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Wii Beats Xbox360 In UK And DS Beaking Records Sales..


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Thanks. I shall however say I disagree with your comments that the Wii should be selling less than the other two consoles. I simply say this because I feel the 360 and PS3 have brought less innovation to the market than the Wii.


I feel that PC gaming has stagnated in many ways, mainly due to increasing push in graphical quality which has priced out a lot of average PC owners and due to the very nature of the games that are being developed.


I think that stagnation has crossed over into the console market too. The games being developed are just flashier versions of the old stuff and are becoming less accessible to the public due to both the price of the consoles (PS3 I'm looking at YOU) and complexity of the titles.


The Wii comes along and does things differently, it has pulled a lot of people into gaming who would never have dreamt of picking up a controller, and some of whom would have been positively frightened of doing so! I think the Wii deserves it's success, as it's broken the mold and taken gaming in a direction that may well have saved it from regressing back to when it was a niche market enjoyed by spotty anti-social adolescents!




Do you even know anything about pc games?


Portal stagnate?

World of warcraft stagnate?

World in conflict stagnate?

company of heroes stagnate?


yeah ok then

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A ridiculously easy platformer with an enforced horrendously infuriating story, and for most of the game poorly designed backdrops (town springs to mind). I felt completely shafted of my £32 when I completed that game.


Is it your mission in life to post your dislike of the game in every single thread on the internet? You're the one with the account called SPMSucks on the Good Knitting boards, aren't you? If the words 'Paper', 'Crap', 'Super' and 'Mario' don't appear on your gravestone, then you've probably been cremated. The tattooist rejected you because he happens to like the game, no?


Just messing.


Good to see some strong emotion in this thread. I feel just as strongly about Snickers. If someone were to tell me that Mars tasted better, you can believe I'd spend a good percentage of my day typing out essays to fall on deaf er, eyes.

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I don't think it's fanboyism tbh, there's just a strong dislike towards the sudden shift in target demographic. Like it or not the Wii is made for the exact opposite audience that the Gamecube and N64 were targeted at, this has left a lot of fans wanting and as a result a big uptake of 360 users on forums like this one.


Nintendo basically shattered they're traditional fan-base in two, resulting in great threads like this one. It's blatant that the 2 groups just don't get on, neither is capable of seeing sense because the types of games on both formats are so far apart. Some like the new approach, others find it cheap. The responsibility falls to Nintendo to bring they're fan-base back in to a single unit, something which i doubt they can do this generation.


What the hell are you on!!!?? Nintendo have ALWAYS targeted the family - Famicom - FAMIly COMputer... What games did the Cube and N64 get that we are not / won't be getting this gen??? Didn't Mario Party start on the N64?? The Cube and N64 had little 3rd party support to speak of. Now we're getting the shovelware that has dogged the PS and PS2. Companies go where the money is!


Finally I'm guessing you are about 16-22, which is where all this rose tinted nostalgia is coming through... you have probably changed a lot in the years since the N64 was out. I was 18 when it did and there is no difference apart from advertising. Nintendo now know how to advertise to the 'non-gamer' demographic. So we are still getting the same great Nintendo games PLUS all the minigame/training games AS WELL!!


And on a final note, to agree with someone above... I love playing on my console with my Wife and parents. Something I could NEVER have done before!!!

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I feel that PC gaming has stagnated in many ways, mainly due to increasing push in graphical quality which has priced out a lot of average PC owners and due to the very nature of the games that are being developed.

PC game developers tend to stick with genres that are the most popular amongst the format's gamers, so there is a lack in variety. In that respect it has always been stagnant. But it's not like there isn't a push for innovation within those popular genres. It's really the best way to standout.


Not all developers demand players have high end systems either. The Orange Box's requirements are quite modest, and MMO developers would see a poor number of subscriptions if their games weren't designed to be played on the majority of PC systems. BioShock runs surprisingly well on two-year old hardware too.

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Dear lord...this post...burn it....BURN IT....BURN IT!!!

A ridiculously easy platformer with an enforced horrendously infuriating story, and for most of the game poorly designed backdrops (town springs to mind). I felt completely shafted of my £32 when I completed that game.


I can also say this about the game, gorgeous design, funny, yet interesting story for a Mario, great characters, very cool and original puzzle designs and great music. See I can have my opinion too, but I don't need to say moronic things like "burn this post!".


BioShock runs surprisingly well on two-year old hardware too.


No, it doesn't t doesn't even support shader 2.0 cards.

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Surely your post just proved my point about ports, using previous code and hence 3rd the staff.


