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Might download it when I get that new hard drive. Pay day tomorrow so I may order it today :D


hey all


on the post your purchases thread about a week ago a chap posted that he was brought a PS3 for £180 (sorry mate forgot name)

but anyway anyone know the site or a site where can grab a PS3 for best price at mo.

any help appreciated cheers


Yeah that was me. Bought it from a friend.


Just got a PS3 eye ^_^ Very happy with the quality


And singstar vol.1 (I feel it has better songs thans vol.2)


I had verrrrry bad lag, and I was really pissed off, but I hooked my pc speakers up and it sounds amazing on them and no lag either ^_^


Saturday night is gunna be goood :D


Patent Trolls


In an August 20 court filing obtained by Edge, Orinda alleged that Sony infringed on patent number 5,438,560, which in broad terms describes methods for recording and reproducing information via optical disc.


Orinda also named as defendants subsidiaries Sony Electronics, Sony Computer Entertainment and Sony Computer Entertainment America.


Orinda has demanded a jury trial, and is seeking an injunction on manufacturing, sales and distribution of Blu-ray devices such as the PS3, computer peripheral products and dedicated Blu-ray players.


The plaintiff is also asking for "a reasonable royalty."


"Orinda has been and will continue to be damaged as a result of Defendants' infringing conduct," the company said in the filing. "Defendants' infringing conduct will continue unless permanently enjoined by this court."



Mine left the US last night. Bet it gets here monday . . . when i'm in Gran Canaria for 2 weeks . . . :cry:


It isn't meant to be brighter it's meant to have twice the colour gamut, five times the contrast ratio, and half the response time of the 2000 LCD (eliminating ghosting).


Can't wait to pick one up. Finally there is actually something I want for my birthday!! Normally I just go blank when it comes around. :heh:


Plus that picture really makes me want LittleBigPlanet on the PSP.






Insider says PSP 3000 will be able to play games with PS3 controller

hm it doesn't really look like its actually much brighter just that the colours are more vibrant.


The real test comes when you go outside. I find my PSP hard to use on buses since a) it's so big and b) the colours are too washed out for me to see detail.


Also i imagine after using the 3k for an hour, if you tried going back to the original screen you'd find it quite unpleasant.


For me i think it may just about be worth a purchase since i have an old skool phat white psp.

The real test comes when you go outside. I find my PSP hard to use on buses since a) it's so big and b) the colours are too washed out for me to see detail.


Should be a lot better for stuff like that.


Sony added the antireflective technology to improve the PSP's outdoor playability. We took our two PSPs outside for some side-by-side testing under the bright California sun. Neither system was playable in direct sunlight, but the PSP-3000's display performed better than the 2000's when we took a look at both systems in a shady area beneath a tree.
Should be a lot better for stuff like that.


Exactly!! I just wish they'd lower the price . . . but i don't think that's going to happen.


PSP 2 announcement next E3? I reckon Sony have been waiting for the price of flash to go down so that they can include some storage on the PSP for download of games from the PS3 and PSN.


From what I understand the PSP-2000 will still be on sale for a cheaper price and the 3000 is going in at the current price point...I think.


I think they'll try and sync up the PS3 and PSP life cycles a bit more. Might see the PSP2 in 2 years when the PS3 has really hit it's stride.


I'd love to have trophy support on the PSP as well.


...AND a f*cking red version!! I want a red PSP!!

From what I understand the PSP-2000 will still be on sale for a cheaper price and the 3000 is going in at the current price point...I think.


Sony said they'll phase out the PSP 2K and replace it with the 3K with production on the 2K stopping in the next couple of weeks pretty much.


I doubt places will lower the price, maybe offer bundles for games i already have and accessories i'd never need or want. :blank:


No problem with me, a PSP-3000 can consider itself sold. I've been meaning to pick up one since I got my PS3 but I held off because I knew they'd release a new model.

Hmmm, what new PSP games are there apart from Locoroco 2 and Patapon 2 coming out in the future?

Not really sure but I have a lot to catch up on.


I'll definitely get SSHD PSP though. Love that game. T'would be cool if it linked up with the PS3 version.


Not really sure but I have a lot to catch up on.


I'll definitely get SSHD PSP though. Love that game. T'would be cool if it linked up with the PS3 version.


I really dread to think what it'll control like on the PSP.


I think i'm just trying to find reassurance that there's still life in the old bessie yet since i've had a PSP off and on since it first came out pretty much and have played most of the great games in it's catalogue.

What about Resistance Retribution? Made by the team who made the highly rated Syphon Filter PSP games?


Keep em coming :P


Though it would help if i liked resistance on the PS3 i guess.


There's Prinny Squad from NIS, not sure what the game is or if it'll make it out of japan.

I really dread to think what it'll control like on the PSP.


I actually quite like the analog stick. I think I'm in a minority of two though.


There is coming out:


Star Ocean First Departure

Lego Batman

Manhunt 2

Star Ocean Second Evolution (Which I'm working on, free copy ftw!)


Patapon 2


I'm sure there is more but like I said, the back catalog will keep me happy.

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