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Resident Evil 4 - :)


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  • 4 weeks later...
Just got to the bit with the first regenerator, I missed the infrared scope so I'm going to need to go back and get that.


You only get the infrared scope after you meet your first Regenerator. But it's shortly after.

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Overall, I think I have mixed feelings about the game. I did not enjoy the Krauser fight one bit, but I didn't use the knife, I just stuck to weaponary. In the end, I got frustrated to hell and was sick of it, so Rocket Launchered him to high heaven.


I also found the final Lord Saddler battle a bit...disappointing for the final segment of the game. The jet-ski escape was fun, as much pretty much everything until about Chapter 5-4-ish.


There are far, far too many enemies in this game for my liking. How many zombies were there in total for the first Resident Evil? Nowhere near as many in comparison to the enemies in this. The action sequences where you have about 20-30 enemies or so coming at you, they get tiresome as you progress. I fear for the franchise because there is far too much "action." This is part of the reason why the new Silent Hill is very, very appealing to me - the lack of combat.


Ironically, the best part about this game, especially the Wii edition, is the way you control and fight. I cannot imagine how anyone played this game without the Wiimote. Infact, my enjoyment would decrease if the Wiimote were taken away.


Overall, it's a good game. But, there are a few things that annoy me about it.

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Overall, I think I have mixed feelings about the game. I did not enjoy the Krauser fight one bit, but I didn't use the knife, I just stuck to weaponary. In the end, I got frustrated to hell and was sick of it, so Rocket Launchered him to high heaven.


I also found the final Lord Saddler battle a bit...disappointing for the final segment of the game. The jet-ski escape was fun, as much pretty much everything until about Chapter 5-4-ish.


There are far, far too many enemies in this game for my liking. How many zombies were there in total for the first Resident Evil? Nowhere near as many in comparison to the enemies in this. The action sequences where you have about 20-30 enemies or so coming at you, they get tiresome as you progress. I fear for the franchise because there is far too much "action." This is part of the reason why the new Silent Hill is very, very appealing to me - the lack of combat.


Ironically, the best part about this game, especially the Wii edition, is the way you control and fight. I cannot imagine how anyone played this game without the Wiimote. Infact, my enjoyment would decrease if the Wiimote were taken away.


Overall, it's a good game. But, there are a few things that annoy me about it.

oh lol lol and lol..


You have to remember the amazing parts of the game and I never thought i would her someone say "too many zombies" ha

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Sorry dude, I do like it, but obviously nowhere near as much as other people did.


oh lol lol and lol..


You have to remember the amazing parts of the game and I never thought i would her someone say "too many zombies" ha


I never said there were too many zombies, because I worded it well. The enemies in this are not zombies, just like the "things" in 28 Days Later are not zombies. They are infected. Zombies are the dead re-animated. :)


I have a deep love for REmake, and that had the balance between action and exploration perfect. You could go for ages without even seeing so much as a living (or unliving, ha!) soul - which is excellent. You don't know what waits for you in the next room. What's also great is that you can revisit areas you've already been in, and sometimes you'll see an enemy that wasn't there before. My first encounter with a crimson head was terrifying.


There are many amazing parts of this game, I never doubted that. But, there are also parts which I just find tedious. Just like there are some parts in REmake which I find tedious.

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actualy, the best part o the game for me was a total spamming of the vilagers in the cabin fight. the new view style and controles would have made it a piece of piss to finnish the origional games, as far as im concerned, being swarmed is more what the whole zombie vibe is about.


also, the kruaser fight was awsome,

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actualy, the best part o the game for me was a total spamming of the vilagers in the cabin fight. the new view style and controles would have made it a piece of piss to finnish the origional games, as far as im concerned, being swarmed is more what the whole zombie vibe is about.


also, the kruaser fight was awsome,


The cabin scene is excellent. However, there is a huge, huge difference between that, and merely walking into a room, fighting off many villagers before getting to the next room.


The cabin scene was a nice little take on the first Night of the Living Dead film, for me. Probably one of the best parts of the game. It was a nice little set piece.


I just don't think that adding 10 or so more enemies necessarily equates to a better battle. Fighting Regenerators for the first time, or even the 10th time can be terrifying.

