annoyed because I am a nerd and I like my progression to be neat.


EDIT: My lord what have I become posting stuff like this.

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Storm Peaks is crap if you're a PVPer like myself and have no epic flyer training. Like, game-breakingly go to bed early crap.


Thank God it is over and I am being sent to the Skybreaker! GOIN DOON LICH KING


I've made over 5k gold since the expansion ;)


in other news, killed the raid boss in Wintergrasp (25 man version) and got the season 6 chest :)


also cleared naxx 10 up to Kel'Thuzad got some upgrades would have killed him if the Tank hadn't messed up big time at 20%

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Yeh i think i will buy Wotlk after Christmas


Not much point buying it now :)





I'm extremely bored I must say of it atm, for only one reason. There's nobody to talk to, well ok so there is, but people only talk if they want to either:


1. join some crappy guild

2. help them with a quest

3. duel me (this one has only happened today).


I just want a nice small guild and some people to chat too.. :(

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So I resubbed today as my flatmates have started playing as well. I'm on the Terokkar realm. Anyone else? I doubt it somehow... Playing a NElf Druid. Fun stuff so far, reached Level 10 in 2-4 hours.


Still on Alonsus as well, though.


I have a lvl 36 Paladin on Alonsus server, what u playing there?

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Haha no, I play it quite casually, but am definitely up for doing some quests and stuff. Would like to get my Mage to level 40 at the least.


Character name is Dyson


Ah sweet, will add you to my friends list! My main is Mage Blood Elf, 75 now and its pretty awesome! Loving Northrend :D

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Ran the nexus last night, christ, I hope all the other dungeons don't have the constant jump around like a twat needs to them, got bloody annoying after 2 minutes on the first boss, then you jump on the last boss, so damned annoying. Nexus Did look bloody nice though.

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