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I was circumcised due to medical reasons...


*sigh* This will probably go down in NE history. I was born with my urethra in the wrong place (on the underside of the top of my cock) so they had to correct it.


Due to this however, i've lost alot of sensitivity and it really, really sucks and takes me ages to get off most times :(.


Good or bad thing? Probably bad for sex. Good for hygeine.


I am as well due to health reasons.

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honest to god i never really found out properly. I didn't know i was until i was about 10 or 11:D because obviously I was young and innocent and you know the score.


I never asked my parents but it was something very rare and we are in the newpapers for it. It was rare for one person to have it but my 2 brothers had it before me.


I just don't want to know what it was haha

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... You have two working penis?


No honestly, can you desribe it? I'm really curious now :)


ha no it might have been the same problem you had.

I'm not great at explaining these things.


and my penis should look about the same as yours.....well sort of.


"So....tell me about your cock"




that's a gay chat up line if i ever heard it. Thing is it would work on me ha:)

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ha no it might have been the same problem you had.

I'm not great at explaining these things.


and my penis should look about the same as yours.....well sort of.




that's a gay chat up line if i ever heard it. Thing is it would work on me ha:)


You are the worst cyber sex partner I've ever had. I'm gonna go to a chat room and find a 13 year old boy.

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Someone on like page two asked if sex without foreskin hurts? well for me sex with foreskin hurts (too small apparently) so i hope it at least hurts less than it does now. Seems to be something i keep putting off though, ringing a doctor to book an appointment for my foreskin to be removed isn't high on my priorities... meh. To be honest though, im more worried about the weeks of pain that are sure to follow as i acclimatise to the situation rather than the actual surgery.


A friend in my year had the surgery over the summer holidays and it only hurt him for about 2-3 days.

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