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Big Internet Scavenger Hunt (BISH)


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Thats a first go =] Got a guitar hero controller, a vegetable which isn't green (its an aubergine :D) sonic the hedgehog, and 5 screwdrivers :p


I also wrote I <3 J7 because I was too scared to show my face =[


Do I get extra points for still have my reading festival wristband on? :p


Your hand is more beautiful than i could ever have dreamed of! :heart::heh:

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bluey, You're going to make me be mean :( Your 'pint' is more like a half pint... and the man is dressed as ash, not a badger... Excellent job on the 5-legged animal!


Roffles! just got to the page 23... awesome! bonus pointz! ... unfortunately the sticky stick was an example one :/ no points for that i'm afraid. Also it's got to be purple and orange... But aside from thooose, you are doing bloody brilliantly! Star pupil.


I've updated the first thread to include what people have gotten so far :)


Moogle - deadline's xmas day :P


Ellmeister - pah, it's not even been six months yet. I had my reading '06 band on for 51 weeks. Then i accidentally got it soaked in white spirit; not only was it burning my arm but as a smoker, a massive fire risk :P


Well done on your items. Unfortunately i can only give you one bonus point for the love.

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oh oh jayseven!! *hand in the air!!* but sir!!!

the pint/half pint - i didnt have a pint glass but i did have a pint in a can... so i took the pint picture WITH the can and the half pint in a glass. but ok.


the picture of ash is for the "bloke in fancy dress" not the guy in a badger suit.


and damn i didnt read that you have to get a single picture of ALL of your list... but the purple thing and the sticky stick were for your list. but i understand that they dont count. still - awww >_<

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In this case, I'm afraid I shall demand a picture of the can's "label" displaying the volume of its contents.


1 Imperial pint = 568.261485 millilitres, and because this is Europe, we shall ignore the silly US pint measurement of 473.176475 millilitres.


Can > 568.261485 = win.


EDIT: and my apologies, bloke in fancy dress shall be added imminently! Now back to work! *raps desk with a ruler*

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so.... these cans dont have a full pint in them... craaaap :(




i have an idea!!



THIS is a pint!! XD



i'ma drink it!!



h....half pint p...picture..... *hic*



aaaand an alternative "drunk person" photo for you!! hahahahaaaaaaaaa *hic*




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brilliant :P


*silently rubs his hands together at the power he has over people... FOR POINTS! aaahahahahaa... :P*


Ok so I'm thinking about prizes I will select some random things from my own personal collection of.. THINGS for the top three. Will people be wanting to know what they are?

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*silently rubs his hands together at the power he has over people... FOR POINTS! aaahahahahaa... :P*


bluey. over BLUEY for points. *nods*

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I must bring bluey's pictures in to dispute. Unfortunately the items that are being searches for are a pint and a half pint of beer. Not water! And the liquid in the measuring jug is clearly not beer!


Sorry bluey! :(


Ooooooh very well spotted. Bluey, explain yourself!

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A bloke in fancy dress! This is me dressed up as Glaucon, the old Philosopher, in philosophy class.



A chav! And me on the right!


Or close enough to a chav surely?


Something with 5 legs (Doesn't say it needs to be an animal :D)




Something purple and orange!



And as you can barely make out on the piece of kitchen roll, it says "Dyson <3 Jayseven" and labels the items I found. Since the chip (or "bug") was so small I couldn't get a good picture of me in it, but I did take one of the piece of paper which kinda has me in it? Either way it confirms it's my unique picture :D


But in case you need confirmation, here's the microchip with 5 legs on my finger:


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Ooooooh very well spotted. Bluey, explain yourself!


eesh >_<

ok ok never mind the pint/half pint - i'll have another shot at it later :heh:


but for the record - there's a little beer in that water ^__^ i'm saving up to move to japan dammit i cant afford to drink more than ONE beer in ONE night /nono so yes. that's water. the pictures were good though right? we laughed, right? good times, eh guys? eh?? .........eheh...


and i would have gotten away with it too if it wasnt for these pesky...

if it wasnt for dyson.

grr boo hiss etc


:heart: :wink:

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Well let's just think about this photograph for a second.


There will be two people kissing. Let's say that they are both female. A sticky stick and something purple and wobbly. Well they could be the same item. Ten empty 2-litre cider bottles. That means that they are drunk and therefore will most likely do whatever you ask them to. As for the cloud, that could mean that they are outside or it could be a steam cloud as they may be in the shower.




I am MoogleViper?




By the way you're Dante not MoogleViper. ;)


I'l pm you some images in a bit Jay I just need to wait for them to upload. :(

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something purple and orange. it's the good luck charm i bought from the meiji shrine in harajuku hung above my bedroom door. (look at how TALL i am!! buahaha)

i'm off to the pub tonight to rectify my pint/half pint of b33r photo discrepancies ... watch out dyson!! :wink:



....i'm...taking this way too seriously, right?

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