For the second paragraph I wasn't talking in anyway about PS3 or 360s programming schedules.


Edit - Oh my this has gone on a bit, oops.


No it doesn't if I remember correctly, you said the Wii didn't take less time, budget or manpower, it just has been like that thusfar, because some games suck I say that's not true, a Wii game takes less budget, time and manpower than the norm now. That's a proven fact.

Of course that a direct port always needs less people, but that doesn't mean a proper game needs a gazillion guys.

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Super Paper Mario felt really rushed though and lacked the amazingness that the first 2 games had.


I'm sorry, but how did it feel rushed? Not liking it, OK, but rushed? It isn't rushed in any aspect.

And stop comparing it to Paper Mario, it's a different game! It's different than any other Mario in fact. I think people just like to say "it feels rushed" to a lot of games now.

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No, it doesn't t doesn't even support shader 2.0 cards.

Oops, my mistake. Eighteen month old hardware, it ran fine on my old Radeon X1900XTX which I bought early 2006. :)


EDIT: actually, I was right. Shader Model 3.0 has been around for over two-years (on Nvidia cards at least). :)

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I think Metroid Prime had the perfect difficulty for normal gamers. At least, if you'd not played it before.


Wind Waker I would say had the best all round difficulty of a game IF the bosses had been a bit more epic. Bosses aren't memorable like they were in the past (appart from Metroid Primes 1 & 3 anyway...)

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See, this is what really brings the boards and discussions down. Because prefering Nintendo products is fanboyism and stupid, while preferring the competition is good taste.



lulz PS3 sux!


Please tell me where I said preferring Nintendo products is fanboyism and stupid, because I can't seem to find the post where I said that. All I implied is that to like a Wii over a 360 is to have worse taste in videogames. I presume most of the people here on these boards had a Gamecube before their Wii right? Did you guys ever sit there in the past thinking 'man I really wish I could control my games with motion sensors instead'?


As for bringing the boards and discussions down I believe pointless spammy comments are far worse than anti-Nintendo ones, those really aren't worth anyone's time... Wait a minute, do I see yet another one of those at the end of your post Hellfire?

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And stop comparing it to Paper Mario, it's a different game! It's different than any other Mario in fact. I think people just like to say "it feels rushed" to a lot of games now.


It's still paper mario. Even if it does play differently, therefore people would expect what they liked from the N64 version and TTYD

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Hardly a worse taste if you prefer the Wii over the 360 though. Different consoles for different tastes. Wii has loads of good games out now and especially in the near future to pick from but there isn't much I want on the 360 side of things since there's only a couple of games I want. I only got a 360 to get Naruto for it, if it wasn't for that game i'd me slightly richer and have more Wii games.


I wouldn't go as far to say if you like Wii more then your taste is worse, because there are fantastic games for it, same applies for the 360. It just depends on what your after.


And as for the motion sensing controllers, I never thought of it actually. Even when we knew the controls would be different, motion sensing never crossed my mind.


And as for Super Paper Mario, it started of great, but as others have said it slowly get's worse and feels repetitive (Mines and the Cloud levels with the freaking apple)

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I'm sorry, but how did it feel rushed? Not liking it, OK, but rushed? It isn't rushed in any aspect.

And stop comparing it to Paper Mario, it's a different game! It's different than any other Mario in fact. I think people just like to say "it feels rushed" to a lot of games now.



Rushed in several aspects:


1, Some recycled sprites.

2, Recycled sound effects.

3, Shockingly poor story line compared to the original and second game.

4, After the 5th world, it really drops off in quality.


The fact is, its by the same developer, same engine used, same license. It may not be exactly the same game. But the core elements (apart from the stripped out battle system) are pretty much the same.

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why is it such a crime to compare the first year of wii with the first year of 360? this is what i mean by foresight, it ISN'T just about the NOW, it's about the potential, it's about the looking into the future; but then this is maybe where the debate lies - if you want loads of quality titles with lots of production quality then the 360 is a more attractive proposition, yes, now. But for me the Wii had a better first year and I think an even better 2nd year - why? Obviously because of the success and even more obviously because developers begin to understand the technology - the DS is the most blatant blueprint for what will happen with the Wii, but on an even bigger scale! The games we will start to see will be of a MUCH higher quality in both tech, production values and the use of the wiimote.


Where can the PS3 and 360 go from here? Nowhere. Just bring out good games but not move the industry forward in the slightest. Which brings me on to another point why I love the Wii - IT WILL CHANGE THE INDUSTRY FOREVER!!!


