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EGM Rumours


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Just seen this on GoNintendo




Bizarre making the new James Bond game

EA Chicago was making a Guitar Hero inspired action game

Nintendo canceled 1st party game because developers wanted to let players customize their Mii’s

Need for Speed will fluctuate between realistic and arcade style

FF:CC Crystal Bearers “appears to be in troubleâ€


Im hoping that this doesnt end up get canned as I really want a good RPG on the Wii and S-E usually deliver the goods.

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Not heard of that rumour before, that game has seemingly disappeared though.


They had an in-game trailer last time we heard about it though *shrug*. Time shall tell I guess.


I'm assuming they're talking about the Wii game and not the WiiWare game?


Actually I remember a while back they said FFXIII was in trouble, or something along those lines.


It does seem odd how this wasn't at TGS, or the upcoming games event in Japan where SE are present. Whether it's been cancelled, going under some major reworking, or just going along at the originally expected pace is anyones guess. Hopefully we'll find out sooner or later, I seriously doubt it'll be canned altogether though.

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It will not be viewable in any form in SE's Jump festival or whatever it's called. The Wiiware game however will have a trailer.


I hope the rumour is not true. I have been looking forward to this a lot, especially when I heard single player is the main focus in the game.

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No wai! Don't take Crystal Bearers, it looks awesome.


Although, it was a launch game and all we have was a trailer. Come on Crystal Bearers team!


Also, WTF @ 1st party game cancellation? What do the Miis have to do with anything?

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It would be weird if the Crystal Bearers is scrapped. Maybe they are reworking it? Like has been mentioned, I've read similar things being said about Fabula Nova Crystalis, but thats still coming. We'll get news of it when they are ready, sure that trailer we saw ages ago looked pretty fine, they wouldn't just scrap it.


(unless they think its not suited to the Wii audience o.O)

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I hate it when companies who clearly haven't finished a game give a release date, then show no media or announce anything, and just let it slip into nothing.






My first thought is Animal Crossing...


Doubt Crystal Bearers is cancelled. Maybe heavily delayed (late 2008?), but not canned.


1. Animal Crossing doesn't use Miis (that we know of).

2. Nintendo wouldn't be stupid enough to cancel Animal Crossing after it's been highly anticipated since before the Wii launch and considering how much the DS version sold.

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Nintendo canceled 1st party game because developers wanted to let players customize their Mii’s


Totally impossible. Nintendo would/could/should just add on the Mii functionality or just make without. They need more games out and they wouldn't can a game on this basis alone. That would be buisiness suicide.


Need for Speed will fluctuate between realistic and arcade style


Wow, stating the obvious much?


FF:CC Crystal Bearers “appears to be in troubleâ€


Several reasons why I don't believe this. Firstly, I'm guessing that Nintendo have been quite poractive in getting SE on board early on and I don't see them letting this one go so easily. Secondly, some of the other rumours are dubious. Thirdly, why would it be in trouble? Development problems? This is SE we are talking about. They made on of the most robust engines on the DS and they have Gamecube dev experience (again making a gorgeous engine). Only reason I can see it going south is due to buisiness politics.

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