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The Cabin scene was defiantly the best part of the game for me so far. I guess though, what the game is really impressing me with is just how well they've captured the fall atmosphere, especially in the initial path up to the village. And then there's the little things like the way you can hear the Gandos talking before you see them, in a language you cannot understand, and then they suddenly hear or see you and that music starts up and then when you finally spot them they're much closer than you at first thought they were... And then there's the merchant, who's probably THE best character in any game EVER. Although, it was a little predictable when enemies were going to show up and attack you, there were some points that it actually did scare you a bit. Anytime the chainsaw enemies appeared they were quite unexpected. Especially that one time in the mines where you can snipe that one in that higher up area, and then when you go down the stairs there's another standing right there. I didn't really like having to protect Ashley either, never really been much of a fan of having some one who can't defend them-self follow you around in a game, I mean, if I were Leon, I would have at least given her a handgun

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The cabin scene is excellent. However, there is a huge, huge difference between that, and merely walking into a room, fighting off many villagers before getting to the next room.


The cabin scene was a nice little take on the first Night of the Living Dead film, for me. Probably one of the best parts of the game. It was a nice little set piece.


I just don't think that adding 10 or so more enemies necessarily equates to a better battle. Fighting Regenerators for the first time, or even the 10th time can be terrifying.


i agree that more enemys dosent always amke things more tense, but remeber how comparitivly weak the villagers are. could a single villager pose a threat? could 2 or 3 or even 5 realisticly threaten you? thats why a large number worked so well.


regenerators posed a threat alone, but fighting them is totaly diffrent to any outher enemy. you have to be slow, and precise, while its slowly gets closer and closer the inevitability and seeming invulnerablity is what made it so tense.


also, they seemily try to recapture that in resi 5 with the reaper. its not quiet as effective, but any one hit killer is worthy of fear in my books.

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i agree that more enemys dosent always amke things more tense, but remeber how comparitivly weak the villagers are. could a single villager pose a threat? could 2 or 3 or even 5 realisticly threaten you? thats why a large number worked so well.


They can, if they're positioned and timed correctly. The zombies are much slower in the first Resident Evil game, are weaponless and you can hear them before they approach (usually), but they were still threatening.


Having set pieces or instances when you're surrounded is fine. I'm not against that at all. But, it did feel ever so slightly repetitive by the time you reach the end of the game.


The amount of villagers that were evident in this game makes you wonder if it should even be classed as a village. Make a small city would suffice.


regenerators posed a threat alone, but fighting them is totaly diffrent to any outher enemy. you have to be slow, and precise, while its slowly gets closer and closer the inevitability and seeming invulnerablity is what made it so tense.


also, they seemily try to recapture that in resi 5 with the reaper. its not quiet as effective, but any one hit killer is worthy of fear in my books.


But, that single threat was still 10 times more "threatening" than being "overwhelmed" by the villagers/others in this game. Having 10 or more doesn't really make it more threatening, it just means you have more to aim at or more you had to do in order to get past this stage. Excluding that cabin stage, where the feeling of claustrophobia was immense. There should have been more of that.


If you think this game had too many enemies you would hate Resident Evil 5!


Is it basically just a swarm, then?


Ahh, this is why I'm slightly fearful for the series. I hope for the next game that Capcom just take the series back to its roots, and try to recreate that horror from the first few games. I do like what they've achieved with 4, but there are moments when you think "Hmm, this is Resident Evil, right?" :heh:

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I never said there were too many zombies, because I worded it well.

Ha I hope that wasn't a slight knock at the way I write posts because I am a self-proclaimed retard at english writing :P

seriously though you said:


There are far, far too many enemies in this game for my liking. How many zombies were there in total for the first Resident Evil? Nowhere near as many in comparison to the enemies in this. "


OK you didn't say there were too many ZOMBIES in this but the point is pretty much still you said there were too many enemies and as many times as I have heard the joke"needs more zombies" I never thought i'd hear the opposite.....:)


I have a deep love for REmake, and that had the balance between action and exploration perfect. You could go for ages without even seeing so much as a living (or unliving, ha!) soul - which is excellent. You don't know what waits for you in the next room. What's also great is that you can revisit areas you've already been in, and sometimes you'll see an enemy that wasn't there before. My first encounter with a crimson head was terrifying.


I love remake equally as much as 4.. As remakes go that and zero mission are my favourites of all time, It's why I hope they don't think because people love resident evil 4's style so much and 5 that they will not kill the old gameplay.. but well they are... I wait to see if silent hill can interest me again too.


The reason most people didn't like the old style is because it was too hard for them.. Probably the same people you didn't like metroid prime echoes or f-zero gx but still.


let me just say that you played this game recently yes?

It's just that at the time there was almost no better looking game than this Anywhere and well... it WAS the gamecube and there was nothing to play for the system at this time...


I know playing it recently might mean the shock-factor has worn off and it comes off as a very good game rather than a shockingly-good experience.

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