I am a filmmaker by profession and I adore innovation in the indutstry - the hostiry of cinema is amazing from sound, colour, CG, digital, High Def and the impending 3d cinema explosion we'll see in the next 5 years, it excites me - the POTENTIAL excites me; and I take this in to this situation, I was bored shitless of videogames last gen and most of the time the 360 bores me too - the nintendo DS re-ignited my love for gaming and the Wii seems to be taking it even further, because it is changing and advancing the industry, because Nintendo are innovators, and trust me Sony and Microsoft WILl follow suit next gen!

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Please tell me where I said preferring Nintendo products is fanboyism and stupid, because I can't seem to find the post where I said that. All I implied is that to like a Wii over a 360 is to have worse taste in videogames. I presume most of the people here on these boards had a Gamecube before their Wii right? Did you guys ever sit there in the past thinking 'man I really wish I could control my games with motion sensors instead'?


As for bringing the boards and discussions down I believe pointless spammy comments are far worse than anti-Nintendo ones, those really aren't worth anyone's time... Wait a minute, do I see yet another one of those at the end of your post Hellfire?

That right there is presumptious, elitist and idiotic. No need to sugarcoat it.

And I don't need to see an innovation coming, or wishing for it to like it when it happens.


Also, a few meaningless posts here and there do nothing to the boards, while being an elitist asshole sparks a flamewar, it's as simple as that. Did that little phrase at the end of my post create any problems? Try to be like King or McPhee when getting your point across.



It's still paper mario. Even if it does play differently, therefore people would expect what they liked from the N64 version and TTYD

With all the videos and info it was pretty obvious that it was different. I don't prefer this to the other ones or the other way around, they're just different.

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Okay guys.


Things are getting a little heated. Lets try cool it down. If you have a point to get across, simply put it in a mature way. Lets not get personal here.


Also, please accept other peoples opinions.

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Rushed in several aspects:


1, Some recycled sprites.

2, Recycled sound effects.

3, Shockingly poor story line compared to the original and second game.

4, After the 5th world, it really drops off in quality.


The fact is, its by the same developer, same engine used, same license. It may not be exactly the same game. But the core elements (apart from the stripped out battle system) are pretty much the same.


I see recycled sprites and sound effects the same way I see them in any game of the same series. Mario and Zelda games, including spin offs, often do that. I haven't played TTYD, but I prefer the story of SPM to PM1.

Also same developer and same license? Wow, shocker. The only engine that's the same is the graphical engine, the rest is different. I don't see where the core elements are the same, the game plays very very differently to the other Marios. Not to mention that what you're "accusing" SPM of is exactly what most 360 games you like are: recycled and using the same engine. Yet, you still love them. Not that it's a problem, to each one its own.

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That right there is presumptious, elitist and idiotic. No need to sugarcoat it.

And I don't need to see an innovation coming, or wishing for it to like it when it happens.


Also, a few meaningless posts here and there do nothing to the boards, while being an elitist asshole sparks a flamewar, it's as simple as that. Did that little phrase at the end of my post create any problems? Try to be like King or McPhee when getting your point across.


Elitist and idiotic? It's the truth! Read any mutliplatform console magazine and see how highly they rate 360 games in comparison to the Wii. Go on Gamerankings.com, while Mario Galaxy maybe number 2 on the list there are only 2 Wii games in the top 50 while there are 6 for the 360. The fact is the 360 has far more quality titles.


I own both a 360 and a Wii and I would be more than happy to buy a game for my Wii if there wasn't a game for the 360 I would rather buy. Now I'm not particularly rich, I only really buy one full priced game a month so in September I had the choice of buying Super Paper Mario (Wii) or Halo 3 (360), I got Halo 3. In October I had the choice of The Orange Box (360) or Metroid Prime 3 (Wii), I got TOB. And this isn't down to personal taste here, I'm sure many people will agree that I made the right choices in my purchases. When it comes to videogames I only buy games that I know are completely worth my money, and that's why I like my 360 more than my Wii; it truly provides the better gaming experiences.


I see these threads are starting to repeat themselves on the subjects of debate...

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How many 360 games reached the top 50 in it's first year? And we all know the Wii has a load of crap games. There was no avoiding that, everyone knew it would it would be flooded with cheap cash ins so developers could make money. And ofcourse it has more quality titles, your comparing a console that's had a head start with one that's out for just over a year now and it's barely even started and has loads of games out quality games out next year.


There are Wii games out there that are worth the money if your willing to take the chance instead. As for gaming experiences it's a matter of choice from graphics, online play, gameplay and story.

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