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PSN Terms of Service changed, only 3 activations allowed


Makes sense.





I got bored of MW2 after a week. Online doesn't interest me enough to hand over money. Unless it's co-op.



...and it works...

Hmmm that activation thing sucks balls. I think I have my whole 5 accounts filled up, just not sure which ones. I wish there was a way of checking which systems you wanted activating with, because it'll probably mean that 2 friends that share with me will be disconnected. Wish I'd only activated friends systems in hindsight.


Unless what if I de-activated my system, and then enabled reactivation just for my friends? Confusing.

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Thanks for the input the other day guys. :) I think I'll be getting rid of all of the games I got with the PSP, so I'm looking for some new software. Loco Roco and Patapon are on my to buy list. Can anyone recommend some decent titles? (And has anyone got Little Big Planet?)

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Hmmm that activation thing sucks balls. I think I have my whole 5 accounts filled up, just not sure which ones. I wish there was a way of checking which systems you wanted activating with, because it'll probably mean that 2 friends that share with me will be disconnected. Wish I'd only activated friends systems in hindsight.


Unless what if I de-activated my system, and then enabled reactivation just for my friends? Confusing.


I wouldn't deactivate your system if I were you because it sounds like you wouldn't be able to reactivate it unless you deactivated another three of them.


I might be wrong though.






Yesterday all hell broke loose when it was discovered on an official PlayStation website in the terms of service section, that PSN users were only allowed to activate 3 systems per PSN ID. It turns out that despite being on a official PlayStation site, the information was incorrect.



Thanks to the EU PlayStation forums Community Team Leader, MusterBuster, it’s been revealed to be nothing more than a typo. You are still allowed to activate a total of 5 systems (PS3 and PSP) per PSN ID.


Everyone can now put back their torches and pitchforks. Sorry riotous mobs.



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Anyone tried out the freebie comics for the soon to be released Digital Comics service?




We’ve partnered with some of the biggest names in comics, and some very creative independents, to bring you comics straight to your PSP. You’re maybe thinking “How’s that going to work on the PSP’s beautiful, yet compact, screen?” Well we think we’ve solved that with AutoFlow! With AutoFlow all you have to do is hit one button and the camera will float over the page to the next panel, panning and zooming automatically. We also let you move around manually if you want to get up close and personal with your comic. To really appreciate how this works you need to see it in action – more on this below.


So which publishers should you expect to see on the service? Here’s an A-Z rundown of the ones we can talk about so far and some of their highlights:


2000AD – Featuring Judge Dredd, Durham Red…

Disney – Follow the adventures of Mickey Mouse, Scrooge McDuck, Donald Duck….

IDW – Astro Boy, Transformers, Star Trek, Wormwood…

Insomnia – Burke & Hare, Cages, Cancer Town… Insomnia and Geek Syndicate are also running a competition

iVerse – Who bring us content from Ape Entertainment, Archie Comics, Dabel Brothers, Image & Red 5.

Marvel – Astonishing X-Men, Captain America, Fantastic Four, Iron Man, The Amazing Spider-Man

Titan – Wallace & Gromit

We’ll announce some more great publishers soon.


You can be prepared for the Comic Store launch in mid December by updating your PSP with the latest firmware and downloading the free Digital Comics reader via the link on the XMB or via the website if you don’t have WiFi.


Once you’ve done that redeem these codes for some free sample comics from IDW via your PSP, instructions are here


Star Trek: Enterprise Experiment #1 (ages 9+)

Astro Boy Movie Adaptation #1 (ages 3+)


UK: MH75 – L3BF – HA95 & FG9D – NFBB – GQ33

Ireland: CET2 – GQBA – LGDB & 2EAJ – PTBH – TLE5

Australia: BC8L – E9B8 – G975 & H3BL – JPB8 – 6T8Q

New Zealand: EK6C – KHBQ – RAKT & JQR4 – 97B7 – BHFG

South Africa: F9GA – MFB9 – 9L57 & JLQ5 – C4BT – GFCF

All codes are valid until 16th December and the usual T&Cs apply


It’s been reported that some people are having trouble with codes, if you get an 8010A12E error then we apologise and point you to this fix


I hope that whets your comic appetite! We should have more than 500 comics on the store when we launch in mid December in UK, Ireland, US, South Africa, New Zealand & Australia. After that we will be updating the store on a weekly basis. If you want to keep up to date visit our website at http://www.playstationcomics.com where, come mid December, you will be able to browse the entire catalogue and become a part of the PlayStation Digital Comics community. We will even have a blog that’s dedicated to all things comics, plus you can also follow us on Twitter @psncomics


Last, but not least, how much will these comics cost. Well it depends on the publisher as they get to choose how much each comic costs. But we think you’ll be pleased. We’ll also have a few more free ones for you to try.

Let me know in the comments who else you’d like to see on the service and how you’ve found the reader so far.






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As MATtheHAT recommended I'm thinking about making a UK account.


Just some questions about that:


If I got a - let's say - US version of a game and want to download some DLC for that will I be able to use the DLC with this game?


If I can and I download and install the DLC can I play the DLC with my other account, as well?

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I don't know specifically about DLC, but all other downloadable content is not locked to one account, everyone on the system can access it. Just to be safe, you're best bet would be to download the DLC from the account that corresponds with the region of the game that you own.

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I was going to try them last night but I couldnt be bothered to charge my PSP so I could update the firmware, with my crappy battery it'd only last about an hour anyway.


I've tried it...pretty good...all in all there are 3 freebies to be had to try out the service, Transformers, Star Trek and Astroboy...Love autoflow feature, it doesn't just go from panel to panel it majestically swoops around them in an attempt to almost bring them to life and it does kinda work...


The only comics I own are Robocop VS Terminator but with this application could see myself picking up some comics...

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I doubt id use it much anyway, I prefer having my comics in trade form on my bookshelf


See I'm not all that bothered is different with games and dvds but never collected comics and can't see myself ever having the inclination to do so but might buy stuff on here if the pricing is right...surely it has to be cheaper than print?

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I've decided to have a small games clear out. I've put Borderlands, Unreal Tournament III, Little Big Planet and Motorstorm Pacific Rift on eBay. Edit: + Uncharted: Drakes Fortune.


Might add Dirt 2 to that because whilst it's a great game, really is very good, there's just a lack of incentive to play it. They got the difficulty all wrong - other than an irrelevant couple of grand extra cash for completing a race on a harder difficulty, there is no reason to scrape your way through the higher difficulties. If they had trophies, greater unlocks or even if they halted your progression until you completed x number of races on a higher difficulty I would feel more obliged to continue.


Still, it's hanging in the balance. It goes for a lot on eBay (around 25 quid) so that would mean I would make a £12 profit after postage and ebay fees are taken into account.

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Trophies float in and out of my perception of importance. They aren't of course, which makes me feel dumb in retrospect; sitting at my computer tapping out how I've been slogging for a trophy so that an uncaring forum community knows how big a tosser I am.

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It's an easy hit of satisfaction. Barely worth it but when you're slogging away at something else that requires a lot more effort, it's nice to get that fix.


I only seem to go for Platinums when I have exams or essays. Got four Platinums earlier this year during exams and now I have four mammoth essays I've got another two and have another two in my sites. It's just transference, I guess. Strangely enough it keeps me motivated, overall. A bit like raising my moral.

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