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With friends really. All my uni (read: fun interesting) friends will be back at home. My manager has invited me round his which will be okay, but his friends are all the typical laddish types and I'll get bored no doubt.


Ok, my turn now. :)


My ideal New Years Eve would be meeting up with my friends. A house party, with everybody wearing their best gear. Loud music, but good music. Lots of new people, so that we always had somebody new to talk to, but also good friends there so that we can laugh and joke with people we know.


On the countdown to midnight, just to be there holding someone I care about. I don't have to be with them neccessarily, but just to know that, for that moment anyway, we have each other.


I probably won't get that this year, but it's ok. I'll settle for a fucking good party. :)


I'm going to be scoping for chicks masochistic enough to have sex with me, if 'my coy mistress' at the moment can't hack it, and meeting up with all my mates who should be back in Manchester from uni, and it'll be the first time I've seen any of them in many months, so that should be fan-fucking-tastic, inebriated fun.


My best Christmas eve ever was just lying in bed with my then gf, and watching old episodes of Friends (which I actually hate), but it was so comfortable, exactly how a Christmas eve should be.



My best Christmas eve ever was just lying in bed with my then gf, and watching old episodes of Friends (which I actually hate), but it was so comfortable, exactly how a Christmas eve should be.


Thats fantastic, but about a week too early.


I am often at my best friends house on new years eve, and we think of a word that will be our first word said in the new year. This year, the first word I said was: pufferfish.

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